
Wednesday, 28 March 2018

lemon water is good for you, here is what they didn't tell you???

     lemon water is good for you, here is what they didn't tell you???

     We all hear that the consumption of lemon water in the morning is healthy, but few of us know the exact benefits of this daily regimen. Drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach has tons of health benefits. 
   Lemon juice is rich is in flavonoids, potassium, antioxidants, proteins, vitamin both B and c. It possesses potent antiviral immune building capabilities. The consumption of lemon water helps to build up your immune system, giving it a much-needed boost by fighting off infections with its high levels of bioflavonoids, which include citric acid, magnesium, calcium, and pectin. 

   Moreover, done on an empty stomach, it cleanses the body and flushes out your system, which promotes weight loss and maintains the body's pH balance. In addition, it also helps with digestive issues. 

Ways in which Lemon water helps your health

1. Weight loss:
 Lemon water will help you maintain a healthy and regular blood sugar. The pectin contained in lemon water can also fight off those craving, this will make you eat less throughout the day. 

2. Immune system:
 Lemon water also supports our lymphatic system as well, which works in conjunction with our immune system. 

3. Flu and Cold:
  Lemon enhances the immune system and has many antiviral and antibacterial effects since it is in vitamin C, which makes it a superb remedy for colds and Flu. 

4. Acne:
 The consumption of lemon water in the morning will help to metabolize the acidic temperature of your body, and thus it will prevent those annoying breakouts. 

5. Constipation
  Drinking lemon water can prevent and get rid of constipation, for it promotes regular bowel movements. Undoubtedly, lemon water is great for your digestive health. 

6. Kidney Stones:
 People often forget this benefit of lemon use. Lemons contain potassium which increases citrates in your urine, and in the way, it prevents the forming of oxalate and flushes out kidney stones. 

7. Gall Bladder
 You can significantly reduce the pain due to gallbladder stones by drinking lemon water while you eat. 

8. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(GERD)
 TUMS can be substituted with lemon water. 

9. Colitis:
 Lemon water can help to balance your pH levels, and colitis is an imbalance of the acid/alkaline levels within the body. 

10. Fibromyalgia:
 People dealing with exhaustion from fibromyalgia can drink lemon water in combination with yoga stretches is ordered to feel some improvement. 

11. Joint Pain and Swelling:
 Lemon water helps to reduce the amounts of uric acid amounts in our joints, thus reducing inflammation. It is extremely beneficial for people with arthritis since it reduces the pain. 

12. Inflammation:
 Acidity is the leading cause of inflammation in tissues. Lemons possess anti-inflammatory properties so they neutralize acidity. 

13. Finger Nail Health:
 Lemon water increases the hardness of one's nails as well as clearing up those white spots that appear on the time to time. 

14. Muscle Soreness:
 Drinking lemon water can reduce the pain in sore muscles substantially, So, after a hard workout, do not forget to consume it. 

15. Alcohol Cravings
 Kick that alcohol craving by drinking water at parties. 

16. Food- Borne Illnesses
 Drinking lemon water can help you to avoid any sort of food poisoning. 

17. Summer Benefits:
  Lemon is easily available affordable rates during summer, it is an acidic fruit and a taste enhancer. It is used in many recipes to add taste to it, especially in salads. the most common use of lemon is in making lemon water or lemonade. Although it is best to take lemon water with warm water on an empty stomach to reduce weight, improves digestion and strengthen your immune system. 
 Lemon water is very good for common summer weather problems like nausea, heartburn, and dehydration. People who are working in open places in high temperature suffer sunstroke, nausea, and dehydration very often. Lemon water in all these ailments. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Koro syndrome (Genital Retraction Syndrome)

        Koro syndrome (Genital Retraction                           Syndrome)

   Koro syndrome is a psychiatric disorder characterized by anxiety and a deep fear of the shrinking of the penis and /or retraction of the genitals into the abdominal until they disappear. Far koro syndrome sufferers, it is believed when the genitals do disappear you will die. 

  Koro is a characterized by acute anxiety and a deep-seated fear of shrinkage of the penis and its ultimate retraction into the abdomen, which will cause death. The concurrence of the Koro(genital retraction) syndrome with a pathological condition of the urogenital system has rarely been described. We report a case of Koro associated with infertility.  

  First identified in ancient China, Koro almost always follows an identical pattern. The suffer first experiences a tingling sensation in the followed by a rapid- onset panic attack. This quickly leads to a sudden and pervasive fear that the genitals are disappearing. In Asia, this is almost always accompanied by an imminent fear of death, although this element is often missing from reports in other parts of the world. The suffers normally asks friends or relatives to physically manipulate his genitals stop them retracting, which sometimes leads to injury. The anxiety subsides quickly when a culturally acceptable treatment is used, from exorcism to potions. 

Causes of Genital Retraction Syndrome:

 Koro has been described as a panic disorder that around the genitals. It appears to be heavily influenced by cultural beliefs, which might explain why epidemics are common. For example, in some West Africa outbreaks, the suffers believed that, rather than retracting into their bodies, their genitals were being stolen for occult reasons. During the "Burning Times" of medieval Europe, witches were held responsible for genital retractions in the local population. The symptoms subsided when the witches were appeased. 

 Personal and cultural morals, religious doctrine and current mental health status often play in individual cases. A 2008 study in the journal of German Psychology found that many sufferers reported a recent sexual encounter that made them uncomfortable, such as an extramarital affair. Some had a history of preoccupation with their genitals. Some reported a high level of fear, guilt or shame. Other were immature and lacked sexual confidence. Still, others had an existing mental health disorder or a history of substance abuse. Although the specifics vary for each case, it appears that the highest risk for Koro exists in people who are already experiencing fear, or guilt. 

   Koro syndrome is largely observed in young Asian men. Many of these young men are usually uninformed about physiological puberty. They are also deprived of proper sex information that explains their physical development. Individuals who suffer from the koro syndrome believe their penis shrinking is a warning sign of their imminent death.
Koro Syndrome is mainly found in Asian countries. Scientists are unsure whether it is due to a native cultural tendency towards a type of anxiety or if the syndrome began as a rumor that has been taken literally. A few doctors have noted koro syndrome has become increasingly popular in Western countries, however, in Western countries, koro syndrome was linked to additional psychological conditions.
People who suffered from koro in the U.S. were also diagnosed with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. While in Asian countries individuals who suffer from the condition are otherwise healthy.
In a study, conducted by German researchers, it was observed patients who suffer from alternative mental illnesses, once their mental disorder was treated, more times than not their fear of genital retraction diminished. German researchers also believe the koro syndrome may exist more often than reported. They noted many patients may be reluctant to report their symptoms due to feelings of shame. 


     In DSM-IV-TR, koro is listed as one of the entries in the Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes of Appendix I. The manual gives koro’s definition as “a term, probably of Malaysian origin, that refers to an episode of sudden and intense anxiety that the penis (or, in females, the vulva, and nipples) will recede into the body and possibly cause death.” Attempts by numerous authors to sub-group culture-bound syndromes place koro into different classes according to the system of classification, such as the group of “specific culture-imposed nosophobia” (classification with cardinal sign), “the genital retraction taxon” (classification with common factors between syndromes), and the group with “culture-related beliefs as causes for the occurrence” (classification according to how the syndromes might be affected by cultural factors).
   A typical episode will occur when a man goes to urinate in the cold or while emotionally upset (often due to guilt over masturbation or frequenting prostitutes, while concerned about his sexual performance, or after a fight with his wife) and observes that his penis is becoming smaller, a condition known medically as hyperinvolution. Remembering the dangers of a shrinking penis, the man grabs his genitals before they can retract into his body, and calls for help. If no one is around to help he holds onto his penis, the individual may use mechanical devices to keep the penis from retracting, including cords, chopsticks, clamps, or small weights. While there are no substantiated reports of the condition itself resulting in any physical damage to the individual, many sufferers have unfortunately inflicted harm upon themselves in frantic attempts to stretch the penis to prevent further shrinkage. It is not unusual for those with koro to resort to using mechanical devices such as clamps or weights.
   Several criteria are typically used to make a diagnosis of koro: penile (or breast) retraction, anxiety related to the retraction, fear of death as a result of retraction, and use of mechanical means to prevent full retraction. Cases that do not meet all the requirements are generally classified as koro-like symptoms or given a diagnosis of partial koro syndrome. It has been argued that the criteria are sufficient but not necessary to make a diagnosis of koro. 
Signs and symptoms:
      Most of the victims complain about episodes of an acute attack of genital retraction or genital shrinkage, sometimes both. Each episode usually last several hours, though the duration can be as long as two days. Victims of koro worry compulsively over what they view as sexual excess. They also lack confidence in their own sexual capacity and thus their sense of virility. This sexual anxiety leads to the body-image distortion syndrome that accompanies depersonalization. But in koro, unlike other states of depersonalization where the person realizes that they are simply “spaced out” because of stress, this person (with koro) has the limited insight of his condition, yet he does not suffer wide-spread emotional disturbances.  Ethnographic psychologists consider koro to be closely related to the panic attacks precipitated by sexual anxiety.
Treatments :

   Indigenous treatments for koro vary dramatically and are often influenced by current events. For example, an outbreak might be blamed on an invading force or an individual rival. Defeating the foe is sometimes the recommended treatment in these situations. In other cases, indigenous treatment might include an exorcism, rest, herbal treatments, or other healing practices. Some research shows that antipsychotics are sometimes helpful in reducing symptoms.
If you're suffering from koro, talk therapy may help you learn new and healthier ways of relating to your body.

  Because it's common for people with this fear to have other conditions, Western mental health professionals often perform a full workup to determine exactly which factors are in play. In many cases, treating the underlying condition also causes the koro symptoms to subside.
    It's also important to rule out physical causes for the koro symptoms. Pain, tingling and other physical symptoms are common in koro but could also indicate an underlying physiological condition. It's a good idea to visit the urologist if you're experiencing these symptoms.

The goal of the treatment is to help the patient in healthy functioning of his daily routine. A combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was chosen.
The following rubrics were selected for repertorisation:
MIND-DELUSIONS-genitals-shrunken, are
MIND-DELUSIONS-worthless; he is
MIND-ANXIETY-conscience; anxiety of
BBCR- pg. No: 649
Genitalia- Male organs- Penis- Shrunken: ag-c, alo, bell. 
Mind, Delusions, body, body parts, parts shrunken: Sabad, nux-m. 

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Dropsy and Homeopathic Approach

                     Dropsy and Homeopathic Approach 

    Dropsy is swelling from excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue. Edema, or dropsy as it is something known, is swelling due to an infiltration of fluid into the tissues. If it occurs in one specific area, it can cause the nearby skin to become taut and shiny, and the muscles become achy. A noticeable weight gain of several pounds can occur. Edema is most common around the feet and ankles, however bloating from fluid retention usually affects the whole body. 

 An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water. In years gone by, a person has been said to have dropsy. Today one would be more descriptive and specify the cause. Thus, the person might have Edema due to congestive heart failure. Edema is often more prominent in the lower legs and feet toward the end of the day as a result of pooling of fluid from the upright position usually maintained during the day. Upon awakening from sleeping, people can have to swell around the eyes referred to as periorbital edema. The English Dropesie came through the old French hydropsie from the Greek Hydrops which inurn came from the Greek "Hydro" meaning water. 

Dropsy also known as Oedema, defined as the abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces. This swelling can be generalized. Which occurs throughout the body, as with progressive kidney failure or may local as in ascites. 

Main Causes of Dropsy/ Oedema:

 . Bacterial infection
 . Liver disorders
 . Renal Disorders
 . Cardiac disorders
 . Allergic conditions
 . Pregnancy
 . Thyroid disorders
 . Premenstrual syndrome
 . Malnutrition 
 . Taking too much salt
 . Inadequate Lymphatic system
 . Poisoning

Homeopathic treatment of Dropsy/ Oedema:

 Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. 

  The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat dropsy/ Oedema but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat Dropsy/ Oedema that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations, and modalities of the treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment do dropsy/ Oedema. 

Apis Mel
  Simply dropsy between the skin and the flesh with fever, unabsorbed effusion after inflammation of the serous cavities, the patient is not thirst, the dropsical condition is aggravated by heat. In post-scarlatinal dropsy and in acute febrile dropsy Apis is the remedy when the patient is thirstless; this seems to be characteristic. It is especially adapted to cases depending on kidney disease, The skin is pale and waxen, transparent; the urine is scanty and Apis speedily brings about an increase; there may be nettle-rash on the skin. 
 I then dropsy be of cardiac origin there will be swelling of the feet, if hydrothorax, there will be dyspnoea and a feeling as if death were approaching, but no fear thereof as in Arsenicum and Aconite. Serous inflammation where the effusion is not absorbed, is a most useful remedy, hence its use in ascites, hydrothorax, hydrocephalus, etc. Dropsy of the knee, also Iodine. Apis is better given in trituration in these cases. 

Arsenic- Album:
  inflammation where the effusion is not absorbed, is a most useful remedy, hence its use in ascites, hydrothorax, hydrocephalus, etc. Dropsy of the knee, also Iodine. Apis is better given in trituration in these cases.
 This remedy is suitable in all forms of dropsy, particularly in those depending on disorders of the heart and lungs. In dropsy of renal origin, it also stands prominent. There is puffiness of the face with Oedema about the eyelids, waxy transparent skin, thirst, vomiting, etc. Ulcers forming on the legs. In dropsy oozing of a serum is also an indication. This is found also under Rhus-tox and Lyco. Arsenicum is an important diuretic. Also dropsy after scarlatina with albumin in urine and thirst, cardiac and lungs disorders; puffiness of the face and around the eyelids. 

Acetic Acid:
 Here we have the waxen, emaciated, alabaster skin and dropsies, especially about the lower limbs and abdomen. There is thirst, sour belching, water brash and diarrhea, a broken down constitution. It stands between Apis and Arsenicum, but it has a great thirst and the prominent gastric symptoms will separate it from Arsenicum. Profuse sweating is a prominent symptom. 

Apocynum Cannabinum:
 This drug is useful for swelling anywhere of dropsical origin disease. It seldom does more than palliate, though in renal dropsy it may do more. The special symptoms calling for it is a gone feeling in the pit of the stomach, cannot tolerate food, great thirst, but drinking causes distress, irregular heart, torpidity and slow pulse. It seems to be a diuretic in small doses, hence this effect can only be palliative and when so used it should be freshly prepared. Dropsy of serous membrane, acute, inflammatory. Dropsy with thirst, water disagrees or is vomited, most cases uncomplicated with organic disease, after typhus, typhoid, scarlatina, cirrhosis after abuse of quinine, acute hydrocephalus. 

 Anasarca and ascites in organic disturbances of the liver, and spleen after the loss of blood and other weakening discharges. Dropsy in drunkards, skin pale and waxy, disinclination to mental or physical exertion, face hollow, pale and livid. 


 Dropsy with dark urine, especially as a complication of rheumatism may indicate this remedy. Dropsy after scarlatina and dropsy of cavities and internal organs. 

 Cardiac dropsies, feeble irregular heart, feeling as if it should still with a desire to take a deep breath, scanty, dark, albuminous urine, slow pulse, scrotum, and penis swollen. Hydropericardium, hydrothorax. Cold sweat, dropsies of the brain. Post scarlatinal dropsy, anasarca with a bluish cyanotic color. In dropsies of the chest, Marcurius Sulph should be remembered. Muriatic acid. Dropsy from cirrhosis Liver.  

 Sudden anasarca from previous overheating and subsequent exposure to damp cold while in a state of perspiration, general edema from intermittent fever, with a bloated face, swelling of abdomen and limbs, anasarca after previous rheumatic fever. 

 This is a very useful remedy in many forms of dropsy. There is jelly-like diarrhea, urine dark and scanty. It may be used in general anasarca, ascites, post-scarlatinal dropsies, and here it has proved a marvelous remedy. Sudden dropsies, acute dropsies accompanied by great debility. 

 Dropsy, urine dark and albuminous, dark skin or bluish white. Hydrothorax with suffocative fits after scarlet fever any indicate the remedy. 

 dropsy from the congestion of the kidney, dull aching in the renal region and dark smoky urine. 

 Dropsy from liver disease, the lower half of body and abdomen distended. Ulcers form in lower extremities.

 Hydrothorax, the danger of suffocation when making the least or rising the arms. 

 Hydrothorax, with sudden arrest of breathing at night in bed when turning on the other side, dropsy after suppressed eruptions, rough skin, bluish spots, quick puls, cold feet. 

Homeopathic rubrics for Dropsy:

Complete repertory:

Extremities, Swelling general: 3M Apis, Ars, Coll 2M: Ars-i. Aur, Cact, Chin, Chin-ar, Colch, Con, Conv, Crot-h, Dig, Dulc, 
Extremities, swelling General annual, dark red at first, hot weather 
Extremities, swelling General arthritic
Extremities, swelling General bloody infiltration, with 
Extremities, swelling General cramp after
Extremities, swelling General doughy
Extremities, swelling General dropsical 
Extremities, swelling General dropsical left side
Extremities, swelling General dropsical brights disease, in
Extremities, swelling General dropsical fluids, from loss of 
Extremities, swelling General joints 
Extremities, swelling General afternoon
Extremities, swelling General dark red 

General, Dropsy heart disease, in: 3Marks Ars, Aur- m, coll, Lac-d, Lach, Lyc

General, Dropsy heart disease, in a bluish skin, with: Dig
General, Dropsy heart disease. in urine, with involuntary, and dry skin: Apoc

Kent Repertory: 

Extremities, swelling: Merc, sul
Extremities, swelling, dropsical: Apis, Ars, Coll
Extremities, swelling, flabby
Extremities, swelling, sensation of
Extremities, swelling, Joints: Act-s, Bell, Bry, Colch, Hep, Led, Sulph, 
Extremities, swelling, upper limbs
Extremities, swelling, shoulder
Extremities, swelling, elbow

Generalities, SWELLING in general: Apsi, Ars, Bell, Bry, Kali-bi, Merc, Nux-v, Puls, Rhus-t, 

Generalities, SWELLING, affected parts of:
Generalities, SWELLING inflammatory
Generalities, SWELLING puffy
Generalities, SWELLING, bones

Sunday, 4 March 2018



   The presence of cells or tissues from two individuals, chimeras, or the presence of cells and tissues that include the gonads, tetragametic chimerism can be detected by the analysis of cytogenetics and analysis of polymorphic genetic markers, using patterns of pedigree inheritance. These methodologies include determination of sex chromosomes, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) polymorphisms and panels of short tandem repeats(STRs) that include mitochondrial DNA markers. 

 A genetic chimerism or chimera (also spelled chimera) is a single composed of cells with distinct genotypes. In animals, this means an individual derived from different Zygotes, which can include possessing both female and male sex organs, blood cells of two blood types, or subtle variations in form. Animals chimeras are produced by the merger of multiple fertilized eggs. 

 In plants chimeras, however, the distinct types of tissue may originate from the same zygote, and the difference is often due to mutation during ordinary cell division. Normally, genetics chimerism is not visible on casual inspection, however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage. Another way that chimerism can occur in animals is by organ transplantation, giving one individual tissue that developed from a different genome. For example, transplantation of bone marrow often determines the recipient's ensuing blood type. 

 This condition is either inherited or it is acquired through the infusion of allogeneic hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion. In non-identical twins, chimerism occurs by means of blood- vessel anastomoses. The likelihood of offspring being a chimera is increased if it is created via in vitro fertilization. Chimeras can often breed, but the fertility and type of offspring depend on which cell line gave rise to the ovaries or testes, varying degrees of intersex differences may result if one set of cells is genetically female and another genetically male. 

Tetragametic Chimerism

 Tetragametic chimerism is a form of congenital chimerism. This condition occurs through the fertilization of two separate ova by two sperm. followed by aggregation of the two at the blastocyst or Zygote stages. 

  This results in the development of an organism with intermingled cell lines put another way, the chimera is formed from the merging of two non-identical twins( a similar merging presumably occurs with identical twins, but as their genotypes are not significantly distinct, the resulting individual would not be considered a chimera.) As such, they can be male, female, or have mixed intersex characteristics. 

   Natural chimeras are almost never detected unless they exhibit abnormalities such as male/female or hermaphrodite characteristics or uneven skin pigmentation. The most noticeable are some male tortoiseshell cats(although most male tortoiseshells have an extra X chromosome responsible for the coloration) or animals with ambiguous sex organs. 

  The existence of chimerism is problematic for DNA testing, a fact with implications for family and criminal law. The Lydia Fairchild case, for example, was brought to court after DNA testing apparently showed that her children could not be hers. Fraud charges were filed against her and her custody fo her children was challenged. The charge against her was dismissed when it became clear that Lydia was a chimera, with the matching DNA being found un her cervical tissue. Another case was that of Karen Keegan, who was also suspected (initially) of not being her children's biological mother, after DNA tests on her adult sons for a kidney transplant she needed seemed to show she wasn't their mother. 

 Microchimerism is the presence of a small number of cells that are genetically distinct from those of the host individual. Most people are born with a few cells genetically identical to their mother's and the proportion of these cells goes down in healthy individuals as they get older. People who retain a higher number of cells genetically identical to their mothers have been observed to have higher rates of some autoimmune diseases, presumably because the immune system is responsible for destroying these cells and a common immune defect prevents it from doing so and also causes autoimmune problems.  

Germline Chimerism:
  Germline Chimerism occurs when the germ cells(for example, sperm and egg cells )of an organism are not genetically identical to its own. It has recently been discovered that marmostes can carry the reproductive cells of their twin siblings, because of placental fusion during development. 

  The Dutch sprinter Foekje Dilemma was expelled from the 1950 national team after she refused a mandatory sex test in July 1950, later investigation revealed a Y- chromosome in her body cells, and the analysis that she probably was a 46, XX/46 XY mosaic female. 
  In 1953 a human chimera was reported in the British Medical Journal. A woman was found to have blood containing two different blood types. Apparently, this resulted from her twin brothers cells living in her body. A 1996 study found that such blood group chimerism is not rare. 

Chromosomal Chimeras:
 These are chimeras in which the layers differ in their chromosome constitution. Occasionally fragments owing to misdivision. More commonly cytochimeras have simple multiple of the normal chromosome complement in the changed layer. There are various effects on cell size and growth characteristics. 

Nuclear Gene- differential Chimeras:
 These chimeras arise by spontaneous or induced mutation of a nuclear gene to a dominator recessive allele. As a rule, one character is affected at a time in the leaf, flower, fruit, or other parts. 

Plastid Gene- differential chimeras
 These chimeras arise by spontaneous or induced mutation of a plastid gene, followed by the sorting-out of two kinds of plastid during vegetative growth. Alternatively, after selfing or nucleic acid thermodynamics, plastids may sort-out from a mixed egg or mixed zygote respectively. 

  women born with unique birthmark learns she's her together in the womb. 

 Ever since Taylor Muhl was a little girl, she longed to have a twin sibling. The singer and model would often asl for mother whether she was a twin and became obsessed with dressing just like her friends. Years later, Muhl learned that she wish had already come true. The Los Angeles native grew up believing a discoloration on her stomach was simply a birthmark, and after years of battling autoimmune issues, Muhl went to a doctor who diagnosed her with chimerism, a rare disorder in which a person has two sets of DNA. In Muhl's case, she lives with the DNA of her fraternal twin whom she absorbed in her mother's womb. 

“I actually felt relief. I felt free because for the first time in my life I knew why my stomach looks the way it does. This is why I’ve had so many health challenges,” the model says of coming to term with the news. “I felt like for the first time I could really breathe. Prior to that, every doctor said my stomach must have just been a birthmark … Finally, this is making some sense.”
 Muhl says her mother, who didn't have more children, was saddened by the news. viewing the situation as"losing a child". 

Now, Muhl focuses on living a healthy, active lifestyle to cope with her condition.Although she has known about her disorder for several years, she only went public with the news last year. Muhl says she kept her condition private, and hid her stomach, in fear of losing opportunities in the entertainment industry. 

  “This has probably been the most freeing year that I have ever lived in my entire life. What was so hard for me was pretending that I wasn’t sick and it’s something that I did for the last seven-plus years. It really does start wearing on you. Now I don’t have to worry about any of it. It’s all out there.”
Muhl often shares information about her condition, and even shows off her stomach on Instagram. She revealed her diagnosis in a post last year, boldly writing, “I’m a fraternal twin who fused together with my sibling in the womb.”
She tells PEOPLE: “I don’t have to hide who I am anymore and it’s a great feeling.