
Saturday 27 January 2018



  Sciatica is a characterized by pain going down the leg the lower back. This pain may go down the back, outside, or front of the leg. Onset is often sudden following activities like heavy lifting, though gradual onset may also occur. Typically symptoms are only on one side of the body. Certain causes, however, may result in pain on both sides. Lower back pain is sometimes but not always present. Weakness or numbness may occur in various parts of the affected leg and foot. 

 Sciatica may also refer to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. 

 Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine(spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg. 

Common symptoms of sciatica include

- Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting
- Burning or tingling in the leg
- Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot
- A constant pain on one side of the rear
- A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up. 


 Pain that radiates from your lower(lumbar) spine to your buttock and down the back of your leg is the hallmark of sciatica. You might feel the discomfort almost anywhere along the nerve pathway, but it's especially likely to follow a path from your low back to your buttock and the back of your thigh and calf. The pain can vary widely, from a mild ache to a shock. It can be worse when you cough or sneeze, and prolonged sitting can aggravate symptoms. Usually, only one side of your body is affected. 
  Some people also have numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot, you might have pain in one part of your leg and numbness in another part. 


 Sciatica is caused by irritation of the root(s) of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, usually by a herniated disk in your spine or by an overgrowth of bone(bone spur) on your vertebrae. More rarely, the nerve can be compressed by a tumor or damaged by a disease such as diabetes. 

- Lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back)
- Degeneration disc disease(breakdown of disc, which acts as cushions between the vertebrae)
- Spondylolisthesis(a condition in which one vertebra slips forward over another one) 
- Pregnancy

Risk factors: Risk factors for sciatica include

 Age-related changes in the spine, such as herniated disks and bone spurs, are the most common causes of sciatica. 

 By increasing the stress on your spine, excess body weight can contribute to the spinal changes that trigger sciatica. 

 A job that requires you to twist your back, carry heavy loads or drive a motor vehicle for long periods might play a role in sciatica, but there's no conclusive evidence of this link. 

Prolonged sitting
 People who sit for prolonged periods or have a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop sciatica than active people are. 

 This condition, which affects the way your body uses blood sugar, increases your risk of nerve damage. 

 Although most people recover fully from sciatica, often without treatment. sciatica can potentially cause permanent nerve damage. Seek immediate medical attention if you have 
- Loss of feeling in the affected leg
- Weakness in the affected leg
-  Loss of bowel or bladder function

 Sciatica is diagnosed by a physical exam and medical history. The typical symptoms and certain examination maneuvers help the healthcare professional to diagnose sciatica. Sometimes X-ray other tests, such as CT scan, MRI scan, and electromyogram, are used to further define the exact causes of sciatica. 

 It's not always possible to prevent sciatica, and the condition may recur. The following can play a key role in protecting your back. 

Exercise regularly
 To keep your back strong, any special attention to your core muscles the muscles in your abdomen and lower back that are essential for proper posture and alignment. 

Maintain proper posture when you sit
 Choose a seat with good lower back support, armrests and a swivel base. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips level. 

Using good body mechanics
 If you stand longer periods, rest one foot on a stool or small box from time to time. When you lift something heavy, let your lower extremities do the work. Move straight up and down. Keep your back straight and bend only at the knees. Hold the load close to your body. Avoid lifting and twisting simultaneously. Find a lifting partner if the object is heavy or awkward. 

Homeopathic remedies

 Homeopathic medicines are very effective for curing sciatica pain, some of the important remedies are given below. 

 Colocynthis stands the first remedy of choice for sciatic pain. It can work wonders in treating sciatica. It is most suited in treating righted sciatica pain. Dul, stitching pains in the hip which come suddenly and shoot down to the posterior part of the thigh or to knee or foot. Pain is relieved by heat and hard pressure but worse by touch or motions. 

 Chamomilla is another effective remedy for sciatica of very sensitive patients who feel the pain much more than what it actually is. It is also having mental symptoms of - I would prefer death rather than the pain. There is a numb feeling associated with sciatic pain. The pain is more at night and also by motion. 

 Gnaphalium is prescribed for sciatica when numbness associated with pain. Numbness alternates with sciatic pain. There is intense pain in the nerve accompanied by cramps or alternating with numbness. The pain is worse from lying and walking and better from sitting. the patient experiences pain in calf feet. 

Rhus- tox
 Rhus-tox is an effective remedy for sciatica due to exposure to most cold weather or from muscular exertion. The pain is more on the right side. The sciatic pain is more in bed at night or when at rest. The first movement gives terrific pain which is relieved after walking a little. 

Magnesium- Phos: 
 Magnesium- Phos is prescribed when the patient experiences lightning-like pain which is better by warmth. The pain comes and goes rapidly. Magnesia phos is considered to be a right side sciatica remedy. 

 Arsenic alb is effective for sciatica when the patient has been subjected to repeated attacks f malaria and the pain is intermittent. 
There is violent, drawing, burning, and tearing pain is left hip-extending to thighs. There are great restlessness and is better from the hot application.

 Ginseng is considered to be specific for sciatica when there is a frequent desire for micturition. There is a feeling of contraction and stiffness in the affected part. 

Guaiacum off: 
 Guaiacum is tried for sciatica when well-selected remedies fail. There is gouty, tearing, lancinating pains and feeling of contraction in the affected limb. It has acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste, and breath. 

Ammonium Mur:
 Ammonium mur is effective for sciatica of left hip as if the tendons were too short. Legs feel contracted, limps when walking. Painful jerks, feet feel as if asleep. Pain worse while sitting but better on lying down. 

 Belladonna is prescribed when there is sudden violent pain and redness and heat of the affected parts. Here the pains are like jerks or shocks. The lower part of back feels as if broken. There is a full sensation in buttocks and thighs. There are restlessness and dry mouth and throat. The sciatica pain is worse fro heat, checked sweat, jarring, pressure, hanging down the leg, better from bending backward or by bed rest. 

Saturday 20 January 2018

Homeopathy: Solutions for cellulite

                     Homeopathy: Solutions for cellulite

 Cellulite(also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculisis deformanus, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region(specifically the buttocks), lower limbs and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubescent females. A review gives a prevalence of 85 to 98% of women, indicating that indicating that is physiologic rather than pathologic. It can result from a complex combination of factors ranging from hormones to heredity. 

 Cellulite, also known as orange peel skin, is a subcutaneous accumulation of fatty deposits in certain parts of the body- usually in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks that take on the appearance of orange peel. 

 This subcutaneous layer known as dermis is formed by a framework of elastic fibers, collagen, blood capillaries, and nerves, amongst other things. The fat accumulates, forming adipose nodules of fat, water,, and toxins, and as the cellulite advances, both lymphatic and blood circulation is altered in a way that increases fatty tissue and the lateral walls swell, causing dimples. 
 These dimples are what we can see when we apply pressure to the skin that is affected by cellulite or orange- peel skin. In the case of advanced cellulite, these dimples can be seen at first glance. 

 There are different degrees of cellulite, soft cellulite, hard cellulite and sclerotic cellulite or orange peel skin, cellulite can be painful or not. 

 To summarize, cellulitis is formed by an accumulation of fats, water, and toxins in the dermis, which then modify the structure if the dermis by creating dimples and affecting blood and lymphatic circulations in the area simultaneously. 

Cellulite can be caused by


 The causes of cellulite include changes in metabolism, physiology, diet and exercise habits, obesity, sex-specific dimorphic skin architecture, alteration of connective tissue structure, hormonal factors, genetic factors, the microcirculatory system, the extracellular matrix, and subtle inflammatory alterations. 

Hormonal imbalances: 

 Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogen may be the important hormone in the development of cellulite. However, there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support such a claim. Other hormones, including insulin, the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin, are all believed to participate in the development of cellulite. 

 Genetic inheritance

 There is a genetic element in individual susceptibility to cellulite. Researchers led by Enzo Emanuele have traced the genetic component of cellulite to particular polymorphisms in the angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1A (HIF1a) genes. 

Leading a sedentary lifestyle

 A high-stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the level of catecholamines, which have also been associated with the development of cellulite. 

- Poor blood and lymphatic circulation
- Poor nutrition
- Alcohol and tobacco consumption
- Standing for long periods of time

- Predisposing factors

 Several factors have been shown to affect the development of cellulite. Sex, race, biotype, distribution of subcutaneous fat, predisposition to lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency have all been shown to contribute to cellulite. 

 How can Homeopathy help???

With medications that reactive circulation and improve drainage, relieve water retention and excess weight, regulate anxiety and hunger. Sometimes homeopahty will not resolve the issue by itself, but it is very useful in draining toxins, detoxifying the body and avoids worsening of the cellulite. At times it will be necessary to combine it with other treatments such as mesotherapy. 


 Regulates hormonal and improves venous disorders, circulatory disorders of the lower limbs. 

Antimonium crudum: 

 This set, gluttonous, grumpy, with a thick and white tongue. Suffers from gastrointestinal disorders and has a tendency to belch. This is a medication that controls the appetite and improves gastrointestinal conditions. 

Fucus Vesiculosus

 Stimulates circulation and enables the breakdown of fats. 


 Post- Menopausal women with elevated levels of TSH(T3 and T4 are normal). They are usually pale, feel and cold, suffer from constipation and widespread cellulite. The homeopathy medication improves the cellulite and swelling associated with the menopause. They are individuals who have a tendency towards obesity. 

Ignatia Amara

 A great regulator of the neuro-vegetative system, a nerve soother. It is suitable for women who are sensitive and nervous who are calmed by distractions. They eat to alleviate distresses and eating increases when they are nervous, which in turn helps them to be less aggressive towards others. They have a tendency to eat chocolate and eat in order to offset frustrations. They lead a sedentary lifestyle. 


 Calms nervous tension and improves digestive disorders(flatulence, constipation) Nux-vom is brought about by eating excessively. 

Phosphoricum Acidum

 Is caused by an intense and sudden sadness, grief or exhaustion caused by an excess of intellectual exertion. The person usually sleeps during the day. Reduces swelling and alleviates anxiety. 

Natrum Sulfuricum: 

 Are heavy- built, fatty individuals with a predisposition to be overweight. Their tissues have been infiltrated by cellulite, mainly in the abdominal area, the buttocks and thighs. They are sad depressive, with a pale complexion and a bloated face. This Homeopathic medication will ease the elimination of liquids and is specific to liver and biliary tract conditions. 


 The subjects are overweight, rounded, ebullient and happy with life. He is always too hot. He is convivial, happy, polite, outing and sociable. He is usually hyperactive. 

Calcarea- Carbonica

 The subjects are usually, short, wide, large abdomen, show at work, constant, sweat easily and dislike heat. This homeopathic medication reduces a bulky abdomen, decreases excess cholesterol and improves metabolic disorders. They are ebullient individuals with a tendency towards obesity and cellulite. 

Thuja- Occidentalis

 Against localized cellulite and also for women with hormonal imbalances. It has an affinity for the lymphatic system,. They are individuals with a lollipop body type, with truncal fat and very slim extremities. They have a propensity to develop cellulite. The Thuja treatment is, in most cases, a background treatment for cellulite. It helps to reduce the size of the abdomen to ease digestion. 

Thursday 18 January 2018

Why take sleeping pills when Homeopathy is their for Loss of Sleep(Insomnia)

    Why take sleeping pills when Homeopathy is              their for Loss of Sleep(Insomnia)

Homeopathy for Loss Of Sleep (Insomnia):

 The federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that people who got less than four hours of sleep a night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who got the recommended seven to nine hours of rest. People averaging five hours of sleep had a 50 Percent greater risk, and those with six hours of sleep had 23 percent more. 


 From nightmares to Insomnia to sleep apnea, sleep disorders disrupt the sleep of millions of people all over the world. Let's look at the various types of sleep disorders. 


 Whether you have trouble falling asleep. staying asleep or waking up too early, you may be suffering from Insomnia. 

Sleep Apnea

 Sleep apnea causes cessation of breathing in sleep, which in turn, can cause heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and excessive daytime sleepiness. 


 Characterized by uncontrolled sleepiness and excessive daytime sleepiness, narcolepsy makes living a normal life difficult. 


 Sleep loss goes hand in hand. There are some common factors associated with sleep loss that is caused by excess fat in the throat that constricts the airway and stops the breath from flowing naturally. 

Having a large neck, measuring 16 inches or more
Falling asleep anywhere, at any time
Having a hard time remembering things 
Having a low energy level
Becoming easily frustrated
Being short of breath 
Being depressed 
Suddenly waking up from a deep sleep
Being a loud snorer


Avoiding the use of alcohol and medicines, such as sleeping pills and sedatives, before bed. These can relax your throat muscles and slow your breathing. 
 Eating sensibly, exercising, and maintaining a weight that is as close as possible to a healthy body weight. Sleeping on your side. Sleeping on your back can increase snoring. Try sewing a pocket in the middle of the back of your pajama top, putting a tennis ball into the pocket, and stitching it shut. This will help keep you from sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your side may eliminate mild sleep apnea. 
 Quitting smoking. The nicotine in tobacco relaxes the muscles that keep the airways open. If you don't smoke, those muscles are likely to collapse at night and narrow the airways. 
  Raising the head of your bed 4in (10cm) to 6in(15cm) by putting bricks under the legs of the bed. Using pillows to raise your head and upper body will not work. 
 promptly treating breathing problems, such a stuffy nose caused by a cold or allergies, breathing problems can increase the risk of snoring. 
 Avoid taking antihistamines because they can make you drowsy and make apnea episodes worse. Instead, use decongestants, which decrease drainage. 

Homeopathic Remedies


 The sleepless conditions calling for Belladonna are due to congestion, sleep is extremely restless, as a rule, it is interrupted by talking, starting, muscular jerking's and spasmodic motions, frightful images appear on closing the eyes and the patient, therefore, dreads sleep. 
 Children awake from sleep frightened. Oftentimes there is a violent throbbing in the brain which prevents sleep. The dreams found under Belladonna are frightful ones, and they constantly awaken the patient. It is probably our best remedy for Insomnia due to cerebral hyperemia, that is it will be most often indicated, also morphine which produces cerebral hyperemia of a passive variety. Aconite comes in here, too, but with Aconite there is intense anxiety and restlessness, fear of disaster or death. Lycopodium here ht child awakens very cross, very sleepy during the daytime. Belladonna is most useful in restless sleep during dentition, sleeps with eyes partially open, sudden starting, twitching, hot head and dilated pupils will indicate it. 


 The great characteristic of this remedy is that the patient is very sleepy in the evening, cannot keep awake, moreover the sleep is not sound or restful and the patient is awakened at night by anxiety and frightful dreams. He awakens at about four or five Oclock in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed, but soon asleep and awakens at the usual time feeling worse than ever. It is especially the remedy for those who drink too much, those who abuse coffee and tea, those who are subjects with abdominal disorders and a sluggish portal circulation. Sleeplessness from mental overwork, from the too close study, especially at night. The morning sleep aggravates all the affections. Pulsatilla is sleepless in the evening, falling asleep very late, the sleep is restless, with frequent awakening and troubled dreams. Sleeplessness after quinine, iron, strychnine, tea, or chloral. Cocculus has sleeplessness from mental activity. Sulphur, cat naps, the slightest noise awakens and it is difficult to get to sleep again, sleepy in the daytime. 


 Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, the brain is full of bewildering ideas and images. After a long illness and the brain cells are ill-nourished this remedy is very useful. It is especially indicated in sleeplessness in children, who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Sleeplessness from overworked minds and without apparent cause may be benefited by Hyoscyamus. The patient is jolly and wakeful. Hyoscyamus lacks the anxiety of Aconite, the violence of Belladonna, the pessimism of Nux-vom, and the stupidity of Gelsemium. 

Coffea- cruda:

 In the case where there is excessive agitation of body and mind, and where ideas force themselves on the mind, Coffea is the remedy, and its use as a beverage withheld. It will be found that this acts better in the higher potencies. The patients are wide awake, without the slightest inclination to sleep, and all the senses are extremely acute. It is the remedy when excitement or good news, joys or night watching causes the Insomnia.It is well suited to sleeplessness in teething children, while Opium is better suited to adults. Sleeplessness from the bad effects of too good news. Platina has sleeplessness from extreme nervous irritability. 


 For sleeplessness in children due to severe pain, chamomilla is a sovereign remedy. It quiets the irritability and the emotional excitement and the patient sleeps. It is also adapted to weal, nervous women. The sleep is tormented by dreams which are fanciful, vivid and anxious, the patient is hot and thirsty. Moaning in sleep. Thsimis also a remedy acting better in the higher potencies. Ignatia has sleeplessness when the patient is sleepy but can not get to sleep is kept awake by hearing distinctly ordinary noises, such as the ticking of clocks and the crowing of cocks. Great drowsiness is characteristic of the remedy. 


 For the insomnia of brain workers. Gelsemium is a remedy. It is indicated in businessmen who pass restless nights, awaken in the morning and worry over their business affairs. It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression. Bryonia is useful where the business cares of the day keep him awake. Gelsemium has also sleeplessness form emotional disturbances, and after evening company. Ambra grisea is another remedy for sleeplessness from worry and business troubles. The patient goes to bed tired but immediately becomes wakeful. It is especially suited to thin, spare men who are nervous and subject to nervous chills. 


 Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, cutaneous irritations, and external heat. The patient is drowsy all day and sleepless at night. Sleep in cat naps, wake frequently. Arsenicum is a useful remedy for the sleeplessness of malnutrition, where there is general degeneration of the blood and exhaustion of the nervous system. The restlessness of anemic irritability. Cinchona has sleeplessness from exhausting diseases. The mind is active and the patient indulges in castle building. Phosphorus. Sleeplessness following intense mental overwork and anxiety coupled with confusion, vertigo, and pain in the head. 

Cannabis Indica

 In obstinate and intractable forms of Insomnia, cannabis is one of the best remedies we have to induce sleep. An irregular sleep is more o an indication than absolute insomnia. It produces a tranquil slumber, relieves the nervousness and neuralgic pains. 

Passiflora incarnata

 Passiflora incarnata in mother tincture form in doses of from 30 to 60 drops, and repeated if necessary, will induce sleep when mental irritation or pain is the cause of the wakefulness. Camphora mono-bromate is useful for sleeplessness due to the continued use of tea.  


 Scleranthus the grasshopper mind, various thoughts coming in from all angles, bits of this and that, nerve quite finishing with one thought before another pops in. Scleranthus allows the mind to be more directed, centered and clear. 


 Honeysuckle is the remedy for those who suffer from dreams, nightmares, flashbacks or any recurring thoughts from the past. Honeysuckle will bring you into the present time so the thoughts and images from the past have no need to be there. 


 Vervain is the remedy for the very busy mind, who is always planning, organizing, over-enthusiastic, intense, over busy. Vervain allows your mind to relax. 

Sunday 14 January 2018

Delirium and Homeopathy treatment


  Delirium is a state of mental confusion which develops quickly and usually fluctuates in intensity. A state in which the thoughts, expressions, and actions are wild, irregular, and incoherent, mental aberration, a roving or wandering of the mind- usually dependent on a fever or some other disease, and so distinguished from mania, or madness. 


 The signs and symptoms of delirium appear over a short period of time, from a few hours to a few days. They often fluctuate throughout the day so a person may have periods of no reduced awareness of the environment this may result in 
- An inability to stay focused on a topic or to change topics
- Wandering attention
- Getting stuck on an idea rather than responding to questions or conversation
- Being easily disturbed by unimportant things
- Being withdrawn, with little or no activity or little response to the environment poor thinking skills

This may appear as: 

- Poor memory, particularly of recent events
- Disorientation, or not knowing where one is, who one is or what of day it is 
-Difficulty speaking or recalling words
- Rambling or nonsense speech
- Difficulty understanding speech
- Difficulty reading or writing

Behavior changes

- Seeing things that don't exist(hallucinations)
- Disturbed sleep habits
- Restlessness, agitation, irritability or combative behavior
- Extreme emotions, such as fear, anxiety, anger or depression

Delirium and dementia:

 Other medical condition can result in symptoms associated with delirium. Dementia and delirium may be particularly difficult to distinguish, and a person may have both. In fact, frequently delirium occurs in people with dementia. 

 Dementia is the progressive decline in memory and other thinking skills due to the gradual dysfunction and loss of brain cells. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. 

Some differences between the symptoms of delirium and dementia include: 

- Onset: The onset of delirium occurs within a short time. While dementia usually begins with relatively minor symptoms that gradually worsen over time. 

- Attention: The inability to stay focused or maintain attention is significantly impaired with delirium. A person in the early stages of dementia remains generally alert. 

- Fluctuation: The appearance of delirium symptoms can fluctuate significantly and often throughout the day. While people with dementia have better and worse times of day, their memory and thinking skills stay at a fairly constant level during the course of a day. 

When to see a doctor??? 

   If a relative, friend or someone in your care shows any signs or symptoms of delirium, see a doctor. If the person has dementia, be aware of relatively sudden changes in overall awareness and engagement. Which may signal delirium. Your input about the person's symptoms, as well as his or her typical thinking and everyday abilities, will be important for a diagnosis. 

Older people recovering in the hospital or living in a long-term care facility are particularly at risk of delirium. Because symptoms can fluctuate and some symptoms are "quiet" -such as social withdrawal or poor responsiveness- delirium may be missed. If you notice signs and symptoms of delirium in a person in a hospital or nursing home, report your concerns to the nursing staff or doctor rather than assuming that those problems have been observed. 


 Delirium occurs when the normal sending and receiving of signals in the brain becomes impaired. This impairment is most likely caused by a combination of factors that make the brain vulnerable and trigger a malfunction in brain activity. Any condition that results in a hospital stay, especially in intensive care, increases the risk of delirium. 

 Common causes include dehydration and infection, such as urinary tract infection. Pneumonia, and skin and abdominal infections. Examples of other conditions that increase the risk of delirium include. 
- Previous delirium episodes
- Visual or hearing impairment
- Dementia
- Older age
- Fever and acute infection, particularly in children
- Poor nutrition
- Dehydration
- Severe, chronic or terminal illness
- Alcohol or drug abuse or withdrawal 
- Multiple medical problems or procedures
- Treatment with multiple drugs. 

A number of medications or combinations of medications can medications can trigger delirium, including some types of: 
- Pain medications
- Sleep medication
- Allergy medications(antihistamines)
- Medications for mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression
- Parkinson's disease medications
- Drugs for treating spasms or convulsions
- Asthma medication

Delirium may have more than one causes, such as a medical condition and medication toxicity.


 Delirium may last only a few hours or as long as several weeks or months. If factors contributing to delirium are addressed, the recovery times are often shorter. The degree of recovery depends to some extent on the health and mental status before the onset of delirium, for example, may experience a significant overall decline in memory and thinking skills. People in better health are more likely to recover fully. People with other serious, chronic or terminal illness may not regain the levels of thinking skills or function that they had before the onset of delirium. Delirium in seriously ill people is also more likely to lead to: 
- General decline in health
- Poor recovery from surgery
- Need for institutional care
- Increased risk of death

Tests and Diagnosis
 A doctor will diagnosis delirium based on the answer to questions about a person's medical history, tests to assess mental status and the identification of possible contributing factors. 

An examination may include the following

Mental status assessment
    A doctor starts by assessing awareness, attention, and thinking. This can be done informally through conversation, or more formally with tests or screening checklists that assess mental status, confusion, perception, and memory. 

Physical and neurological exam: 
   The doctor will perform a physical exam, checking for signs of dehydration, infection, alcohol withdrawal and other problems. The physical exam-  can also help detect underlying disease. Delirium may be the first or only sign of a serious condition, such as respiratory failure or heart failure. A neurological exam- checking vision, balance, coordination, and reflexes- can help determine a stroke or another neurological disease is causing delirium. 

Other possible tests
    If the cause or trigger of delirium can't be determined from the medical history or exam the doctor may order blood, urine, and diagnostic tests. Brain imaging tests may be used when a diagnosis can't be made other available information. 


 The first goal of treatment for delirium is to address any underlying causes or triggers- by stopping the use of a particular medication, for example, or treating an infection. Treatment then focuses on creating the best environment for healing the body and calming the brain. 

Supportive care

  Supportive care aims to prevent complications by protecting the airway, providing fluids and nutrition, assisting with movement, treating pain, addressing incontinence and keeping people with delirium oriented to their surroundings. 

A number of simple, nondrug approaches may be of some help: 
- Clocks and calendars to help a person stay oriented
- A calm, comfortable environment that includes familiar objects from home
- Involvement of family members
- Avoidance of change in surroundings and caregivers
- Uninterrupted periods of sleep at night, with low levels of noise and minimal light
- Open blinds during the day to promote daytime alertness and a regular sleep-wake cycle
- Adequate nutrition and fluid
- Use of adequate light, music, massage and relaxation techniques to ease agitation 
- Opportunities to get out of bed, walk and perform self-care activities
- Provision of eyeglasses, hearing aids and other adaptive equipment as needed. 


 Talk with the doctor about avoiding or minimizing the use pf drugs that may trigger delirium. However, certain drug treatment may calm a person who misinterprets the environment in a way that leads to severe paranoia, fear or hallucinations and when severe agitation or confusion.
- Prevents the performance of a necessary medical exam or treatment
- Doesn't lessen with nondrug treatment

To promote good sleep habits:
- Keep inside lighting appropriate for the time of day
- Encourage exercise and activity during the day
- Offer warm, soothing, noncaffeinated beverages before bedtime

Promote calmness and orientation: 
- Provide a clock and calender and refer to them regularly throughout the day
- Communicate simply about any change in activity, such as time for lunch or time for bed
- Keep familiar and favorite objects around, but avoid a cluttered environment
- Approach the person calmly
- Identify yourself or other people regularly 
- Avoid arguments
- Keep noise levels and other distractions to a minimum
- Help the person keep a regular daytime schedule
- Maintain and provide eyeglasses and hearing aids

Prevent complicating problems: 
- Giving the person his or her medication on a regular schedule
- Providing plenty of fluids and a healthy diet
- Encouraging regular exercise and activity

Evidence indicates that these strategies help prevent or reduce the severity of delirium in hospitalized people: 
- Provide adequate fluids
- Provide stimulating activities and familiar objects
- Encourage the use of eyeglasses and hearing aids, if applicable
- use simple and regular communication about people, current place and time
- Provide appropriate pain management and offer nondrug treatment for sleep problems or anxiety. 

Delirium, mental, confusion Homeopathy treatment & Homeopathic remedies


  Belladonna comes to mind first in delirium. It has a violent delirium with loud laughing screaming out, and grinding of the teeth, and as in all narcotics, a desire to hide or escape. The patient is full of fears and imaginings, and the delirium manifests itself by the most positive ebullitions of rage and fury. Its general character is one of great activity with great excitement, a hot face and head and often times there is present a sensation as if falling and the patient clutches the air. Sometimes there is a stupor, and when aroused they strike people bark and bite like a dog and are most violent. 


 This remedy has nit the intensely high degree of maniacal excitement that we find under stramonium, nor as if the cerebral congestion that characterizes belladonna. With Hyoscyamus, there is an aversion to light, and the patient fears being poisoned, he will sit up in bed, talk and mutter all the time, and look wildly about him. There is a great deal of nervousness, whining, crying and twitching, he tries to escape from imaginary foes, a constant picking at the bedclothes and objects in the air is most characteristic. It is the remedy for that curious condition of delirium known as "coma vigil". 


 With this remedy the delirium is more furious, the mania acuter and the sensorium more perverted and excited than under belladonna or Hyoscyamus. The patient desires light and company is very loquacious, garrulous, laughs, sings, swears, prays, curses and makes rhymes. He sees ghosts, talks with spirits and hears voices. The head is raised frequently from the pillow, the face is bright red, and he has a terrified expression, in fact, he seems to see objects rising from every corner to frighten him. Sometimes a silly delirium is present. 


   Is characterized by great talkativeness in delirium. It has also the fear of being poisoned, but the Lachesis delirium is of a low form accompanied by dropping of the lower jaw, and a characteristic is that they imagine themselves under some superhuman control. 


  This remedy has loquacity, with a continual changing of the subject when talking, imaginings of rats, mice, etc. It is usually dependent upon uterine disease. 

Veratrum album

 Veratrum has restlessness, and a desire to cut and tear the clothing as in belladonna, but with this remedy, there is a coldness of the surface of the body and a cold sweat, the patient is loquacious, talks very loud and is frightened at imaginary things. It also has a state of frenzy or excitement, during which he indulges in shrieks, in expressions of fright and in violent cursings of those around him. 


 The delirium of Phosphorus is a low typhoid type, with a tendency to hemorrhage and an apathetic, sluggish, stupid state, where the patient is unwilling to talk and answers question slowly, imaginary notions, such as imagining that his body is in fragments. 


  The patient imagines his body in pieces or double and scattered about, and he has to moves constantly to keep the pieces together.


  Here the patient imagines that he is made of glass and move about. 


 This remedy highly in the delirium of typhoid fever, where there are constant attempts to get out of bed and tremor of the whole body. 

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Agalactia(lack of milk), and Homeopathy

         Agalactia(lack of milk), and Homeopathy

  If there is something incalculably important as regards your baby's health, it's breastfeeding. Nowadays we read pamphlets about the importance of breastfeeding but when it comes to practical application of the same, we as doctors are coming across more and more cases of low breast milk supply. In a single day in our clinic yesterday, I encountered 3 such cases, felt it's essential to write in depth about this issue, as it's certainly in the interest of our future generations. 

  It does not need much to understand that breast milk is the complete food for the babies. Nothing can replace breast milk. More importantly, no mammal in this entire world feeds its offspring on other's milk. It's only human who unnecessarily uses his freedom to choose in a wrong manner. 

  Agalactia is the lack of milk after parturition or birth, it can be due to a failure in the production of milk, a failure of milk let down. A condition in which milk is not secreted in the mother's breasts after her child has been delivered. 

   Low milk production can occur due to nutritional deficiencies in the mother or due to infrequent feeding. Yes, the more you feed your baby, the more breast milk you will produce. Mothers often worry often worry about how to increase breast milk. Establishing a good milk supply, in the beginning, can make a difference in how long the relationship continues. 

 Pediatricians recommend that babies be breastfed for a minimum of one year while the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months with continued breastfeeding up to two years and beyond. According to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (USA), only 16.3 percent of babies are exclusively breastfed at six months, with 25.5 percent still receiving breast milk at 12 months. 

Here are some of the reasons why a mother Must breastfeed

Benefits to the baby

. Assures baby's health, immunity, growth, and development
. Averts problems like childhood obesity
. Resistance to infections and allergies is far better in breastfeed children than in bottle feed children. 
. Ensure a very close bond between mother and child.
. Breast babies have comparatively fewer incidences of diarrheas and vomiting during teething
. Breastfeed babies have a better shaped dental framework (especially incisors).
. Reduced chances of adulthood diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis etc. 
. Breastfeeding has also shown to reduce ear infections in children because of which they need to be on antibiotics recurrently. 
. Breastfeed children have fewer dental cavities throughout their life. 
. Fewer psychological, behavioral and emotional problems. 

Benefits to the mother

. A mother who breastfeeds her baby well is capable of reducing the fat gained during pregnancy faster(Breastfeed releases a hormone in the mother (oxytocin) that causes the uterus to return to its normal size more quickly). 
. One of the most important benefits is breastfeeding mothers are less likely to develop osteoporosis later in life and also have a lower risk of developing breast, uterine and ovarian cancers. 
. A strong emotional bond with the baby. 

 Considering these huge benefits, any mother should definitely breastfeed the child. But why so many patients come to us saying they don't have enough milk flow and therefore the child has to feed with a bottle? 

 Let's face the fact that less breast milk is the biggest myth women try to tell themselves. It is not possible for a woman who has given birth normally or by cesarean section, to produce less or no milk for her baby unless there is some obvious physical/pathological reason. 

 Then why so many mothers complain of low milk supply? yes, here they are- 

Causes of Agalactia(No/less Milk)

. Waiting too long to start breastfeeding is by far the commonest cause of low milk production. A mother should start to feed her baby right after the birth. 
. Breastfeeding with strict gaps in between- Many mothers tell us that they give strict gaps of at least 3-4 hour between two breastfeeding sessions. Not done! breastfeed as often and as frequently as you can, or we can say breastfeed as often as your baby needs.  Your growing bundle of joy may need the milk every half an hour or 1 hourly or 2 hourly. When he/she cries for milk, feed them, at least for the first few months. That will surely work as a booster for the enhanced milk production. 

. Unawareness of the proper feeding techniques- Though this is rare nowadays, considering the hospital staff taking ample care about the proper feeding technique to be thought to the newborn, having a thin pillow in your lap , etc are some of the important tricks that will allow your baby to suckle properly, which in turn will enhance milk production. 

. Some medicines like (over the counter) cold or flu medicines can reduce milk production. Also, oral contraceptives should be avoided as far as possible, which also can have an adverse effect on establishing a good milk flow.

 Some reasons for low milk production include:

. Not getting a good latch in the beginning
. Baby continuously falling asleep due to under stimulation or the medication the mother may be on 
. Jaundice
. Premature babies that lack muscle tone
. Low thyroid
. Lack of nutrition or hydration

  A healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, omega 3 fatty acids and ample water can help in increasing breast milk. 

Here are the signs of proper baby's nourishment on breast milk:

. Baby is waking for feeds
. Baby is settling between most feeds
. Passing yellow soft stools at least once a day
. By approximately 2 weeks, the baby is back to the birth weight. Thereafter the baby gains approximately 150 grams or more per week for the first three of life. 
. The baby at least signs to a later extent, do not worry. He is being nourished well by mothers milk and does not need any external means of nourishment. 

 But in the polluted lifestyle that we live these days, there are still chances that the mothers are suffering from less breast milk for their babies, in such cases, our savior Homeopathy plays the big role of re-establishing mother's milk flow. 

Important while prescribing Homeopathically for Agalactia (Lack of milk flow in mothers)

. A proper history taking is of most important. While treating many such cases, we have seen that majority of women with low milk supply have some psychological/ mental/ emotional baggage. With the rightly chosen homeopathic remedy, if we are able to brush aside this causative factor, we can establish milk flow in the women again. 
. The physical attributes of the women prior to delivery of the child and after the delivery are very important. Her bowel movements, urine output, water consumption, eating habits and mental picture need to be considered before we prescribe. 
 . Another important aspect is to study family history. In sycotic family traits, often less milk flow has been observed. People with a positive family history of diabetes, asthma, some allergic disorders, etc also suffer from such problems at times. 
 . Individualization- Like in every case, one has to be very cautious not to generalize your remedy for agalactia. Take the entire case properly, analyze the constitution study the remedies, repertorize when necessary and only then prescribe for that Patient. 

 Homeopathic Rubrics: 

Kent: chest, MILK absent: calc, zinc
          Chest, MILK disappearing: Dulc, urt-u
          chest, MILK suppressed: bry, caust, puls

Homeopathic remedies for Agalactia(lack of milk):

. Agaricus mus: Complaints after the suppression of milk. 

. Agnus castus: Absence of milk or scanty milk coming down slowly on lactating the child. 
. Post-partum sadness is one of the most important causative factors that lead to agalactia in Agnus mothers
. The women just cannit be made happy. 
. She also suffers from hysterical palpitations. 
. She just hates sex while having totally relaxed genitals. 
. There is yellow leucorrhea. 

. She is so sad that feels she is going to die soon. 

. Asafoetida: Milk appears late after labor and diminishes in quality. 
. Deficient milk with oversensitive breasts
. Almost always associated with great flatulence and regurgitation of fluids. 
. Associated with gurgling sounds in the abdomen which eventually are passed out with a loud and difficult erection.
. Can be due to suppressed eruptions during pregnancy, when associated with above-mentioned stomach complaints. 

 Stitching pains and tightness in breasts with sudden decrease of milk
. Deficient milk in the mother after a fit of anger.
. Breasts are so swollen and painful that the mother cannot walk without pain in breasts
. Due to stagnation of milk, there might be an infection of breasts, leading to fever. 

. Calcaria Carb: Milk is too profuse or deficient lactation.

. Causticum: Suppression of milk due to anger.

. China: Child refuses to take breast within few hours of delivery

. Cimicifuga: Milk ceases to flow after starting. 

. Lac-can: Loss of milk while nursing without any known cause.Breast inflamed, painful <at least jar and towards evening, must hold them firmly when going up or downstairs. 

. Lactuca ver: For increasing milk supply
. There is tightness in the chest with reduced milk secretion
. One of the empirically used drugs for enhancing milk production
. Associated with absolute sleeplessness in the nursing mother
. Dull circulatory system, leading to tremors, the coldness of the extremities, restlessness. 
. Lecithinum: Excellent remedy in cases of agalactia, to increase the quantity and quality of milk. 

. Millefolium: Remarkable remedy for agalactia, milk does not come after labor. 

Pulsatilla: This is the first remedy thought of in suppression of milk. The breasts are swollen and painful and the flow of milk is absent or scanty. The patient is apt to be depressed and tearful. When no cause is discernible for the non-appearance of milk, Urticarias has been found useful, and if suppressed from a fit of anger Chamomilla is the remedy. Casusticum, too, has been used successfully in rheumatic women to increase breast milk.  

Ricinuscommunis: Is also an excellent remedy given in the lower potencies for the non-appearance of milk or to increase breast milk. It also increases its flow in nursing women. Castor oil should never be given to prepare a woman for labor, nor for constipation in pregnancy at any time. Agnuscastus is also a remedy for suppression of the milk where the patient is low spirited. 

Sabal ser: In cases of agalactia, for producing milk supply when suppressed, breast shrivel. 

Secale cor: Nursing women do not get sufficient milk in their breast, or there is suppression or nonappearance of milk after delivery of the child and the breasts do not fill adequately. 

Sticta pul: the Scanty flow of milk, it increases the quantity of milk and milk and removes suppression. 

Urtica urens: Diminished secretion of milk, excessive swelling of breasts, well-known medicine for agalactia.
. The women have swollen breasts with lack of milk
. There are an almost a very excoriating leucorrhea and itching of private parts.
. The diminished secretion of milk may be the bye product of suppressing urticarial or similar rashes during pregnancy. 
. Patient with gout and uric acid diathesis, women with rheumatic pains
. Excessively swollen breasts but no secretion. 

Yohimbinum: Cure's agalactia by stimulating the function of lactation glands, causes hyperemia of milk glands.