
Monday, 15 May 2017

Nat-Mur personality with differential Materia Medica

                             Nat-Mur personality with differential                                      Materia Medica
The 'Pet' Nat-Mur
  The common salt is prescribed 'commonly' all over the world by the homeopaths. The reasons are simple-due. to the role of sodium in physiology and more than that, Nat-Mur corresponds to the mental state of the humans as after grief and disappointment so nicely that a homeopath is tempted to exaggeration if I write that Nat-Mur is one of the overused and abused remedy in clinical practice. Probably it surpasses Sulphur and Thuja too.  De-addiction is possible if we perceive that there is much more in our MM and there is a big armoury against human psychopathological disorders at per with Nat-Mur. Exploring these remedies, comparing and contrasting them and using them at bedsides and inferring out of the results is the best way possible. I have selected those characters where Nat-Mur is highly ranked. 

Bipolar Expressions: 
    All Natrum salts are hypersensitive. There is a lack of balance in them all. Nat-Mur is a good example of imbalance of Natrum salts. It covers both extremes: intelligent or imbecile, timid or bold; shrewd or bungling; flattery-hate or love; emotionally sympathetic or cruel; objective or controlled at mental level, immature at emotional level; highly moral or depraved, pervert; generous or greedy; good sense of humor or none; in behavior fastidious or untidy; discreet or crude, artless; hostile or amiable; will strong or poor; anti-res or lazy; over function or dysfunction; oversexed or frigid. 
Carc and DNA are the other prominent remedies for bipolar symptoms. 
Carc has following bipolar symptoms: Either < or > from heat or cold, or else the patient is sensitive to cold; both < and > from sea air (med, Nat-m); desire as well as an aversion to salt, milk, meat, fruit. Softness and harshness. Slow appearance and sudden appearance. The paucity of symptoms and abundance of symptoms. Recurrent fever or no fever for a long time. Lack of reaction or severe reaction. Shyness or openness. Sharp or backward. Obedient or disobedient. Narcissistic or self-contempt. Pushing or escapist. Restless or tranquil. Artistic or dyslexia. A genius or a moron. Love of life or suicidal tendency. 
DNA: A lot of duality and bipolarity. Courageous and confident but emotionally vulnerable. Sexual mania and diminished libido. Intelligent and stupid. Rigidity and flexibility. Industrious and sluggish. 
Brooding: It's not only Nat-Mur: 
 A person engages in or shows deep thought about something that makes him sad, angry, or worried. A person focuses attention on a subject persistently and moodily. He can brood about his future or over the insult or about defeat. 

Brooding is a maladaptive form of self-reflection because it only intensifies the emotional and psychological distress. Brooding creates a vicious cycle that can easily trap a person. The urge to brood can feel truly addictive such that the more a person broods, the more compelled he feels to continue doing so.
Brooding is like adding fuel to the fire. A brooder renders the message of being unhappy. 
The theme with Acon is fear-fright-anxiety than grief. there is a shock due to fright and it is less of grief than fear Acon broods over past event of fright and it is with despair. Brooding is with excited mind and during brooding, there is foreboding of death with time prediction. 
       Ambra-grisea is with the low will, motivation, and drive. It has the theme of withdrawal and inhibition. Melancholic temperament coupled with timidity and delicacy of mind typifies the mental state. This leads to brooding over failures and lost opportunities in life. Brooding is associated with pessimism. There is an aversion to company and brooding is intensified when alone. 
      Benz-acid: Has a superb combination of aggressiveness (acid element) and physical sluggishness(carbon). Acids cause the scars and they remain on past painful incidences that include quarrels and loss, maybe a girlfriend. 
   Carbo-animalis: Another carbons, has anger about former vexations, about past events. Homesickness brings on the brooding. She has whining nature. She broods over past healthy state and dwells over pathological conditions like breast cancer or a strong degenerative condition. There is despair due to incurable disease and patient is much debilitated. She can do just brooding in veiw of her mental and physical resources being low. Brooding is < in morning with forsaken and sad feeling. 
    Cocculus-Indicus: Is a nervy Nt-Mur, it accentuates more on nerves. He can't cope up with the speed of life (like the car sickness). Ailments from the frustration of plans or thwarted ambitions(Aur), from strain, trail, anger, chagrin, grief, fright, shock, anxiety, worries(drain on mental reserves), that lead to brooding. sensitive to slight, insults and disappointment. Takes everything in bad part(Nat-Mur). A great problem with sleep and broods when awake and brooding snatches his sleep. 
   Coniums: Are closed up like Nat-Mur, being sad and not being able to weep. Both Conium and Nat-Mur becomes so closed and so protective that they are unable to access and express their emotions. Finally, it leads to an inability to feel and move. The rubric' Want of sensitiveness' captures this state very well and we find Conium-mac there. This hardening is the ultimate end-result of a closing off and shutting down the process. Conium broods over sexual deprivation. He is depressed, timid, and averse to society and no inclination for business or study takes no interest in anything. Estranged from his family. Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences. He develops paralysis of will and becomes sheepish. Life becomes stagnant and he loses many opportunities in life and brooding is the result!Nat-Mur is the love past, but also dwell too much on unpleasant past occurrences, grievances or depressing subjects and harbors resentment over them with np inclination to forgot or forgive.Time instead of healing serves to crystallize the rebuffs Nt-Mur has the addictive nature of rumination. Brooding helps to dilute the feeling of abandonment and separation. Nat-Mur doesn't understand that rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean. he is stuck in the muck and to get over is difficult. 

Grief in Nat-Mur: Grief is the first painful emotion and it is buried deep in the deep sea. If a grown-up Natrum loses someone dear to him, it activates the most unbearable pain of all; the memory of feeling abandoned as a child. severe grief is a replay of an old suppressed in Nat-Mur. Nat-Mur can present also a lack of reaction. He feels nothing, except perhaps a sense of numbness(Phos-acid). The injured heart is determined not to feel. The sadness is pushed into the subconscious, insulating the heart even more heavily from feeling. In Nat-Mur there is a prolonged and particularly deep version of the normal grief process. The bereaved individual is at first in a sock, which quickly gives way to profound sadness and heavy sobbing. Nat-Mur may suppress the grief deliberately to develop chronic consequences. He carries his grief under his clothes. 
Differentiation: Nat-Mur and Ignatia:
  Ignatia contains strychnine, a neurotransmitter which inhibits the glycinergic system, which controls portion of brain's activities. This system becomes out of order, due to grief. Ignatia= do not leave me.Ignatia will sob hysterically at first, as a shock reaction, followed by weeks of emotional volatility, in which outbursts of sobbing and also anger alternate with periods of silent(but painful) grieving. Like natrum, Ignatia tends to isolate herself when hurt. Ignatia can become bitter or even vindictive if rejected (Kent: 'Mortification', 'quarrelsome' and anger, with silent grief'). 
 In Nat-Mur, oversensitiveness is associated with introversion, refinement and a perfectionist attitude. Nat-Mur is so sensitive that it is difficult for them to forget the hurt feelings and the goodness of others. In Ignatia, oversensitiveness is associated with a great deal of idealism and romanticism. They have a fixed image of how their partner should be and have a lot of expectations from them. They are sensitive to noise and moral impressions. Ignatia is unable to mix with boys from an early age and develop a fear of males. 
  Natrums once hurt, are unable to forgive anyone and therefore we see hatred and malice. They will retaliate and break off all relations with that person. Since they are deeply wounded, they build a psychological wall around themselves, to prevent being hurt again. With this wall, they become loners, swell on past occurrences & turn to religion & music. The wall is impenetrable too. Ignatia when hurt, become rude, suspicious & challenging, yet they do not cut off all relations with that person, so they are prone to be hurt repeatedly. To drown their worries & hurt feelings. they like to travel. 
Anger: Nat-Mur has anger when obliged to answer or when their personal life is probed. In Ignatia, anger is suppressed; from fright;< contradiction. Anger alternate with cheerfulness. 
Ignatia is useful for the acute stage of grief, Natrum for its chronic effects. Sepia patient with a sudden grief need Ignatia and when the grief continues, they may evolve into Nat-Mur state. 

Differentiation: Aurums and Natrums:
 Both are introverted and closed. Both are serious. Both like soft music. Both like to be alone. Both easily become depressed or melancholic. Both are ambitious. Both are loyal and dependable. Yet, Natrums will more easily show physical complaints such as a headache and herpes, while Aurums are very depressed & secretive & don't want to express. When they express the illness, it is too strong like cancer, stroke, MS etc. Lack of self-worth is greater, the tendency to isolation stronger and depression deeper in Aurums than Natrums. 
Aurums are intensified Natrums.
 The trio Nat-Mur-Nat-Carb-Aur-Met. This trio is at the mind level. It depicts the evolution of personality, and changes in disposition. Aurums have been termed as intensified Natrums, given their profound grief and suicidal disposition. Nat-Mur invests a lot of emotions and energy in others. The heart rules the head and if he sustains disappointment, he is severely hurt and offended. He feels defeated and develops a melancholic temperament. His ego acts as a barrier in maintaining the healthy relations and he goes into the state of self-reproach. His conscience starts biting him and this is the state of Nat-Carb. Nat-Carb is one of the prominent remedies for conscientious about trifles. The carbonicum element makes him more sensitive (music<, for example) and weak(feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself). He develops misanthropy, starts estranging himself from family and society evolution from psora-sycosis-syphilis is also represented by this trio. 
  The tendency to grief and depression. Paralysis of emotions after grief. Indifference more marked in Phos-Ac than Nat-Mur. 
Grief can come in many forms-loss of hair, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, impaired memory, hysteria, and DM. In serious grief, they become very indifferent and they don't care anymore about their life. Listed under the rubric 'Homesickness'. 
   Platina: Platina's emotional depth should not be judged by her sexual desire and outward appearance. Pride is accompanied by sensitivity to rejection (ironic in view of her attitude towards other people). May develop haughtiness and egotism after grief. This isolates them and they land into chronic grief and hysteria, arteriosclerosis and cerebral degeneration. Plat lacks the sympathetic attitude(contra caust). Like Natrum and Ignatia, plat easily feels slighted, ignored or abandoned. Like Natrum, Platina is averse to conversation and company, feels < consolation, and > crying. Plat may develop insanity too. 
   Staphysagria: A grieving remedy. Takes the grief in a soft fashion, at least initially. Staph will look upon the subject of grief through his sensitive pride. Grief more from romantic relations being broken. After disappointment in love, staph will avoid falling in love again, to protect himself against the same grief in future. 'NO' to sex on the part of another partner = grief. hurt and no love. 
  Conium: After unresolved grief, they may become sheepish, anxious, and apprehensive and may resort to abstinence from sex. They may lose their memory. Nat-Mur becomes more independent after grief. Conium grieves less than Ignatia and Aur-Met. However, Conium may develop tumor or cancer later on. Mentally can become un-sympathizing from indolence. May evolve as a passive insanity or imbecility.  
  Natrum & Magnesium: Both are sentimental. But after disappointment, Mag feels rejected and dissatisfied, while Nat feels deeply hurt and defeated. Love is a complex and tortured process for Nat. Mag goes through life placidly, scarred and soured no for them mood swings of Nat, the cheerfulness of phos, the possessiveness of lach, or the arrogance of plat. A big problem of communication block is much deeper than Natrum. The sub-conscious door of dreams is widely open in Mag. 
Father theme in Natrum while mother theme in Magnesium. A home theme in Calcium while family theme in Potassium. 

  Nat-Mur & Am-Mur: Nat-M is intensified Am-M. Both have A/F grief, disappointment, mortification and sexual abuse during childhood. Both harbor resentment and antipathy towards those who have offended. Both have a weeping disposition. Nat-M is for 'difficult to weep, hard to weep and weeping in solitude'. Am-m can weep in open and in a loud way. 
Both become bitter after disappointment in love. Nat-M can be sweet and complaint in the initial phase of relation while Am-m can be bitter right from the beginning. 
Both can remain chronically discontented, but loathing of life, melancholy and introversion more marked in Nat-M. Nat-M feels constantly unloved and he wants unconditional love. Both have the neurotic trait of biting nails. 
MIND; grief; ailments from, agg, cry, cannot: CARC, GELS, NAT-m: Carc doesn't cry because the whole theme is of 'controlling'. If I can't control, it will be disastrous it will lead to destruction. Carc is secretive and tolerant too. He may not show his true inner feelings, as he doesn't want to hurt others. 
  Gelsemium bottles up his troubles. very rarely cries and usually, it is in solitude. The desire to be quiet, to be let alone, lie quietly half reclined. Dislike any fuss. A short of melancholic stupid. Too paralyzed to be afraid like zinc. Mental dullness. Blunted sensibility. Confused, dazed, apathetic and torpid. Gels realize the grief but can't cry due to above-mentioned causes. 
Nat-Mur can't cry because he thinks that it is his weakness to show crying though he may cry in solitude. The introvert and reserved characters of Nat-Mur help control crying. Torn by emotional conflict Nat-Mur creates a wall around himself. 
  Love: Important Rubrics:
  MIND; love; disappointment, unhappy, ailments from ACON, ANT-C, AUR, BELL, BUFO, CACT, CALC-P, CARC, CAUST, CIMIC, COFF, CON, DIG, GELS, HELL, HYOSIGN, KALI-P, LACH, NAT-M.
Destructive after disappointment in love to self: Aur, Bufo, Cact, Hyos, Lach, Staph, Tarent, Tub, Verat. 
To others: Calc-p, Hyos, Lach, Staph, Tarent.
   The main goal with a horse is to create a kind of relationship where he completely trusts a human. A horse recognizes only two humans: The ones that deserve his service and the others that he feels attached to. A horse is very fragile and can be sick very easily. The main theme is keeping one's freedom while being of service to others. 
Friendship: Consider friendship in its true sense.
Friendship means so much to them that they would like to do everything for friends. Extreme over-idealization of father's side(male) function (compare Nat-Mur). 
Anger + Disappointed love + abandoned = Aur, Ign, Nat-m, Sep. 
Let us see the common features between Natrums and Lacs. 

The Identity Problem
Mind; confusion of mind; identity, as to his: ALUM, ANAC, ANH, ARG-N, CALC-P etc. 
 The following characters are noteworthy in Natrum-Mur:
.Conflict between self-love and self-denial. 
.A man in search of his ego. 
Vulnerable at an emotional level. Abnormal, increased mental faculty with reduced rationality or feeling. 
.A non-conformist. Dogmatic. Schizophrenic. A snob.
.Always to keyed up. Hasty, active, fidgety, the anti-rust,"restless even while resting". And a great hustler never takes rest, never gives rest. Hence often awkward too.
.Given to excesses everywhere (in work, habits, sex or even in anti-social activities). 
.Crave appreciation but hate'plastering'. 
In Nat-Mur heart rules the head and emotions override the life. Nat-Mur person to the extent that he is unable to look at the relation through the rational lens. Hence many authors have highlighted one companion concept. Nat-Mur develops the identity problem out of disappointment in love.
Alum has identity problem out of dispersed state of the mind while Lach has it due to enormous venom energy that goes uncoordinated.
 Syphilinum has characters such as unstrung artistic, but a pervert, intellectual, but abnormal, refined, but amorous, lost mental equilibrium. A fanatic, antisocial, hooligan, cruel, liar, cheater. Obsession neuroses like washing hands, folding clothes, Collecting certain things, laughing spasms. Incendiary impulses, Syphilitic insanity. Horrid depression or despair. Hence syph is ranked high in identity problem. 
  Veratrum-album, a remedy is not only of confusion of identity but also of the loss of identity, Don't love and you won't get hurt is not possible for Nat-Mur. Nat-Mur suffers the loss as hurt, Deeply felt the loss is intrinsically linked to personal identity and many Natrums can develop the loss of identity.

    Relation with Eagle(Haliaeetus- Leucocephalus): Nat-Mur shares, abruptness, aversion to family members, insulted feeling, the delusion of being persecuted, and desire for salt and central lower lip crack. However, Haliae-ic is open while Nat-Mur is reserved and introvert. Both have a lot of imaginations when emotionally hurt but Nat-Mur aggrandizes them too much and makes the whole stuff miserable.
   Father Ambra-grisea, Mother Nat-Mur, and daughter Ignatia.  
Both Ambr and Ign are like funeral remedies. They share the mental archetypes in a similar way. Both are melancholic, delicate unfeeling and structure, hysterical and dreamy. Both are sensitive but lack in perseverance due to low energy. Bashfulness and introversion withdraw them from the mundane activities in the ling run. 
   Puberty is the most crucial period for the Ign girl while ambr is indicated more for senile people. Hence, Ambr is called as old man's Ign. The clinical experience suggests that daughter as Ign has parents as father Ambr and mother Nat-m. Many Ign daughters also show the evolution from Ign to Nat-m and then to ambr. Remember also that children of Ign mother may require Nat-Mur. 
  An attempt has been made to perceive the multifarious aspects of Nat-Mur and its diverse relation. The objective is to remain unprejudiced and not to develop the fixity. If Nat-Mur is indicated, one must give Nat-Mur only. That is the application of the law of similars. But if one is stuck in a remedy in a wrong way due to inadequate knowledge of MM, we must contemplate on the statement "Nothing is superior to the law of similars."

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