
Friday 17 April 2020

Beat the heat and stay cool (stay home stay safe)

Beat the heat and stay cool (stay home stay safe)

The blazing heat of the summer is tough on our bodies. If you don't have the luxury of staying indoors where AC is blasting on high, then you know how hard it can be to stay cool during the summer months. Most of us need to work, so there is no escaping the brutal summer heat, but don't let the heat stop you. There are ways you can heat and stay cool without sacrificing your sanity.

Drink water:
  This may seem like a no brainer, but you be surprised at just how many people do not drink enough water during the day. To be safe, you should follow the 8 which states that you should drink eight glasses of a fluid a day. 

Know your body's cooling points:
 In the heat and aren't able to find a color place, then you can apply an ice pack or cold towel to your cooling point. This can include the wrists, forehead, etc. By knowing your cooling points, you'll be able to cool yourself and more effectively. 

10 ways you can beat the heat and stay cool:
 - Know your body best cooling points
- Sleep on top of a wet sheet or cloth 
- Exercise comfortably
- Avoid eating hot foods
- Get a portable fan
- Take precaution to avoid excessive sweat
- Drink more water

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Monday 6 April 2020

Things To-Do During The 21-Day Lockdown

    Things To-Do During The 21-Day Lockdown

Nowadays, the message is very clear: #STAYHOME! Many countries are in Coronavirus Lockdown and we must stay home, as that is the only “vaccine” we have for now. So, what to do to fight boredom at home during this quarantine? Here you go, our list of Productive & Fun Things to Do at Home during Coronavirus Lockdown

  We face, among other more existential challenges, a whole new set of rules. Coronavirus gas turned etiquette on its head and what once were gestures of friendship are no acts of daring. Fundamentally, society used to run on the idea that we were all welcome in one another's space, suddenly, civility amounts to how much distance we keep between ourselves, and how much we shield others from our presence. It is one hell of a gear shift and it is also important not to overcorrect, not to judge one another from a thousand yards, not to needlessly insult one another in situations that are not, actually, that endangering. Courtesy has never been more serious it is the way we signal that we still care about each other when we're not allowed to hug. So here are some answers to the questions that we are increasingly asking. 

   If you are on your own, you can walk down the street however you damn please, just keep an eye out for people coming towards you and maintain your distance. Try not to dawdle where the pavement narrows, especially if people might be coming up behind you. If you are walking as a couple, inconvenience yourselves, walk into the gutter, separate, go round the parked car, on behalf of anyone else. If you are walking as a family, go in the bubble formation, all members round some central member. You are not going to scatter in a uniform way as someone comes towards you, but they can see you, and if you all stick together, they can react accordingly. 

A social butterfly, on the phone:

 There are at least half a dozen people, at any given point if the time that you need to call back. An early aunt, touchy friend, or colleague, you really meant to call them back. Spread the warmth and stay bonded. 

Give your house a makeover:

  Tired of seeing the same old seating arrangements? with a lockdown in full progress, this may be a good time to rejig the decor and give your home a fresh look. 

Book reading:

 This is a no brainer, to be honest being a great entertainer, this can be great use pf your time, simply because you will enhance your knowledge of people and society to reading books about them. 

Build a new body:

  You need to do an activity for 3 weeks for it to become a habit. If you have been thinking of getting fitter, take up yoga or pilates, or join a functional workout class from home. fitness videos on youtube are useful to do exercises from home. 

Find and follow a new interesting blog:

Blogs are nowadays a really good way of learning new things. Choose a topic you like, do a little bit of research and find the perfect one for you. Their blogs about everything and you can always stay tuned by subscribing to its newsletter!

So, if you love traveling, you love Spain, and especially Andalusia, this is your blog! Subscribe to our newsletter to get a better understanding of the Spanish culture, Spain’s amazing holiday destinations and learn how to look like a local.

Switch up your morning routine :

Some examples: Start with exercise and drink some lemon water first. No screen time until breakfast. Eat a real breakfast and set your goals for the day.

 Teach yourself something amazing:

It could be dance lessons, a pottery class, or some new management skills. How? Tap the Internet: Search on YouTube for whatever skill you find interesting. There’s a tutorial for EVERYTHING these days! The best part? These resources are often FREE.

Write To Dr. FAROOQ KHAN Write to Dr. FAROOQ KHAN and get a reply on how homeopathy can help you in treating your disease condition.