
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Spontaneous human combustion (SHC)

                      Spontaneous human combustion (SHC)

   is a term encompassing reported cases of the combustion of a living (or very recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition? In addition to reported cases, examples of the phenomenon appear in literature, and both types have been observed to share common characteristics, regarding circumstances and remains of the victim.

  Forensic investigations have attempted to analyze reported instances of SHC and have resulted in hypotheses regarding potential causes and mechanisms, including victim behavior and habits, alcohol consumption and proximity to potential sources of ignition, as well as the behavior of fires that consume melted fats. Natural explanations, as well as unverified natural phenomena, have been proposed to explain reports of SHC. The current scientific consensus is that most, and perhaps all, cases of SHC involve overlooked external sources of ignition.

    Spontaneous human combustion" refers to the death from a fire originating without an apparent external source of ignition; the fire is believed to start within the body of the victim. This idea and the term 'spontaneous human combustion' were both first proposed in 1746 by Paul Rolli in an article published in the Philosophical Transactions. Writing in The British Medical Journal in 1938, coroner Gavin Thurston describes the phenomenon as having "attracted the attention not only of the medical profession but of the laity" as early as 1834 (more than one hundred years prior to Thurston's article). In his 1995 book Ablaze!, Larry E. Arnold wrote that there had been about 200 cited reports of spontaneous human combustion worldwide over a period of around 300 years.


The topic received coverage in the British Medical Journal in 1938. An article by L. A. Parry cited an 1823-published book Medical Jurisprudence,  which stated that commonalities among recorded cases of spontaneous human combustion included the following characteristics: the recorded cases have these things in common:
1.   the victims are chronic alcoholics;
2.   they are usually elderly females;
3.   the body has not burned spontaneously, but some lighted substance has come into contact with it;
4.   the hands and feet usually fall off;
5.   the fire has caused very little damage to combustible things in contact with the body;
6.   the combustion of the body has left a residue of greasy and fetid ashes, very offensive in odour. 
Alcoholism is a common theme in early SHC literary references, in part because some Victorian-era physicians and writers believed spontaneous human combustion was the result of alcoholism. 

Spontaneous Human Combustion: Facts & Theories:
   For well over a century, some have claimed that people can suddenly and inexplicably explode into a ball of fire. The phenomenon is called spontaneous human combustion (SHC), and it has been described in many popular books on mysteries and the unexplained.
  Though the term "spontaneous human combustion" is of fairly recent vintage, it was a rare-but-real concern to many in the 1800s. In fact, there are nearly a dozen references to people bursting into flames in pre-1900 fiction. The most famous example is Charles Dickens's 1853 novel "Bleak House," in which a character explodes into fire, though the phenomenon can also be found in the works of Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Washington Irving and others. In modern times, SHC has appeared in movies and on television shows, including "The X-Files," and it's even, sort of, the super-power of Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, in "Fantastic Four" comic books.
 Spontaneous combustion theories

  Fires do not typically start on their own. When investigators search for the cause of forest fires, they don't assume that the flame ignited itself. Rather, they usually suspect that a careless camper or a lightning strike caused it. However, many things can self-ignite without exposure to flames, under the right circumstances, including coal dust, piles of compost and used oily rags.
But it's a whole different matter to claim that people can suddenly burst into flames for no apparent reason. There is no doubt that bodies can burn; crematoriums routinely reduce the human body to ashes in the course of a few hours. The mystery of SHC lies in the supposedly strange circumstances under which victims burst into flames. Typically, the story goes, there is no obvious source of ignition, no open fires nearby that might set the person aflame. Furthermore, the victims are killed, and not, for example, only partly burned on one arm or a leg; SHC is fatal. Some claim that burning often seems to begin in the chest or stomach area, leaving the grisly remains of legs and hands intact. Others claim that the furniture and floors under and surrounding the victims (including even their clothing) remain mysteriously unburned.
   Some of these popular claims are simply wrong. For example, there are many photographs of supposed SHC victims that clearly show extensive burning and damage to the clothing and surroundings of the burned person. It's also important to understand a bit of fire forensics: many fires are self-limiting; that is, they put themselves out naturally because they run out of fuel. Though the public often sees uncontrolled fires completely engulfing and burning down entire rooms and buildings, fires are unpredictable. It is quite possible, for example, for only a rug, bed, or sofa to catch fire without spreading to the rest of the room. Because fires normally burn upward instead of outward, there is nothing paranormal or strange about finding a victim in one part of a room burned to death while the rest of the room has little more than smoke damage.
  What about the source of ignition? What could possibly cause people to suddenly burst into flames? A century ago, it was blamed on intemperance and even God's wrath: most victims were assumed to be drunkards who had saturated their cells with alcohol. In the 1970s, a quasi-Freudian explanation came into vogue suggesting that a person's depressive emotional states could somehow cause him or her to become inflamed. Others have suggested that sunspots, cosmic storms, gas-producing intestinal bacteria, or even a buildup of the body's supposed "vibrational energy" may be to blame.
   Yet all these explanations are pseudoscientific, and there is no evidence for any of them. Our bodies are about 60 percent to 70 percent non-flammable water, and the simple fact is that there is no physical or medical mechanism by which a person could possibly self-combust. If people truly could suddenly burst into flames without being anywhere near an open flame, presumably there would be examples that have occurred while the victim was swimming, in a bathtub, or even scuba diving. Yet those cases do not exist.
Real-life cases:
Only about a dozen claimed real-life cases of SHC have been investigated in any detail. Researcher Joe Nickell examined many "unexplainable" cases in his book "Real-Life X-Files" and found that all of them were far less mysterious than often suggested. Most of the victims were elderly, alone and near flames (often cigarettes, candles, and open fires) when they died. Several were last seen drinking alcohol and smoking.
If the person is asleep, intoxicated, unconscious, infirm or otherwise unable to move or put the flames out, the victim's clothes can act as a wick (most people spend most of their time wrapped in flammable clothing made up of cotton and polyester blends). The flames draw on the body's fat (a flammable oil very near the skin's surface which combines with the burning clothing) to fuel the fire.
There is also a rare medical condition called Stevens-Johnson syndrome that, in extreme cases, may be mistaken for a case of an aborted spontaneous combustion. The skin disease, which can be triggered by a toxic reaction to medications, including antibiotics and prescription painkillers, causes the appearance of severe burns and blisters and can be fatal.
If SHC is a real phenomenon, why doesn't it happen more often? There are 7 billion people in the world, and yet we don't see reports of people bursting into flame while walking down the street. No one has ever been seen, filmed or videotaped (for example, on a surveillance camera) suddenly bursting into flames. It always happens to a single person left alone near a source of ignition.
And if some natural (but unknown) mechanism causes the combustion, why would it only occur in humans? Why wouldn't cows, dogs, elephants, birds or other animals suddenly, randomly and inexplicably explode in a ball of flames now and then? Even if the phenomenon is incredibly rare, with billions of animals on the planet, statistically we should expect to see thousands of them exploding every day all around us.
   Though there is no scientific evidence that SHC exists, now and then a case makes the news when officials cannot find another explanation. In 2011, a coroner concluded that Michael Faherty. an elderly Irishman living alone who burned to death in his home in December 2010, may have spontaneously combusted. Though Faherty's body was found a few feet away from an open, burning fireplace the coroner decided that it had not set him afire.


Wednesday, 13 June 2018

World Blood Donor Day 2018

                  World Blood Donor Day 2018

  Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure the quality, safety, and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need.
Transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and child care and during the emergency response to man-made and natural disasters.

 A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system. An adequate supply can only be ensured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors. However, in many countries, blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety.

   World Blood Donor Day is celebrated each year on 14 June across the globe. The global event is aimed at raising awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure the quality, safety, and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need. It is also a day to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. The day also strongly encourages more people, who might be somewhat hesitant about giving blood, to sign up and start donating so that the donor population does not decline and patients requiring transfusion have timely access to safe blood.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), blood transfusion saves lives, but many patients needing transfusion do not have timely access to safe blood. Transfusion of blood can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. By donating blood, you’re helping in saving lives, but that’s not all. Blood donation is also found to be beneficial to the people who donate blood. Here are five surprising health benefits of donating blood:

Weight loss
Regular blood donation helps in losing weight and improving fitness in healthy adults. According to the University of California researchers, donating one pint of blood (450 ml) helps your body burn about 650 calories. But it should not be thought or used as a weight loss plan. You must consult a doctor before donating blood to avoid any health issues. 

Prevents hemochromatosis
Donating blood helps prevent or reduce your risk of developing hemochromatosis, a condition that occurs due to excess absorption of iron by the body. Regular blood donation may help avoid iron overload, hence it can be beneficial for people with hemochromatosis. However, it’s imperative to ensure that the donor with hemochromatosis meets the standard blood donation eligibility criteria.
Reduces heart disease risk
Regular blood donation helps to keep iron levels in check, which reduces the risk of heart disease. An excessive iron buildup in the body can cause oxidative damage, a major culprit in accelerating aging, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
Lowers cancer risk
High levels of iron in the body are linked to an increased risk of cancer. Thus, by donating blood, you can maintain healthy iron levels, thereby lowering your risk of developing cancer.
Enhances new blood cell production
Blood donation helps to enhance the production of new blood cells. After donating blood, your body starts replenishing immediately. It is said that within 48 hours of donating, new blood cells are produced by marrow and all the lost red blood cells are replaced within one to two months. This process helps in maintaining good health.

World Blood Donor Day Significance

The aim of World Blood Donor Day is to celebrate and thank individuals who have donated blood and to encourage blood donation among everyone, especially the ones who have not donated blood yet. The idea is to let everyone know that blood donation is an altruistic action which benefits the society, and the fact that adequate blood donation can only be ensured when blood is donated regularly by voluntary and unpaid blood donors.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018




World environment day is also known as the Environment Day, Eco Day or short form WED. It has been one of the great annual events for years which is being celebrated worldwide by the people aiming to protect the unique and life nurturing Nature on every 5th June.

World Environment Day
 (WED) occurs on the 5th of June every year and is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment. First held in 1974, it has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging environmental issues from marine pollution, and global warming to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. WED has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Each year, WED has a new theme that major corporations, NGOs, communities, governments, and celebrities worldwide adapt to advocate environmental causes.

   The theme of the year 2018 is “Beat Plastic Pollution

     In 2018, our country, India, is the Global Host of World Environment Day 2018 to raise awareness among the public about the environment protection from plastic. 

   This year’s theme of World Environment Day celebration is “Beat Plastic Pollution” to call the people from all over the world to come and combat single-use plastic pollution.


World Environment Day (also called as WED) has been started celebrating as an annual event on every 5th of June since 1973 in order to raise the global awareness about the importance of the healthy and green environment in the human lives, to solve the environmental issues by implementing some positive environmental actions as well as to make aware common public worldwide that everyone is responsible for saving his environment and not only somebody, government or organizations working for it.
World environment day was first established to be celebrated every year by running some effective campaigns by the United Nations General Assembly and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the conference on Human Environment began from 5th to 16th of June at United Nations in 1972. It was the first time celebrated in 1973 with the particular theme “Only one Earth”. Since 1974, the celebration campaign of the world environment day is hosted in different cities of the world.
It is a big annual celebration started by the United Nations General Assembly to engage millions of people from different countries across the globe as well as draw attention of political and health organizations to implement some effective actions.


The world environment day annual celebration campaign was started to address the huge environmental issues like wastage and losses of food, deforestation, increasing global warming and so many. Every year celebration is planned according to the particular theme and slogan of the year to bring effectiveness in the campaign all through the world.
It is celebrated to successfully get carbon neutrality, focusing on the forest management, reducing greenhouse effects, promoting bio-fuels production by planting on degraded lands, use of hydro-power to enhance electricity production, encourage common public to use solar water heaters, energy production through solar sources, developing new drainage systems, promoting coral reefs and mangroves restoration in order to get prevented from flooding and erosion including other ways of environmental preservation. Some of the objectives of the world environment day campaign are mentioned below:
  • It is celebrated to make aware the common public about the environmental issues.
  • Encourage common people from different social and communities to actively participate in the celebration as well as become an active agent in developing environmental safety measures.
  • Let them know that community people are very essential to inhibit negative changes towards the environmental issues.
  • Encourage people to make their nearby surroundings safe and clean to enjoy safer, cleaner and more prosperous future.


Variety of activities are planned to celebrate this great event in different countries to encourage more people towards the celebration. Various news channels take part very actively in the celebration to cover the news and distribute messages about the celebration among the common public through their news publications to bring effective and positive changes towards the environment to solve all the environmental issues. Some of the national and international level activities include street rallies, tree plantation, garbage recycling, surrounding areas clean-up, parades and so many activities in order to draw people attention towards a wide range of environmental issues as well as bring a difference.
People of all age groups actively involved during the celebration to save their planet in original form as gifted by nature. Especially modern day youths hugely take part in the celebration through many activities such as clean-up campaigns, art exhibitions, motivating people for tree-planting, dance activities, recycling garbage, film festivals, community events, essays writing, poster competitions, social media campaigns and lot more. Many awareness campaigns are also run at schools, colleges, and other educational institutions to motivate students towards their environmental safety. The celebration takes place at national and international level by organizing various activities in the public places to the aware common public about the real causes of environment status degradation as well as let them know what steps should be taken to solve such environmental issues.


Each year celebration of the World Environment Day is based on the particular theme decided by the United Nations to make the celebration more effective by encouraging mass people worldwide to hugely take part in addressing environmental issues on a global scale. Year wise list of the themes and slogans of world environment day are mentioned below:
  • The theme of the year 2018 is “Beat Plastic Pollution.
  • The theme of the year 2017 was “Connecting People to Nature”.
  • The theme of the year 2016 was “Zero tolerance for the illegal trade in wildlife” (highlights the fight against the illegal trade in wildlife).
  • The theme of the year 2015 was “One World, One Environment”.
  • The theme of the year 2014 was “small island developing states” or “SIDS” and “Raise your voice, not the sea level”.
  • The theme of the year 2013 was “Think. Eat. Save.” And slogan was “Reduce Your Foodprint”.
  • The theme of the year 2012 was “Green Economy: Does it include you?”.
  • The theme of the year 2011 was “Forests: Nature at your Service”.
  • The theme of the year 2010 was “Many Species. One Planet. One Future”.
  • The theme of the year 2009 was “Your Planet Needs You-Unite to Combat Climate Change”.
  • The theme and slogan of the year 2008 were “CO2, Kick the Habit – Towards a Low Carbon Economy”.
  • The theme of the year 2007 was “Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?”.
  • The theme of the year 2006 was “Deserts and Desertification” and the slogan was “Don’t Desert Drylands!.”
  • The theme of the year 2005 was “Green Cities” and the slogan was “Plan for the Planet!”.
  • The theme of the year 2004 was “Wanted! Seas and Oceans” and slogan was “Dead or Alive?”.
  • The theme of the year 2003 was “Water” and the slogan was “Two Billion People are Dying for It!”.
  • The theme of the year 2002 was “Give Earth a Chance”.
  • The theme of the year 2001 was “Connect with the World Wide Web of Life”.
  • The theme of the year 2000 was “The Environment Millennium” and the slogan was “Time to Act”.
  • The theme of the year 1999 was “Our Earth – Our Future” and slogan was “Just Save It!”.
  • The theme of the year 1998 was “For Life on Earth and slogan was “Save Our Seas”.
  • The theme of the year 1997 was “For Life on Earth”.
  • The theme of the year 1996 was “Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home”.
  • The theme of the year 1995 was “We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment”.
  • The theme of the year 1994 was “One Earth One Family”.
  • The theme of the year 1993 was “Poverty and the Environment and slogan was “Breaking the Vicious Circle”.
  • The theme of the year 1992 was “Only One Earth, Care, and Share”.
  • The theme of the year 1991 was “Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership”.
  • The theme of the year 1990 was “Children and the Environment”.
  • The theme of the year 1989 was “Global Warming; Global Warning”.
  • The theme of the year 1988 was “When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last”.
  • The theme of the year 1987 was “Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof”.
  • The theme of the year 1986 was “A Tree for Peace”.
  • The theme of the year 1985 was “Youth: Population and the Environment”.
  • The theme of the year 1984 was “Desertification”.
  • The theme of the year 1983 was “Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy”.
  • The theme of the year 1982 was “Ten Years after Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)”.
  • The theme of the year 1981 was “Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains”.
  • The theme of the year 1980 was “A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development without Destruction”.
  • The theme of the year 1979 was “Only One Future for Our Children and slogan was “Development without Destruction”.
  • The theme of the year 1978 was “Development without Destruction”.
  • The theme of the year 1977 was “Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation”.
  • The theme of the year 1976 was “Water: Vital Resource for Life”.
  • The theme of the year 1975 was “Human Settlements”.
  • The theme of the year 1974 was “Only one Earth during Expo ’74”.
  • The theme of the year 1973 was “Only one Earth”.