
Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Learning disorders and Homeopathy

                          Learning disorders and Homeopathy 

  As per Indian journal of psychiatry (IJP), Learning disorder (LD) are not a pure syndrome. They are developmental disorders and are multi-dimensional in nature. Research areas in child psychiatry in India remain largely unexplored,
especially developmental disorders. The potential for research is mind boggling. Original research must keep pace with work in the west and must be of a high order. 
 As per the ICD-10 classification, a group of disorders (LD) is disorders that affect a person's ability to learn or process specific types of information, which is in contrast to his/her apparent level of intellect. 
According to United states Federal legislation, disabilities involved in understanding or using language, manifested in impaired listening, thinking, talking, reading, writing, or arithmetic skills included perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, and developmental aphasia. Compare learning disorders. 
According to united states Federal Legislation, learning problems that are due to visual, hearing or, motor handicaps, mental retardation, emotional disturbance or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. Compare learning disabilities.
Conditions characterized by a significant discrepancy between an individual's perceived level of intellect and their ability to acquire new language and other cognitive skills. These disorders may result from organic or psychological conditions. Relatively common subtypes include dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia.
Learning disorders affect how a person understands, remembers and responds to new information. People with learning disorders may have problems
. Listening or paying attention.
. Speaking 
. Reading or writing
. Doing math
Although learning disorders occur in very young children, they are usually not recognized until the child reaches school age. About one-third of children who have learning disabilities also have ADHD, which makes it hard to focus. Evaluation and testing by a trained professional can help identify a learning disorder. The next step is special education, which involves helping your child in the areas where he or she needs the most help. Sometimes tutors or speech or language therapists also work with the children. Learning disorders do not go away, but strategies to work around them can make them less of a problem. 
Applicable to
. Knowledge acquisition disability NOS
. Learning disability NOS
. Learning disorder NOS
Approximate synonyms
. Developmental academic disorder
. Learning difficulties
. Learning disorder, nonverbal
. Nonverbal learning disorder
It is estimated that there are 286,000 children(180,000 boys, 106,000 girls) age 0-17 in the UK with a learning disability. Approximately 200,000 children in England are at the School Action Plus stage of assessment of special Educational Need (SEN) or have a statement of SEN and have a primary SEN associated with a learning disability. Of these, four out of five have a moderate learning difficulty, one in twenty has profound multiple learning difficulties. In very early childhood, only severe learning disabilities are likely to be apparent. Children from poorer families are more likely to have a learning disability. Moderate and severe learning difficulties are more common among' Traveler' and Gypsy Romany' children. Overall, 89% of children with moderate learning difficulty, 24% of children with a severe learning difficulty and 18% of children with profound multiple learning difficulties are educated in mainstream schools. 
" Humans were not born to read or to write" (Rosemary Tannock)
Many of us are familiar with three general categories in which people learn visual learners. Beyond these three general categories, many theories of and approaches towards human potential have been developed. Among them is the theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, Ph.D., professor pf Education at Harvard University. 

1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence(well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings, and rhythms of words).
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns). 
3. Spatial-visual intelligence(capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly).
4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence(ability to control one's body movements and to handle objects skillfully)
5. Musical intelligence (ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre). 
6. Interpersonal intelligence (capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of other).
7. Intrapersonal (capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feeling, values, beliefs and thinking processes).
8. Naturalist intelligence(ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature).
9. Existential intelligence (sensitivity and capacity to take deep questions about human existence such as, what is the meaning of life? Why do we die? How did we get here?)

Remedies like Phosphorus, Lachesis, and Lycopodium have strongly developed linguistic intelligence. Phos[hours has graceful, affectionate and desirable linguistic skills. Lycopodium has smartness attached to his/her language. Sometimes this smartness goes to the extent of manipulative behavior. Phosphorus has strong intuitive and artistic skills whereas Lycopodium has a strong logical skill which makes them politically sound. Lachesis is loquacious with a pool of thoughts and words, indeed a good storyteller with wonderful animating abilities. On the contrary, Nat-Mur, inspite of full of emotions, cannot communicate, reserved and introvert! Silica lacks courage and self-esteem, it fails to express and recommunicate inspite of having good linguistic skills and intelligence because of which Sil and Nat-Mur require soft and delicate handling. Phosphorus linguistic abilities evolve towards divinity wherein Lachesis with "Spicing it up to nature" evolves towards magnetism. Phosphorus can meaningfully communicate the experience of divinity wherein Sulph lacks it because of the inadequate linguistic base to its abstract thoughts. Additionally, Coffee because of its tremendous imaginative pool of thoughts becomes vulnerable. 

 Arsenic, Nux-vom, and Lycopodium are the players of this intelligence. Ars have a high conscience because of which they can't let go and get stuck in the process of polishing and advancing the skills. The accuracy, discipline conscience and structured organization of behavior and thoughts make them a clinical personality! Nux, on the contrary, does not process consciously like Ars but an outcome conscious. Smart and ambitious Nux makes it a successful entrepreneur! Nux will bring out the best in the market, be it whatever in any which ways! Lycopodium has a high level of intelligent but lacks courage. Lyc evolves as a manipulative, diplomatic and shrewd personality with intellectualization of thoughts. On the contrary, Calc, Baryta, Bufo and Aethusa lack this capability. These kids would pick up mathematical concepts very fast; scientific pros would be understood easily, will have logical cognition.

Remedies of class, spider, snake, insects, and aves. Understanding of depth, space, and dimensions. Sculpting aspect is well developed eg dough making as seen in a spider web, birds nest, honeycomb and an ant hill. Phosphorus also exhibits these traits. These kids are good at sports. On the contrary remedies like Agaricus, Alumina, Zincum, Bovista and Argentum lack these traits. Spatial-visual intelligence is a special perceiving ability while Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence additionally is action and movement oriented. Arsenic is a methodical, creative, poised and neat individual with disciplinary nature. Phosphorus is a non-methodical, creative, spontaneous, wondered and artistic individual. These kinds will learn and adapt sports, dance, swimming very fast. They are good at painting, drawing, musical instrument playing, acting, oration, cycling and other extra-curricular activities. 

 Aur-met, Nat-Mur, Graph and Ign have a capacity to get influenced by music wherein remedies like Verat-alb, Belladonna, Anholonium, and Cannabis have a capability of creating music, Further few are susceptible by rhythm and some to tunes. The ones who are influenced by rhythm may have additional kinesthetic sense developed and those influenced by tunes may have interpersonal is ameliorated by hard metal music. 

  Lachesis, Phos, Nux-vom, Fl-acid, Sulphur and Lyc exhibit this intelligence with associated linguistic intelligence as well. Talkative kids who make lots of friends, expressive and extrovert. Lachesis kid would tell fabricated stories in order to get the desired toy; Phosphorus kid would be an attractive kid that everyone wants to ply with Nux-vom is an extrovert and outgoing child wherein remedies like Silica, Cal-carb lack this aspect and are introvert with or without kids learn the language really fast. 

 Silica, Calc-sil, Carcinocin, Nat-sil, Silica-marina and Aur-met exhibit this property. They are too sensitive, get into guilt, prone to self-reproach, very sensitive to reprimand and refined at the level of sensing different emotions and emotional patterns. Everything effects at the level of conscience. These are the kids who will read a book and complete it in desired time; they are comfortable in a very close environment, need personal space. They feel threatened by sudden changes in the environment around; lack ability to perform confidently when asked e.g.; singing, dancing. 

 Carcinocin is known to be an animal lover. Being naturalist is the purpose of life. Inherent inclination towards associating with nature. Phosphorus also exhibits this trait. Nat-Mur also has tremendous affection towards nature. Tuberculinum also depicts this ability. Ars also have affection towards pets and plants but would have an attendant for cleanliness. These kids would abide by the social laws of cleanliness; would be attached to animals; will nurture a plant. 

  Phosphorus self-search would be through painting, drawing, dance or some artistic approach; for Nat-Mur would be through romanticism, devotional love and by experiencing an eternal affection; for arsenic through deep and pure knowledge; for Carcinocin through multiple ways with the high level of conscience. D. Donald Foubister has done a great work discussing Carcinocin and its existential intelligence. These kids would be very affectionate, expressive, and responsible with a clear conscience, good girl/boy types; interested in art, literature, language, music, etc. and are searching self through it. 
   Howard Gardner's Theory of intelligence opens up new channels for the understanding of children with learning disorders. That allows us to achieve exact or most correct similimum, which would give a better therapeutic response. Nowadays most of the national and international schools have developed a learning system that has a curriculum, which involves the development of either/ all of this intelligence. 
  Understanding this intelligence help us polishing and programming the non-pharmacological therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, music therapy, clay-work art therapy, etc. This intelligence can be practiced by asking these kids to talk to a plant, ply with animals, listen to music and clap as per the rhythm with us, draw, ply music, run, jump and do whatever they feel like doing. 
   Dr. Gardne's theory of multiple intelligence has been very useful in my clinical practice for understanding the wide range of mystical aspects of homeopathic material media and arrive at the similimum. Shared a few of my inside of treating children with LD. Understanding of his system would really make it a wholesome Homeopaths prescription. 

   Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0


Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Exhaustion, Heat Stroke and Homeopathy

Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, and Homeopathy 

   Classic heat stroke may occur after exposure to a high atmospheric temperature not necessarily to direct sunlight. In normal acclimatized subject sweating takes place and body temperature falls down. But if the sweating mechanism fails then the body temperature gradually increases to a very high level. High atmospheric temperature and humidity, working in a stagnant or confined space, wearing tight clothing, heavy muscular exercise, febrile states particularly from malaria and pneumonia, alcoholic intoxication, atropine therapy, the congenital absence of sweat glands are all predisposing factors for this serious syndrome, particularly in an unacclimatized person. 
    Exposure to excessive heat can cause loss of body fluids and a rise in body temperature. This may occur at any age but is most common in babies and elderly people. It can occur due to prolonged exposure to high atmospheric temperature or due to heavy manual work in high temperature, high humidity. Pre-existing chronic diseases and alcoholism are some of the predisposing factors. 

  Exertional heat stroke or exertion-related illness are commonly seen nowadays. This develops in previously healthy persons undergoing severe exertion in a thermally stressful environment. It should be remembered that heat stroke is a medical emergency due to the failure of the thermoregulatory mechanism. The hallmark of heat stroke is cerebral dysfunction which can explain all its features. In a hot environment, the body loses heat by diverting blood to the skin and by sweating. Profuse sweating may lead to an excessive loss of fluids and salts, resulting un heat exhaustion. This condition is rarely serious but if exposure to heat continues the body normal cooling mechanism breaks down and the temperature of the body rises further resulting in a heat stroke. Heat stroke can prove to be a life-threatening emergency. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke most commonly occur above 104 degrees F(40 degrees C). High humidity increases the risk of heat stroke because sweating is ineffective and heat loss is decreased. 

 Clinical: Onset may be abrupt without any premonitory symptoms: Skin is dry, sweating is absent, mental confusion, headache, tremor, delirium, convulsion, and coma precede death. Body temperature(Rectal/core) is persistently raised to 106 F(41 C) or even more. Hemorrhage is very soon followed by hepatic, renal and peripheral circulatory failure by hepatic renal and peripheral circulatory failure when death becomes inevitable. Rectal temperature is very high 42 C-44 C. 

Heat oedema: This is usually seen in non-experienced person coming to the tropical area for the first time in life. Within few days of exposure, legs become swollen but swelling disappears after acclimatization within few days. Oedema is usually manifested more in evening and disappears after taking rest like cardiac oedema. 

Heat Exhaustion: This is due to excessive sweating in an atmosphere of high temperature when there is both fluid and salt depletion and the subjects have not taken enough fluid or salt to make good the loss. Heat exhaustion may be of two type: 
1) Salt losing heat exhaustion: This is characterized by weakness, headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, cramps in the legs and irritability. Gradually the BP falls, patient becomes pale, the pulse becomes weak and quick and the subject collapses. The plasma chloride and sodium levels and the urinary chloride levels are very low. 
2) Anhidrotic heat exhaustion: This is seen in association with prickly heat. The patient feels extreme weakness, becomes irritable and low BP. A little effort may lead to collapse. There may be localized sweating in the axillae, hands, and forehead and this condition may lead to heat stroke. 

 Heat cramp: This is seen in patients who after sweating heavily drink plain water without salt. This causes salt depletion or water intoxication. Cramp is usually felt in the lower limbs over the calf muscles and may last for about 1/2 to 3 minutes. Cramping results from salt depletion and muscles most heavily used and affected. Skin is moist and cool and the affected muscles are tender and patient complaints of pain in the muscles. Sometimes muscles become hard and lumpy. Body temperature is normal or little raised. Laboratory investigations show less sodium and effects of haemoconcentration. Drinking of salted water after severe sweating should be encouraged. 

Heat stroke: A severe and sometimes fatal condition that results from the failure of the body to regulate its temperature. This is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or too high temperatures. Lessening or lack of sweating is an early symptom. The body temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, fast pulse rate, hot and dry skin, headache. confusion, blackouts, and convulsions may occur. The patient may have fluid and body sodium depletion as seen in classic heat exhaustion.
Who is at risk? Heat exhaustion and heat stroke may affect otherwise healthy people, particularly after physical exertion in a hot climate. people who come from temperate climates and travel to the tropics need time to acclimatize to the heat before tey can safely exert themselves. The body's cooling mechanisms are less efficient in babies and elderly people, making them more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, alcohol dependence and chronic heart failure, all decrease the body's ability to lose heat. Diarrhea may contribute to dehydration and increase the risk of developing heat exhaustion and heat stroke. 

What are the symptoms?
  After prolonged exposure to hot conditions, the following symptoms of heat exhaustion may develop: 
 Profuse sweating, fatigue, muscle cramps, faintness, and unsteadiness, headache. If exposure to heat continues, the body temperature rises and heatstroke may develop, causing symptoms such as: 
Cessation of sweating, body temperature of 105 Degree Fahrenheit or higher, rapid and shallow breathing, elevated or lowered blood pressure, seizure, fainting, which may be the first sign in older adults, Left untreated, heat stroke may progress to coma. Death may result due to kidney failure. Acute heart failure, or direct heat-induced damage to the brain. 

what can you do to treat it? 
  Heat exhaustion can be treated easily. The affected person should rest in a cool place ideally In an air-condition can building and sip cool, salty drinks until he or she feels comfortable. If heat stroke is suspected, he or she should be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible. 

First aid for any heat illness: Move patient to a cool or shaded area, remove clothing, the patient should be lying down with feet elevated, fan patient and sponge skin with cool water, provide cool fluids to drink, contact emergency transport crew. 

Can it be prevented?
   Heat-related disorders can be largely prevented by avoiding strenuous exertion in the heat of the day, spending as much time as possible in the shade, consuming large quantities of liquids, and avoiding alcoholic beverages. 

Homeopathic remedies for heat stroke: The following homeopathic medicines can be given according to the totality of symptoms: 

Heat cramps: Belladonna, Nat-Mur, Colocynth, Cuprum met & china. 
Heat exhaustion: Nat-carb, Selenium, Gelsemium & Lachesis
Sun(heat) stroke: Glonine, Nat-carb, Belladonna, Amyl nit Q for inhalation. 
Here are some useful indications

1. Glonoine: This is the top remedies to consider in heat stroke, especially in the following symptoms, are present, eyes fixed without expression, glassy eyes, pupils contracted, pulse either barely perceptible or so quick it can't be counted, loss of speech, face pale, white or yellowish-red, cold sweat, body cold and head hot to the touch. 

2. Belladonna: It is to confuse belladonna and glonoine. They both cold body with a hot head, fixed or staring eyes etc. However, there are some differences. Typically you would see dilated pupils in belladonna. In addition, the face will typically be red. Other symptoms that indicated belladonna can include involuntary stool or urination, twitching or trembling of the limbs, bending the head backward and an unusually heavy sleep. 

3.Aconite: Aconite can also be useful. Symptoms calling for this remedy can include heat in the whole body (and not was much in the head as in belladonna and glonoine), contracted pupils, hard and full pulse. One way to differentiate aconite is its characteristic anxiety and restlessness. 

4.Antimonium crud: All symptoms seem to center around the mind and the stomach< from the heat of the sun, warm air, hot drinks, motion, and bodily exertion> rest, air, hot bath or applied heat. 

5.Bryonia: Must not be forgotten in summer complaints when the great thirst for large quantity of water, amelioration from rest and quietness are present. 

6.Carbo-veg: Lower vitality and great foulness of all the secretions on one side on the flatulence in the upper abdomen and constant desire to be fanned are the main symptoms. 

7.Gelsemium: Useful in sun-stroke, high temperature with drowsiness or tendency to coma thirstless ness. 

Lachesis: One of our best remedies for sun-headaches. Effects of hot weather, patient< after sleep, faintness, dizziness. 

Lycopodium: Flatulence or heaviness immediately after eating< towards evening, summer complaints> uncovering and on getting cold. 

Natrum-Carb: Chronic effects of sun - stroke, now with the return of hot weather, suffers from a headache. Excellent for debility and exhaustion caused by the heat of summer, for a headache caused by sun, gas-light and from slightest mental exertion, chronic effects of sunstroke like a headache etc. 

Natrum-Mur: This tissue remedy in the 6x potency proves excellent in sun-stroke and other summer complaints. 

Nux-Moschtata: Tendency to faint, drowsiness, great dryness without thirst are the special indications of Nux-Mos. in summer complaints. 

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Dr. Farooq khan's ELITE clinic completed 2 years and counting

                             My clinic" Dr. Farooq khan's ELITE clinic"  
                          completed 2 years and counting                              

2 Years back clinic opening ceremony 

A ribbon-cutting ceremony with the hand of my loving FATHER 

Second ribbon-cutting ceremony with hand of Ex-Mayor of Thane .. Mr.Naeem Khan

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Dr. Hahnemann as Hygienist and Dietist

        A small tribute to Great DR. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN on his birthday.
                     Dr. Hahnemann as Hygienist and Dietist

"My CALLING GIVES ME NO RIGHT TO DEAL WITH THE ENNOBLING OF THE MIND., My duties lie to pointing out the greatest of physical assets, health. People hardly ever take the trouble to go in quest of it, and hardly ever value it untile they have lost it".            DR.Hahnemann(Friend of health, vol. 1 1792). 

      Dr. Hahnemann as a hygienist and dietist showed by his words and deeds with great clearness new paths and considering the general conditions of the times in which he lived this signifies even more. Cupping, bloodletting, purgatives and starvation cures were believed to be all that was required to restore the balance of a disordered state of health. The sanitary arrangements for safeguarding the public and private health of the towns were hopeless. They existed no drainage in tortuous narrow streets and there were no public arrangements for the removal and disposal of refuse and decaying matter. 
   During that time there was no provision of good drinking water, and so this resulted in a continual succession of epidemics. With this neglect of hygiene on the part of the authorities and people in general, doctors troubled themselves little or not at all about it. Dr. Hahnemann who was completely at variance with the whole with the whole science of therapeutics of his day and in particular with the use of customary medicines was forced to take refuge in hygiene was forced to take refuge in hygiene and dietetics. This is known through his consultations by letters especially during the period at the end of 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century and the beginning of 19th century. This period consists almost entirely of advice concerning hygiene and diet. 

  Few pieces of evidence of letters related to hygiene and diet. 

1) Letter to a patient who was an educated working man in GOTHA, who inspite of being delicate, reached the age of 92 yrs. In this letter he writes about the man should not overexert himself and he advises him to give prime importance to his own health first. He writes that a calm cool headed man lives more tranquility and healthily and reaches a good old age. He advises to be more prudent, consider yourself first, let everything else be only of secondary importance to you. 
    2) Letter to Dr. stapf: He writes to him that if you are trying to put your health on a sounder footing, any non-medical rules which can be followed are not undertaking more work than your bodily to accomplish it too quickly. He also advises him to combine the two following sayings to be best of their abilities. " Ascertain that your shoulders can bear and recognize their limitations" and " Hasten with the leisure". He also advised anger and sorrow must be expelled from the bosom of a wise man and he must not allow them to enter. He also wrote: Take care to maintain your equanimity in difficulties otherwise you will die". 
   From many letters, it was evident that he goes into smallest details of food and drink for each meal and gives exact prescriptions according to the condition of individual requirements. He recommended baths, ablutions, cleanliness in the rooms, beds and body linen. He advised the admission of fresh air into the houses (walks) with the avoidance of excessive physical or mental exertion. 
  Hahnemann always took questions of diet into account both in acute and chronic diseases, for till his old age diet remained one of the principal element one of the principal element of his FRESH AIR, FRESH WATER, FREE MOVEMENT are as a general rule always the preliminary conditions of well-being. He believed that next to food exercise is the most essential requirement of the animal mechanism it is that winds up the machinery.  

 Literary works in the context of diet and hygiene: The advice was given by Hahnemann individually he collected together in the short popular works are as follows: 

 1) Teo pamplets of " FRIEND OF HEALTH" (1792,  1795) It was a group of more or less popular discussions on medical topics. This consists of a series and will well repay careful study at the present day. 
2) Translation of " HANDBOOK OF MOTHERS OR principles on the education of infants by J.J Rousseau in 1796. 
3) His first medical treatise" Directions of curing old sores and ulcers" in 1784 describes detailed and excellent hygienic counsels. At this time, when very little attention was paid to hygiene, Hahnemann devoted considerable space to it. In this, he recommended exercise and open air, the benefit of a change of climate and of a seashore, the value of cold water as a remedial agent. 
4) " On the effect of Coffee" in 1803 he enlightens all reasonable persons of all nations upon the effects of such an injurious and pernicious beverage. The essay against the use of coffee was written at a time when the germans considered it a favorite beverage, especially the women, and the very poor people, as is tea with us today. He says that in order to enjoy a long and healthy life, man requires food and drinks containing nutritious, but nonirritating, medicinal parts. He describes the medicinal substance. He describes in its place but recommends its medicinal virtues for chronic ailments that bear a great resemblance to its primary action. 
   DISCUSSION: In today's' era where we find there have been quiet lifestyle changes and the world is moving at a very fast pace and have a fast life surrounded by all modern amenities and the way we are moving towards the electronic world, we have to realize the importance of diet, hygiene, and exercise. Master Hahnemann was indeed ahead of his times; his writings on these subjects serve to be a boon for an individual who wants a healthy life, even today it is a real pleasure to read these entertaining and instructive essays in which Hahnemann gives importance to hygiene, exercise, and diet. 

Monday, 3 April 2017


                        SLEEP DISORDERS AND HOMEOPATHY 

    Nearly one-third of human life is spent in sleep an easily reversible state of relative unresponsiveness and serenity which occurs more or less regularly and repetitively each day.
The EEG recordings show typical features of sleep which are broadly divided into two broadly different phases. 
1. D-sleep(desynchronised or dreaming sleep) also called as REM-sleep (rapid eye movement sleep) active sleep or paradoxical sleep. 
2. S-sleep(synchronised sleep) also called as NREM-sleep(non-Rem sleep) quiet sleep or orthodox sleep. S-sleep or NREM-sleep is further divided into four stages ranging from stages 1 to 4. As the person falls asleep the person first passes through these stages of NREM- sleep. 
   Definition:  A condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night in which the nervous system is inactive the eyes closed the postural muscles relaxed and consciousness practically suspended. 
    Sleep is a biological process and is required to maintain a normal health. However, normally it varies widely from person to person. Excessive sleep is called hypersomnia and less or on sleep is called insomnia. The cause of these two extreme aspects of sleep vary widely. However, a chronic recurrent form of hypersomnia is seen Narcolepsy. This is usually seen in teenagers where there is irresistible or uncontrollable sleep. It may be associated with
1. Sleep attacks associated with REM(Rapid eye movement)
2. Cataplexy or sudden development of muscular hypotonicity developing after emotion or surprise.
3. Sleep paralysis when the individual though conscious and realizing all about him cannot move his limbs or speaks and
4. Hypnagogic hallucination which is a dream-like an experience midway between wakefulness and sleep. 

   Narcolepsy is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. MAO inhibitors or amphetamine may give relief. Sometimes hypersomnia may be associated with polyphagia and is periodic in nature occurring in teenagers or young boys. This is called Klein-levin syndrome. This condition readily improves during the adult stage. Sometimes clonazepam may be helpful. Nocturnal myoclonus is also seen in hypersomnia. During sleep, there will be periodic lower leg movement associated with daytime sleepiness
anxiety, depression on, and cognitive defect. Sleep apnoea is another type of hypersomnia. Here there will be a cessation of breathing for about 10 seconds to 2 minutes or more during sleep. There are two types of sleep apnoea-obstructive and central. Obese middle-aged and older individuals with hypertension and CCG usually develop sleep apnoea. Symptoms are snoring, restlessness during sleep, daytime sleepiness, headache, loss of memory, depression, cardiac arrhythmia, loss of judgment and blood gas abnormality. During apnoea, sleep becomes lighter or the patient takes a deep breath and awakens. Daytime sleepiness and excessive snoring during sleep are present. In this disorder usually, there may be an upper respiratory defect or a central defect causing absence of diaphragmatic movement. Usually, there is a history of moderate alcohol consumption at bedtime. Moderate weight reduction, air administration under pressure in nasopharynx and acetazolamide or tricyclic antidepressants may be of help. Medical treatment is not of much help. If there is upper respiratory obstruction surgical correction may be done. Oxygen or hypnotic drugs are risky. There are also various drugs are risky. There are also various other types of sleep disorders called parasomnias or abnormal behavior during sleep. Some of these are nocturnal enuresis, nightmares, night terror, sleep talking and sleep walking. All these are usually seen in childhood to adult life. As age advances these problems usually disappear. For nocturnal enuresis imipramine in a dose of 25-50 mg at bedtime or ADH, preparations are very much effective.

Sleep disorders: 
 The various sleep disorders are divided into 2 subtypes: 
1. Dyssomnias
a. Insomnia
b. Hypersomnia c. Disorders of sleep-wake schedule.
2. Parasomnias
a. Stage 4 sleep disorders
b. Other sleep disorders

Dyssomnias: Are sleep disorders that are characterized by disturbances in the amount quality or timing of sleep. These are the commonest disorders of sleep. 
Insomnia: Insomnia is also known as the disorder of initiation and Maintenance of sleep(DIMS). Insomnia means one or more of the following: 
1. Difficulty in initiating sleep(Going off to sleep).
2.Difficulty in maintaining sleep(remaining asleep).
This can include both: a. Frequent awakenings during the night, and b. Early morning awakening.
3. Non-restorative sleep where despite an adequate duration of sleep, there is a feeling of not having rested fully(poor quality sleep). 
Insomnia is very common with nearly 15-30% of general population complaining of a period of insomnia per year requiring treatment. It is required for diagnosis that sleep disturbance occurs at least three times a week for at least 1 month and that it causes either marked distress or interferes with social and occupational functioning. 
Common Causes of Insomnia
1. Medical illness, 2. Any painful or uncomfortable condition,3. Respiratory diseases, 4. Rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease, 5.Old age, 6. Brain stem or hypothalamic lesions, 7. Delirium, 8. PMS(Periodic movements in sleep)
2. Alcohol and drug use
1. Drug or alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 2.Delirium treatments, 3. Amphetamine or other stimulants e.g. caffeine, 4. Psychiatric disorders. 
3. Current medication e.g. steroids 
4. Psychiatric disorders. 1. Mania. 2.Major depression 3.Dysthymia, 4. Anxiety disorder, 5. Stressful life situation
5. Idiopathic insomnia.

Hypersomnia: Hypersomnia is also known as disorder of excessive more of the following: (1) Excessive daytime sleepiness.2.Sleep attacks during daytime(falling asleep unintentionally). (3)Sleep drunkenness(person needs much more time to awaken, and during this period is confused or disoriented)
Medical illnesses
1.Narcolepsy. 2. sleep apnoea. 3. kleine-Levin syndrome. 4.Menstrual-associated somnolence. 5. Sleep deprivation. 
Alcohol and drug use:
1. Stimulant withdrawal. 2.Alcohol intoxication. 3.Use of CNS depressant medications. 

Disorders of sleep-wake schedule: These are characterized by a disturbance in the timing of sleep. The person with this disorder is not able to sleep when he wishes to although at other times he is able to sleep adequately. 
Etiology: Jet lag or rapid change of time zone. This typically occurs during international flights crossing many time zones. At the new place, the person's internal time of sleep and the sleep time of surroundings are different.
2. Work shift from day to night or vice versa
3. Unusual sleep phases: some persons are unable to sleep early.They typically sleep late at night and get up late in the morning. They are called as OWLS. 

Parasomnias: Parasomnias are dysfunctions or episodic nocturnal events occurring with sleep. Sleep stages or partial arousals. Most parasomnias are common in childhood though they may persist into adulthood. 
  Stage 4 sleep disorders: 1. sleepwalking (somnambulism): The patient carries out automatic motor activities that range from simple to complex. 2. Sleep terrors or night terrors(Pavor nocturnus): The patient suddenly gets up screaming with autonomic arousal.
3. Sleep-related enuresis(Bedwetting)
4. Bruxism(Teeth-grinding): The patients has an Involuntary and forceful grinding of teeth during sleep.Though the bed partner reports loud sounds produced by grinding of teeth and destruction of the tooth enamel is obvious.
5.  Sleep-talking(somniloquy): The patient talks during stages 3 to 4 of sleep but does not remember anything about it in the morning on awakening.
Other sleep disorders: Nightmares(Dream anxiety disorder) occur during the REM-sleep. They are characterized by fearful dreams occurring most commonly in the last one-third of night sleep. The person wakes up very frightened and remembers the dream vividly. Other sleep disorders include nocturnal angina nocturnal asthma nocturnal seizures, paroxysm small nocturnal haemoglobinuria nocturnal head banging and familial sleep paralysis. 
Sleep Hygiene
Some basic components of sleep hygiene are:
1. Regular, daily physical exercises (preferably not in
the evening).
2. Minimize daytime napping.
3. Avoid fluid intake and heavy meals just before bedtime.
4. Avoid caffeine intake (e.g. tea, coffee, cola drinks)
before sleeping hours.
5. Avoid regular use of alcohol (especially avoid the use of
alcohol as a hypnotic for promoting sleep).
6. Avoid reading or watching television while in bed.
7. Sleep in a dark, quiet, and comfortable environment.
8. Regular times for going to sleep and waking-up

9. Try relaxation techniques

Homeopathic remedies for sleep

    Belladonna: The sleeplessness conditions calling for belladonna are due to congestion sleep is extremely restless as a rule it is interrupted by talking, starting muscular jerkings and spasmodic motions, frightful images appear on closing the eyes and the patient there for dreads sleep. Children awake from sleep frightened. Oftentimes there is a violent throbbing in the brain which prevents sleep. The dreams found under belladonna are frightful ones and they constantly awaken the patient. 
    Nux vomica: The great characteristic of this remedy is that the patient is very sleepy in the evening cannot keep awake moreover the sleep is not sound or restful and the patient is awakened at night by anxiety and frightful dreams. He awakens at about four or five O'clock in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed but soon restless and awakens at the usual time feeling worse than ever. It is especially the remedy for those who drink too much those who abuse coffee and tea those who are subject to abdominal disorders and a sluggish portal circulation. Sleeplessness from mental overwork from a too close study, especially at night. The morning sleep aggravates all the affections.Pulsatilla is sleepless in the evening falling asleep very late; the sleep is restless with frequent awakening and troubled dreams. Sleeplessness after quinine, iron, strychnine, tea, or chloral. Cocculus has sleeplessness from mental activity. Sulphur.Cat naps; the slightest noise awakens and it is difficult to get to sleep again, sleepy in daytime. 
   Hyoscyamus: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement; the brain is full of bewildering ideas and images.After the long illness and the brain cells are ill-nourished this remedy is very useful. It is especially indicated in sleeplessness in children, who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Sleeplessness from overworked minds and without apparent cause may be benefited by Hyoscyamus."The patient is jolly and wakeful.Hyoscyamus lacks the anxiety of aconite the violence of belladonna the pessimism of nux vomica, and the stupidity of gelsemium.   
   Coffea. Cruda: In cases where there is excessive agitation of body and mind and where ideas force themselves on the mind Coffea is the remedy and its use as a beverage withheld. It will be found that this acts better in the higher potencies. The patient is wide awake, without the slightest inclination to sleep and all the senses are extremely acute.It is the remedy when excitement or good news joys or night watching cause the INSOMNIA. It is well suited to sleeplessness in teething children while opium is better suited to adults. Sleeplessness from the bad effects of too good news. Platina has sleeplessness from extreme nervous irritability. 
   Chamomilla: For sleeplessness in children due to severe pain, chamomilla is a sovereign remedy. It quiets the irritability and the emotional excitement and the patient sleeps. It is also adapted to weak nervous women. The sleep is tormented by dreams which are fanciful vivid and anxious the patient is hot and thirsty. Moaning in sleep. This is also a remedy acting better in the higher potencies.
   Gelsemium: For the insomnia of brain workers, Gelsemium is a remedy. It is indicated in businessmen who pass restless nights awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs. It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression.It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression. Bryonia is useful where the business cares of the day keep him awake. Gelsemium has also sleeplessness emotional disturbances and after evening company. 
   Sulphur: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement cutaneous irritation and external heat. The patient is drowsy all day and sleepless at night. Sleep in cat naps wakes frequently. Arsenicum is a useful remedy for the sleeplessness of malnutrition where there is general degeneration of the blood and exhaustion of the nervous system. Restlessness pf anaemic irritability.
    Cannabis Indica: In obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia cannabis is one of the best remedies we have to induce sleep. An irregular sleep is more of an indication than absolute insomnia. It produces a tranquil slumber relieves the nervousness and neuralgic pains. 
    Passiflora incarnata: Passiflora incarnata in mother tincture form in doses of from 30 to 60 drops, and repeated if necessary, will induce sleep when mental irritation or pain is the cause of the wakefulness. Camphora mono-bromate is useful for sleeplessness due to the continued use of tea. 
     Scleranthus: Scleranthus the grasshopper mind, various thoughts coming in from all angles, bits of this and that never quite finishing with one thought before another pops in. Scleranthus allows the mind to be more directed focussed centered and clear. 
    Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle is the remedy for those who suffer dreams, nightmares, flashbacks or any recurring thoughts from the past. Honeysuckle will bring you into the present time so the thoughts and images from the past have no need to be there. 
    Vervain: Verain is the remedy for a very busy mind, who is always planning, organizing, over-enthusiastic, intense, over busy. Vervain allows your mind to relax. 

Rubrics from different repertories: 
Kent repertory: 
Sleep: COMATOSE: 3. Aant-t, arg-n, bapt, bell, croc, nux-m,                                     op,Veret. 2. aeth, agar, agn, apis, arn, ars, asaf. 
SLEEP: DISTURBED: 3. Graph, Sulph 2. apis, ars, Calc-p, laur, 
SLEEP: Dreams, absurd: 2 glon, sulph, 1 apis, chin, coloc, ferr-m,                                          mygal, pip-m,rumx, thuj.
SLEEP: DREAMS: accidents: 3Ars, Graph, 2. Nux-v, 1 iod, iodof,                                         jab, kali-c.
SLEEP: DREAMS: amorous: 3.Am-m, lach, nat-c, nux-v, op, ph-                                    ac, staph, viol-t. 
SLEEP: RESTLESS: 3: Acon, ars, bar-c, bell, calc-ar, chin, cina,                                       cocc, cupr, graph, kali-ar, lyc, op, puls, rhus-t,                              sil, sulph. 
SLEEP: SLEEPINESS: 3. Alum, ant-c, ant-t, apis, ars, bapt, bell,                            cann-i, carb-s, carb-v, casut, chel, chin, croc, graph,              kali-ar, lach, merc-c, nux-v, op, ph-ac, phos, pic-ac, podo,                 puls, sulph, thuj. 
SLEEP: SLEEPLESSNESS: 3. Arg-n, ars, bell, bry, cact, calc,                                   cham, chin, cit-v, coff, cycl, hep, hyos, kali-ar, kali-                       c, lach, merc, merc-c, nux-v, op, phos, plb, puls, rhus-                    t, sep, sil, stann, staph, sulph, thuj. 
sleep all day, sleepless all night, body aches all over: 3staph. 

Respiration: SNORING: 3. Lach, Op. 2. brom, camph, carl, cham,                                         chin, cic, cupr, hep, ign, nux-v, rhus-t,                                         sulph. 
SLEEP: UNREFRESHING: 3. Lach, Mag-c, Mag-m, Nit-ac, Phos.                             2alum, am-c, arg-n, ars, bar-c, bell, carl, chel,                                      chin, clem, cob, cocc, cycl, dig, guaj, lec, lyc,                       nat-m, nux-v, op, petr, podo, puls, sep, sil, spig, sulph,                   zinc. 

Schuessler Tissue Salts:

    Take the following remedies for the various disorders, ten tablets each twice per day until condition improves.
For insomnia: 
Natrum muriaticum 30X 
Kali phosphorica 12X 
For oversleeping: 
Natrum sulphorica 12X 
For nightmares: 
Natrum sulphorica 12X 
For awake screaming: 
Kali phosphorica 12X 
For crying out in sleep: 
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 
For tiredness in the morning: 
Natrum muriaticum 12X 
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 
For those hard to wake in the morning: 
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 
For constant desire to sleep in the morning: 
Natrum muriaticum 30X
For sleep that does not refresh: 
Natrum muriaticum 12X 
For great drowsiness in old persons: 
Silica 30X 
For jerking of limbs during sleep: 
Silica 30X 
Natrum muriaticum 20X 
For anxious dreams: 
Natrum muriaticum 12X
For vivid dreams: 
Kali sulphorica 12X

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic
Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Autism Awareness Day, April 2, 2017

The ninth annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2017

The Qutub Minar was on Sunday lit in blue coloured lights to observe the 9th annual World Autism Awareness Day as a part of the international #lightitupblue campaign to raise awareness about the disorder. 

Another awesome photo of The @WhiteHouse in BLUE for the first time for #WorldAutismAwarenessDay and #LightItUpBlue! 

Tonight the Governor's Mansion is lit blue for and to show support for .

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
Pinterest: Khanfarooq5
Linkedin: Dr.farooq khan's elite clinic
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0