
Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Gout and homeopathy

                                                GOUT AND HOMEOPATHY 

Acute Gout:
A disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, deposition of chalk-stones, and episodes of acute pain. 

Predisposing factors: Trauma to the joint, acute infection, surgery, exposure to cold, injection of foreign protein, drugs, an excess of alcohol, high protein diet, diuretics, chemical like urografin, allopurinol, uricosuric drugs, sometimes it is associated with changes in the atmospheric pressure. Premonitory symptoms are nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain and occasionally renal colic or polyuria. 

Clinic features: 
Onset is sudden: Age: usually above 40
Sex: Male predominate (95%), rare in females (8 times more common in males)
   The attack usually occurs in the night awakening the patient from sleep. The joint most commonly affected initially is first metatasophalangeal joint (50%). Other sites are ankle, heel, knee and hand. The involvement may be monoarticular or migratory polyarthritis. Hip and shoulder joints are usually not affected. 

  General features are anorexia, malaise, headache, tachycardia, and fever which may come with a slight chill. Locally there is excruciating pain, tenderness, swelling and violaceous color of the joint and involved skin is tense. Lymphangitis and cellulitis may occur. Local veins are very much prominent. The skin over the joint becomes scaly and itchy during recovery which is pathognomonic. An attack may last for two weeks after which the joint becomes completely normal till another attack occurs. 

Chronic gout: 
    The acute attacks recur at the interval of months to years. Gradually a stage comes when irreversible changes develop in the joints characterized by changes in joints spaces, capsule, tendons, and bursae. 

Clinic features: 
  The pain becomes persistent along with stiffness and deformity of the joint. The condition becomes polyarticular involving wrist, ankles, knees, elbows, lastly shoulders and hips. Sodium biurate crystals begin to be deposited in the periarticular tissue and cartilages especially in the ear develop in hands, feet, olecranon and prepatellar bursa. The bursae particularly ulnar bursae may be inflamed and swollen with fluid exudate. Progressive functional loss and disability of joints, together with gross deformity may develop. 

Tests to help diagnose gout may include: 
Joint fluid test: Needle to draw fluid from your affected joint. When examined under the microscope your joint fluid may reveal urate crystals. 
Blood test: Blood test to measure the levels of uric acid and creatinine in your blood. 
X-ray imaging: X-rays can be helpful to rule out other causes of joint inflammation. 
Ultrasound: Musculoskeletal ultrasound detects urate crystals in a joint or in a tophus. This technique is more widely used in Europe than in the united states. 
Dual energy CT scan: This type of imaging can detect the presence of urate crystals in a joint even when it is not acutely inflamed. This test is not used routinely in clinical practice due to an expense and is not widely available.

 1. Deposition of urates in renal parenchyma leading to nephrosclerosis, chronic pyelonephritis, and progressive renal failure. 
2. Renal calculus (Gouty kidney) giving rise to renal colic(10%-20%). 
3. Hypertension, Atherosclerosis.
4. Hypertriglyceridemia: Hypertension and atherosclerosis may lead to coronary or cerebrovascular accidents. 
5. Diabetes mellitus. 
6. Acute tenosynovitis, bursitis, and supraspinatus tendinitis. 

Homeopathic Treatment for Gout: Homeopathy offers a wider range of options than conventional medicine. Constitutional homeopathic treatment with the management of an experienced and professional homeopath is an excellent choice for gout. The homeopathic approach to gout treatment is more of a totalistic approach. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints. Homeopathy is very strongly suggested for the treatment of gout.
  Heredity plays an important role in gout. However, a study conducted at the Stanford university school of medicine suggested that emotions can overcome genetics. The constitutional approach of homeopathy which considers mind and body together as one bestows a lot of significance to emotions, and believes that emotional factors are vital in the development of most of the diseases, including gout, It can even be the cause of gout. The study showed that even those who are genetically predisposed to gout can avoid the disease by staying emotionally healthy. If you are at risk for gout, you can avoid getting the disease if you stay in good condition psychologically.

Homeopathic remedies for Gout: 

Benzoic acid: Tearing in joints with nearly clear urine, old nodes becomes painful, and as the pains about palpitation sets in ceasing only when pains increase gout going from left to right or commencing in right great toe, urine of offensive odor depositing a reddish cloudy sediment. 
Urtica urens: This helps in the elimination of uric acid the body. The patient has a tendency to gout and stone formations, especially in kidneys. The joints symptoms are associated with urticaria or alternate with it. The shoulder (Deltoid region) wrists and ankles are more commonly affected. The patient cannot tolerate touch. 
Lithium carb: There are a swelling and tenderness of the finger and toe joints, better by hot water application. Gout in knees, sides of feet and soles, ankle joints pain on walking profuse urine with deficiencies, aggr. from mental agitation which causes a fluttering and trembling of heart general puffiness of body and limbs increase of bulk and weight clumsiness in walking at night and weariness in standing. 
Ledum: Gout is the result of alcoholism ledum should be thought of the inflammation of the joints begins in the lower limbs and ascends upwards. The ball of the great toe is swollen. It is red sometimes bluish and cold to touch. Dipping the part in a bucket of ice water relieves the pain. It is generally worse from getting warm in bed. 
Lycopodium: Drug for chronic gout with chalky deposits in the joints. It is suited to persons who are mentally keen but of weak muscular power. these [patients suffer from gastric ailments especially lower abdomen flatulence. There is a pain in the heels as if treading on a pebble. 
Colchicum: the Specific power of relieving the gout paroxysms but it seems to be more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts. The part are red, hot, swollen with tearing pain felt more in the night. The parts are sensitive to touch the patient complains of tearing in the joints is hot weather and stinging during cold. Gout settles in the great toe or in the heel. 

Rubrics about Gout
Kent repertory: EXTREMITIES: GOUT( see pain, also Arthritic Nodosities)
Arthritic nodosities: 3 Apis, benz-ac, calc, Graph, Led, lith, lyc
                                 2 ant-c, aur, bry, calc-p, dig, elaps, caust, cic, clem, dig, form, guaj, kali-i, merc, puls, 
on condyles: Calc-p
painful: led
shoulder: Calc, kali-i
Elbow, above: mag-c
Forearm: am-c
Wrist: 2benz-ac, calc, led
Hands: 2Benz-ac. calc, hep. led
Finger joints: 3Apis, Benz-ac. Calc, Caust, Lith, Lyc. 2 Aesc, ant-c, calc-f, clem, colch, dig, rhod, sil, staph, sulph, urt-u. 
with stiffness: 3Lyc, 2 Carb-an, Graph
Knee: 2 bufo, calc, led, nux-v.
Foot: 3Led, 2.kali-i, nat-s, 1 bufo
Toes: 1.asaf, caust, ran-s, sabin, sulph, thuj. 2 graph
fibrous, of first toe: rhod  

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


                    DANDRUFF AND HOMEOPATHY 

   Dandruff is an inflammatory skin condition, causing flaky white or yellow scales. It is also medically termed as seborrheic dermatitis of unknown cause. Oily skin is often associated with this problem. Many people have this problem, which is marked by itching and excessive flaking of the scalp. It is not contagious, rarely serious and it can usually be controlled.  
    Overgrowth of skin cells that make up the scalp may cause dandruff. It is not known what accelerates this cell growth. That dandruff may be a hypersensitive reaction to the proliferation of pityrosporum ovale, yeast that occurs naturally on the scalp. Another theory that held for some time linked dandruff to a new fungus, Malassezia, that seems to exist in overabundance on the scalps of these affected with the disease. Dandruff causes have been attributed to dry skin, oily skin, shampooing too often or not often enough. Use of too many chemical hair products(e.g., hair sprays, gels).

Other factors are known to trigger dandruff include:

+ Emotional stress

+ Lack of rest
+ Allergic hypersensitive
+Poor health 
+Poor hygiene
+Hormonal imbalance.
+ Use of electric hair curlers or blow dryers.
+ Excessive consumption of sugar, fat, starch.
+ Improper nutrition.
+ Heredity predisposition. 
+ Stress and anxiety.Cold weather and dry indoor heating. 
    Sometimes sensitivities to certain hair-care products or hair dyes can cause a red, itchy, scaling scalp. I may vary, commonly symptoms include, White, oily- looking flakes of dead skin in your hair and on your shoulders. An itchy, scaling scalp. The scalp can be either excessively dry or oily.

        Diagnosing Dandruff: Can typically be self-diagnosed and does not normally require specific diagnostic measures. However, if symptoms are severe and flakes are accompanied by redness and inflammation of the scalp or a related condition such as seborrheic dermatitis and it should be properly diagnosed by a specialist. 

Conventional Treatment of Dandruff: 

    Dandruff shampoos are used according to their active ingredient, Zinc pyrithione shampoos.Containing the antibacterial and antifungal agent. Tar pyrithione shampoos. Used in condition such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis. Shampoos sulfide shampoos. Help prevent cell turnover and may reduce the number of malassezia. 

     Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicine is selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency(predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Dandruff: 

Thuja occidentalis: White, scaly dandruff, hair dry and falling out. Greasy skin of face. Hydrogenoid constitution, having good humor. Cheerful disposition without extravagance. An itching on the occiput. 

Natrum muriaticum: Dandruff, greasy, oily, scalp. Dry eruptions, especially on the margin of hairy scalp. Itching and burning of hair follicles. Eczema; raw, red, inflamed, especially in the edges of hair worse from eating too much salt. Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well. Great liability to take cold. 
Kali sulphuricum: Dandruff and scalded. Applicable to the later stages of inflammation. Dandruff yellow scales in skin diseases. All ailments are worse in a warm room and toward evening and better in cool, open air. Dryness of scalp. Humid, itching eruption on hairy scalp, emitting a fetid odor. Patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, costive, take cold easily.Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. 
Phosphorus: Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches. Dandruff falls out in clouds; baldness of single spots. Adapted to tall slender persons of sanguine temperament, fair skin, delicate eyelashes, find blond or red hair, quick perceptions, and very sensitive nature. Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stop; who are chloroticor anaemic. 
Carboneum sulphuratum: Chronic skin diseases with much itching. Very useful in patients broken down by abuse of alcohol. Sensitive worse cold, wasted muscles, and skin and mucous membranes anesthetics. 
Sulphur: Scalp dry, falling of hair; worse, washing. Dryness and heat of scalp with instance itching, especially at night, and scratching causes soreness; wetting makes it burn. Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, persons of nervous temperament quick tempered plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. Lean, stop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stoping; walk stop like old men. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable. 

Heraclleum sphondylium: Much fatty perspiration on a head and violent itching. Seborrhoea Capitis. 

Badiaga: Dandruff; scalp sore, dry, tetter-like. The Dull feeling in head; with the sensation of enlargement and fullness. 
Alumina: Falling out of hair; scalp itches and is numb. Intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. A very general condition corresponding to this drug is dryness of mucous membranes and skin, and tendency to paretic muscular state. Disposition to colds in the head; dry thin subjects. 

Home care for dandruff: keep your stress level down. Stress make you susceptible to a number of conditions and diseases; including dandruff. If your hair are oily, then shampoo often to remove the excess oil. Massage your scalp gently with your fingers or a soft brush to loosen the scales and improve scalp circulation. 

   Use the gentle shampoo for washing your hair. Be sure to rinse off all soap. If you are going outdoor, do not use oil on your scalp; dust and pollutants get absorbed by the scalp. Keep hair and scalp clean to avoid accumulation of dead cells. If scales do not easily loosen and wash off, apply some mineral oil, wet cloth around your head for up to an hour before shampooing. Massaging tea tree oil into the scalp may help prevent or relieve dandruff. It relieves scaling and itching. 

Say NO to harmful cosmetic hair products (Hair sprays, styling gels and hair waxes) 

Well-balanced diet. Diet supplemented with B-complex vitamins may alleviate dandruff condition. Reduction or elimination of animal proteins and eating mostly whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans, and fruit; avoiding excess salt, sugar, and alcohol. Avoid citrus fruits, bananas, tinned fruits. Avoid strong tea/coffee, pickles, refined and processed foods. 

Grand- mother Home tip: Boil both top & roots of beet in water into the scalp every night for dandruff free hair. 

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

Saturday, 4 March 2017


                                           CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER

Definition: This is a condition of the destruction of the hepatic cell, disruption of hepatic architecture, overgrowth of fibrous tissue, the proliferation of the remaining cells associated with features of progressive hepatocellular failure, portal hypertension and portosystemic shunting arising out of diverse aetiology. Cirrhosis is a condition that results from permanent damage or scarring of the liver. This leads to a blockage of blood flow through the liver and prevents normal metabolic and regulatory processes.  
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what are the major causes of cirrhosis?
causes of cirrhosis are as follows:
.Chronic alcoholism
.Viral infection caused by chronic viral hepatitis (type B, C and D)
.Metabolic diseases such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, galactosemia, and glycogen storage disorders.
.Inherited diseases such as Wilson disease and hemochromatosis
.Biliary cirrhosis resulting from diseases such as primary biliary cholangitis (PSC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC)
.Toxic hepatitis caused by the severe reaction to prescribed drugs or prolonged exposure to environmental toxins.
.Repeated bouts of heart failure with liver congestion. 

Nutrition: Dietetic deficiency of lipotropic factors results in accumulation of fat in the liver cells and this ultimately leads to hepatic fibrosis.However, the cause and effect relationship of these factors is still unsettled. Indian childhood cirrhosis is a special type in this category. 
Chronic alcoholism: This is an important cause of cirrhosis in a temperate climate. Directly, it is responsible for hepatocellular damage and indirectly hepatic damage is produced by the associated deficiency of lipotropic factors and a high-calorie diet. Mallory bodies or alcoholic-hyaline is very suggestive of alcoholic cirrhosis and micronodular cirrhosis usually develops. 
Posthepatitic and postnecrotic cirrhosis: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis c. Hepatitis D may lead to this type of cirrhosis. Almost all cases of chronic active hepatitis lead to cirrhosis. 
Metabolic disorder and inherited disorders: Cirrhosis may develop in cases of Haemochromatosis (Bronze diabetes), Kinnier Wilson's disease, Glycogen storage disease(Type iv), a Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas Alpha-antitrypsin deficiency, Fanconi syndrome, Galactosaemia and in various others.

Pathology: After necrosis and disintegration of liver cells the reticulin framework collapses thereby portal and central zones are approximated. Fibrous septae develop in the portal zones and proceed towards lobular parenchyma dissecting them into various sizes. In the meantime, some cells regenerate to form nodules of various sizes giving a macroscopic appearance of a macronodular, micronodular or mixed type of cirrhosis. Gradually portal hypertension develops due to increased intrahepatic vascular resistance. This increased resistance is due to compression of a vessel by fibrous tissue. Ultimately from portal hypertension, oesophagogastric varices, splenomegaly with or without hypersplenism, ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis develop. Apart from portal hypertension, ascites may develop from other causes also like low COT, increased sodium retention by kidney due to hyperaldosteronism, increased sympathetic activity, altered renal hemodynamics, production of hepatic and splanchnic lymph giving rise to lymphorrhea, non-absorption of water and lymph by the peritoneal lymphatics and impaired renal water excretion by high ADH. 

What are some early symptoms of cirrhosis?
 people in the early stages of cirrhosis have few symptoms. Some symptoms an individual ma notice include: 
Loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, weakness, exhaustion.
1.Anoresia, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.
2.Gradual weakness, fatiguability, and weight loss. 
3. Gradual swelling of the abdomen and feet. 
4.Haematemesis (15%-25%) and melaena from ruptured esophageal varices. 
5.Abdominal pain either due to ascites or due to stretching of Glison's capsule due to enlargement of the liver. 
6.Bleeding piles. 
7.Diarrhea or constipation. 
8.Amenorrhoea in females.
9. Loss of libido, sterility, impotence, gynaecomastia. 

Signs: Age above 30 years usually.
Facies: Hepatic facies is present, This consists of sunken eyes, prominence of malar bones, icteroid conjunctivae, a muddy complexion of the face and spider angioma. Anaemia is present.
Jaundice is usually absent but may be prominent if there is cholestasis or chronic active hepatitis. 
Palmar erythema and spider angioma may be present. These are traditionally attributed to excess oestrogen in the circulating blood. However, their presence and absence may not be correlated with oestradiol level in blood. Spider angioma is best observed in the upper part of the chest especially in the necklace area. 
 Oedema is present, pitting in type. This is due to low protein level, an excess of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormones in the blood, the pressure of ascitic fluid over inferior vena cava and low glomerular filtration rate. Cutaneous haemorrhages may be present due to hypoprothrombinemia. Fever may be present in 35% of cases due to secondary infection particularly tuberculous peritonitis or due to spontaneous infection of an ascitic sac. 
Cyanosis may be present in more than 30% cases due to hypoxaemia. 
Alimentary System: Tongue is pale and dry, it may be red due to avitaminosis or glossitis. Abdomen is bloated, flanks are more bulged, umbilicus is everted. Abdominal veins are prominent particularly in the epigastric region and they drain away from the umbilicus. These are the result of collateral circulation. Feel of the abdomen is tense or at times cystic. 
Liver may be palpable. Spleen is palpable 6-8 cms(35%-50%), soft to firm in feel. Fluid thrill and shifting dullness are present and indicate ascites. 
Other features: Apex beat is displaced upwards due to ascites and there may be a soft systolic murmur over the mitral and pulmonary area. There may be hydrothorax. Gynaecomastia, testicular atrophy, falling of pubic and axillary hairs may also be seen due to lack of detoxification of oestrogen in the liver. Other changes include Dupuytren's contracture, parotid enlargement, clubbing of fingers and toes, white and shiny nails(mirror nails), central cyanosis, retraction of eyelids. 

.Identifiable symptoms
.Physical examination
.CAT scan(computerized axial tomography)
.Radioisotope liver/spleen scan
.Liver biopsy

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Cirrhosis of Liver:


Chelidonium is the pain in liver under right shoulder blade with jaundice symptoms. The jaundice symptoms include yellow skin, yellow urine and yellow or white-colored stool and yellow-coated tongue. Desire for extremely hot drinks is noted in patients needing Chelidonium. 
Arsenic Album: Homeopathic medicine for Liver cirrhosis with fatigue and weight loss. 
Natura homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is of great help for patients with liver cirrhosis who experience fatigue as the main symptom. The patient feels totally exhausted from doing a little labour. He or she goes on losing weight due to debilitating effects of cirrhosis of the liver. Arsenic album os also the homeopathic remedy for patients who experience nausea and vomiting of blood. Along with vomiting, burning in the abdomen is a characteristic feature pointing towards the use of Arsenic album. Vomiting follows drinking and eating. The liver region feels painful.Ascites, or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, can also be dealt with by homeopathic remedy Arsenic album, thought the general symptoms of fatigue and burning in abdomen should match too. 
Cardus Marianus: Cardus Marianus is among the top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating cirrhosis of liver. It covers a wide range of symptoms that can be relieved with its use. The first condition calling for its use is jaundice. The second is a dropsiacl accumulation of water in abdomen.The next field sensitiveness are experienced by most patients needing Cardus Marianus.This Homeopathic medicine is also beneficial for patients who feel fatigued or tired and have bouts of nausea and vomiting due to liver cirrhosis. Abuse of alcoholic drinks is usually among persons needing homeopathic remedy Cardus Marianus. 

Lycopodium: Is a natural homeopathic medicine for treating cirrhosis of liver when the liver has atrophied due tp longstanding cirrhosis. The liver region is sensitive. Hepatitis may be predominantly present. Dropsical conditions consequent to liver cirrhosis respond very well to homeopathic remedy Lycopodium. Therefore lycopodium is considered as one of the best remedies for patients of cirrhosis who have a loss of appetite. Eating a small quantity of food brings satisfaction.Auch a patient feels fullness in abdomen from eating a small quantity of food. Bloated feeling in abdomen and gas in abdomen remains a constant feature. Lycopodium can also help provide relief in the general condition of patients who have lost weight, and have become emaciated and thin under the effects of cirrhosis of liver. The patients needing lycopodium may have an increased desire for hot drinks, hot food or sweets. 

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a beneficial natutral homeopathic medicine for treating jaundice in patients with cirrhosis of liver. The symptoms of jaundice are the yellow appearance of skin, and passage of stool of a very offensive nature. Weakness follows the passage of stool. The second sphere where phosphorus is a homeopathic remedy of grat help is vomiting of blood. Phosphorus has an excellent effect in controlling the blood appearing in vomitus. Apart from these symptoms, the desire for cold drinkd,juice and ice creams is usually present in patients needing phosphorus. 
Homeopathic remedies for cirrhosis of liver with an accumulation of fluid in abdomen:
 Ascites or the accumulation of fluid is a common complication of liver cirrhosis.To deal with ascites, natural homeopathic medicines Apocynum Cannabinum, Quassia and cardus marianus are effective remedies.The features that help in selecting the best homeopathic medicine for the patients out of these three are the characteristic symptoms of each individual.
For selecting apocynum cannbinum, the symptoms to be considered are bloated abdomen with a weak and slow pulse. Other leading symptoms include an incresaed thirst for water. Difficulty in breathing and pressure in the chest may also appear. Intolerance to food and water with immediate ejection in form of vomiting also experienced by patients of liver cirrhosis who can benefit by homeopathic medicine Apocynum Cannabinum. Homeopathic remedy quassia is the ideal choice when ascites is accompanied by pain in liver and acidity. 
Cardus Marianus: Is the best homeopathic remedy for persons who have jaundice or bleeding accompanies ascites.
Chelidonium,phosphorus and Cardus Marianus:All these three are significant natural homeopathic medicine for dealing with jaundice in patients with liver cirrhos.The sumptoms that help in picking homeopathic remedy chelidonium is the pain in liver under right shoulder blade with jaundice symptoms. The jaundice symptoms include yellow skin, yellow urine and yellow or white-colored stool and yellow-coated tongue. Desire for extremely hot drinks is noted in patients needing chelidonium. Homeopapathic medicine phosphorus is of great help when the stool of very offinsive nature is passed, along with appearance of a yellow skin. In contrast to chelidonium, patients needing phosphorus have a desire for cold drinks.In contrast to chelidonium, patients needing phosphorus have a desire for cold drinks.Cardus marianus offers the natrual homeopathic treatment when jaundice with bright yellow stool, liver pain and fluid retention in abdomen is experienced by a patients of liver cirrhosis. 
Phosphorus and Crotalus Horridus: Homeopathic medicines for blood vomiting in cirrhosis Liver: The vomiting of blood is a result of varices in the oesophagus.Phosphorus is the natural homeopathic remedy when the vomitus contains bright red blood.Desire for cold drinks may be present. When the blood is dark coloured like blackish or coffee color-like, homeopathic medicine crotalus horridus offers the ideal mode of treatment.
Homeopathic medicines for Alcoholic Cirrhosis of Liver: Alcohol abuse remains the most important cause of liver cirrhosis.Homeopathy has various effective natural medicines to deal with cirrhosis of liver as a result of alcoholic abuse. Nux vomica, cardus marianus, arsenic album, and fluoric acid are very effective homeopathic remedies for liver problems.The ideal natural homeopathic remedy is selected after proper case taking of the patient and is based on the based on the characteristic individual symptoms.   

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0