
Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Exhaustion, Heat Stroke and Homeopathy

Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, and Homeopathy 

   Classic heat stroke may occur after exposure to a high atmospheric temperature not necessarily to direct sunlight. In normal acclimatized subject sweating takes place and body temperature falls down. But if the sweating mechanism fails then the body temperature gradually increases to a very high level. High atmospheric temperature and humidity, working in a stagnant or confined space, wearing tight clothing, heavy muscular exercise, febrile states particularly from malaria and pneumonia, alcoholic intoxication, atropine therapy, the congenital absence of sweat glands are all predisposing factors for this serious syndrome, particularly in an unacclimatized person. 
    Exposure to excessive heat can cause loss of body fluids and a rise in body temperature. This may occur at any age but is most common in babies and elderly people. It can occur due to prolonged exposure to high atmospheric temperature or due to heavy manual work in high temperature, high humidity. Pre-existing chronic diseases and alcoholism are some of the predisposing factors. 

  Exertional heat stroke or exertion-related illness are commonly seen nowadays. This develops in previously healthy persons undergoing severe exertion in a thermally stressful environment. It should be remembered that heat stroke is a medical emergency due to the failure of the thermoregulatory mechanism. The hallmark of heat stroke is cerebral dysfunction which can explain all its features. In a hot environment, the body loses heat by diverting blood to the skin and by sweating. Profuse sweating may lead to an excessive loss of fluids and salts, resulting un heat exhaustion. This condition is rarely serious but if exposure to heat continues the body normal cooling mechanism breaks down and the temperature of the body rises further resulting in a heat stroke. Heat stroke can prove to be a life-threatening emergency. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke most commonly occur above 104 degrees F(40 degrees C). High humidity increases the risk of heat stroke because sweating is ineffective and heat loss is decreased. 

 Clinical: Onset may be abrupt without any premonitory symptoms: Skin is dry, sweating is absent, mental confusion, headache, tremor, delirium, convulsion, and coma precede death. Body temperature(Rectal/core) is persistently raised to 106 F(41 C) or even more. Hemorrhage is very soon followed by hepatic, renal and peripheral circulatory failure by hepatic renal and peripheral circulatory failure when death becomes inevitable. Rectal temperature is very high 42 C-44 C. 

Heat oedema: This is usually seen in non-experienced person coming to the tropical area for the first time in life. Within few days of exposure, legs become swollen but swelling disappears after acclimatization within few days. Oedema is usually manifested more in evening and disappears after taking rest like cardiac oedema. 

Heat Exhaustion: This is due to excessive sweating in an atmosphere of high temperature when there is both fluid and salt depletion and the subjects have not taken enough fluid or salt to make good the loss. Heat exhaustion may be of two type: 
1) Salt losing heat exhaustion: This is characterized by weakness, headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, cramps in the legs and irritability. Gradually the BP falls, patient becomes pale, the pulse becomes weak and quick and the subject collapses. The plasma chloride and sodium levels and the urinary chloride levels are very low. 
2) Anhidrotic heat exhaustion: This is seen in association with prickly heat. The patient feels extreme weakness, becomes irritable and low BP. A little effort may lead to collapse. There may be localized sweating in the axillae, hands, and forehead and this condition may lead to heat stroke. 

 Heat cramp: This is seen in patients who after sweating heavily drink plain water without salt. This causes salt depletion or water intoxication. Cramp is usually felt in the lower limbs over the calf muscles and may last for about 1/2 to 3 minutes. Cramping results from salt depletion and muscles most heavily used and affected. Skin is moist and cool and the affected muscles are tender and patient complaints of pain in the muscles. Sometimes muscles become hard and lumpy. Body temperature is normal or little raised. Laboratory investigations show less sodium and effects of haemoconcentration. Drinking of salted water after severe sweating should be encouraged. 

Heat stroke: A severe and sometimes fatal condition that results from the failure of the body to regulate its temperature. This is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or too high temperatures. Lessening or lack of sweating is an early symptom. The body temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, fast pulse rate, hot and dry skin, headache. confusion, blackouts, and convulsions may occur. The patient may have fluid and body sodium depletion as seen in classic heat exhaustion.
Who is at risk? Heat exhaustion and heat stroke may affect otherwise healthy people, particularly after physical exertion in a hot climate. people who come from temperate climates and travel to the tropics need time to acclimatize to the heat before tey can safely exert themselves. The body's cooling mechanisms are less efficient in babies and elderly people, making them more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, alcohol dependence and chronic heart failure, all decrease the body's ability to lose heat. Diarrhea may contribute to dehydration and increase the risk of developing heat exhaustion and heat stroke. 

What are the symptoms?
  After prolonged exposure to hot conditions, the following symptoms of heat exhaustion may develop: 
 Profuse sweating, fatigue, muscle cramps, faintness, and unsteadiness, headache. If exposure to heat continues, the body temperature rises and heatstroke may develop, causing symptoms such as: 
Cessation of sweating, body temperature of 105 Degree Fahrenheit or higher, rapid and shallow breathing, elevated or lowered blood pressure, seizure, fainting, which may be the first sign in older adults, Left untreated, heat stroke may progress to coma. Death may result due to kidney failure. Acute heart failure, or direct heat-induced damage to the brain. 

what can you do to treat it? 
  Heat exhaustion can be treated easily. The affected person should rest in a cool place ideally In an air-condition can building and sip cool, salty drinks until he or she feels comfortable. If heat stroke is suspected, he or she should be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible. 

First aid for any heat illness: Move patient to a cool or shaded area, remove clothing, the patient should be lying down with feet elevated, fan patient and sponge skin with cool water, provide cool fluids to drink, contact emergency transport crew. 

Can it be prevented?
   Heat-related disorders can be largely prevented by avoiding strenuous exertion in the heat of the day, spending as much time as possible in the shade, consuming large quantities of liquids, and avoiding alcoholic beverages. 

Homeopathic remedies for heat stroke: The following homeopathic medicines can be given according to the totality of symptoms: 

Heat cramps: Belladonna, Nat-Mur, Colocynth, Cuprum met & china. 
Heat exhaustion: Nat-carb, Selenium, Gelsemium & Lachesis
Sun(heat) stroke: Glonine, Nat-carb, Belladonna, Amyl nit Q for inhalation. 
Here are some useful indications

1. Glonoine: This is the top remedies to consider in heat stroke, especially in the following symptoms, are present, eyes fixed without expression, glassy eyes, pupils contracted, pulse either barely perceptible or so quick it can't be counted, loss of speech, face pale, white or yellowish-red, cold sweat, body cold and head hot to the touch. 

2. Belladonna: It is to confuse belladonna and glonoine. They both cold body with a hot head, fixed or staring eyes etc. However, there are some differences. Typically you would see dilated pupils in belladonna. In addition, the face will typically be red. Other symptoms that indicated belladonna can include involuntary stool or urination, twitching or trembling of the limbs, bending the head backward and an unusually heavy sleep. 

3.Aconite: Aconite can also be useful. Symptoms calling for this remedy can include heat in the whole body (and not was much in the head as in belladonna and glonoine), contracted pupils, hard and full pulse. One way to differentiate aconite is its characteristic anxiety and restlessness. 

4.Antimonium crud: All symptoms seem to center around the mind and the stomach< from the heat of the sun, warm air, hot drinks, motion, and bodily exertion> rest, air, hot bath or applied heat. 

5.Bryonia: Must not be forgotten in summer complaints when the great thirst for large quantity of water, amelioration from rest and quietness are present. 

6.Carbo-veg: Lower vitality and great foulness of all the secretions on one side on the flatulence in the upper abdomen and constant desire to be fanned are the main symptoms. 

7.Gelsemium: Useful in sun-stroke, high temperature with drowsiness or tendency to coma thirstless ness. 

Lachesis: One of our best remedies for sun-headaches. Effects of hot weather, patient< after sleep, faintness, dizziness. 

Lycopodium: Flatulence or heaviness immediately after eating< towards evening, summer complaints> uncovering and on getting cold. 

Natrum-Carb: Chronic effects of sun - stroke, now with the return of hot weather, suffers from a headache. Excellent for debility and exhaustion caused by the heat of summer, for a headache caused by sun, gas-light and from slightest mental exertion, chronic effects of sunstroke like a headache etc. 

Natrum-Mur: This tissue remedy in the 6x potency proves excellent in sun-stroke and other summer complaints. 

Nux-Moschtata: Tendency to faint, drowsiness, great dryness without thirst are the special indications of Nux-Mos. in summer complaints. 

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
near Darul Falah masjid,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

WhatsApp: 8097166756
Imo: 8097166756
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Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

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