
Monday 23 October 2017

Infertility and Homeopathy

                            Infertility and Homeopathy


                  According to WHO Infertility is "a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to a achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse." 

   Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, non-contracepting couple to achieve pregnancy in one year. The male partner can be evaluated for infertility or subfertility a variety of clinical intervention and also from a laboratory evaluation of semen. 

    Infertility is medically defined as "the inability to conceive after multiple sustained attempts of unprotected intercourse for at least 12 months." Fertility in men and women is a complex process of the fusion of the gametes (male and female) to produce a new organism or new life. However, fertility tends to decrease with increasing age in both men and women due to social, biological, physical and mental, emotional and iatrogenic factors adversely impacting the child-bearing process.

  Often, couples take a long time to acknowledge infertility and even when they're ready to face the problem, they grapple with the dilemma of what treatment is best suited. Are you in such a situation, where you are unable to have a child and unable to decide which remedy to go in for? well, homeopathic medicines offer huge hope and a clear advantage over conventional treatment and how. But first, it's important to identify the condition. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive(get pregnant) despite having regular unprotected sex for one or more than one year(six months limit if the female's age is more than 35). If it takes beyond this time period, medical help is needed and must be sought. The cause of infertility can be either present in the male or female, while in 20 percent of the cases, the cause is present in both partners. The biggest fallout of this problem is the psychology and social inadequacy that the couple suffers from being childless. Homeopathic medicine offers huge hope to a couple faced with infertility. 

  Homeopathic remedies for this condition are safe, successful and shorn of any side-effect. since homeopathic medicines use the body's own defenses to counter the infertility condition, compared to conventional treatment, this treatment is comparatively safer and non-intrusive. Its main advantage is that homeopathic medicines are drawn from natural substances, which makes them toxin-free. 

Infertility in females

  A structural abnormality in uterus/cervix, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS), irregular periods, hormonal imbalance, pelvic inflammatory disease(chlamydia, gonorrhea), uterine fibroid, pelvic T.B, pelvic adhesions due to infection or following surgery, blocked fallopian tubes due to salpingitis, or thyroid disorders. 

Damage fallopian tubes
   These structures carry eggs from ovaries, which produce eggs to the uterus where the baby develops. They can get damaged when scars form after pelvic infection, endometriosis, and pelvic surgery. That can prevent sperm from reaching an egg. 

Hormonal problems

    you may not be getting pregnant because the body isn't going through the usual hormone changes that lead to the release of an egg from the ovary and the thickening of the lining of the uterus. 

Cervical issues

    Some women have a condition that prevents sperm from passing through the cervical canal. 

Ovulation problems may be caused by one or more of the following:

. A hormone imbalance
. A tumor or cyst
. Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
. Alcohol or drug use
. Excess weight 
. Stress
. Intense exercise that causes a significant loss of body fat
. Extremely brief menstrual cycles. 

Damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus can be caused by one or more of the following

. Pelvic inflammatory disease
. A previous infection
. Polyps in the uterus
. Endometriosis or fibroids 
. Scar tissue or adhesions
. Chronic medical illness 
. A previous ectopic(tubal) pregnancy
. A birth defect
. DES syndrome (The medication DES, given to women to prevent miscarriage or premature birth can result in fertility problems for their children.)

Abnormal cervical mucus can also cause infertility. Abnormal cervical mucus can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg or make it more difficult for the sperm to penetrate the egg. 

Infertility in males:

 Small/undescended testes, testicular injury, abnormal/ low sperm count, Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostatitis, orchitis, varicocele, infection(STD'S including chlamydia, gonorrhea), vas deferns/ejaculatory duct obstruction. 

Sperm production problems

. Chromosomal or genetic causes
. Undescended testes(failure of the testes to descend at birth)
. Infection
. Torsion(twisting of the testis in scrotum)
. Varicocele(varicose veins of the testes)
. Medicines and chemicals
. Radiation damage
. Unknown cause

Blockage of sperm transport:

. Infections
. Prostate-related problems
. Absence of vas deferens
. Vasectomy

Sexual problems (erection and ejaculation problems):

. Retrograde and premature ejaculation
. Failure of ejaculation
. Erectile dysfunction
. Infrequent intercourse
. Spinal cord injury
. Prostate surgery
. Damage to nerves
. Some medicines 

Hormonal problems: 

. Pituitary tumours
. Congenital lack of LH/FSH(pituitary problems from birth)
. Anabolic (androgenic) steroid abuse

Sperm antibodies

. Vasectomy
. Injury or infection in the epididymis
. Unknown cause

Combined causes or risk factors in male/female that increase riskof infertility

  Advancing age, obesity, alcohol intake, smoking, diabetes mellitus, emotional stress, exposure to radiation, and intake of certain drugs are the primary causes for this condition. 


 . A urine or blood test to check for infections or a hormone problem, including thyroid function. 
. Pelvic exam and breast exam
. A sample of cervical into the abdomen to view the condition of organs and to look for blockage, adhesions or scar tissue. 
. HSG, which is an x-ray used in conjunction with a colored liquid inserted into the fallopian tubes making it easier for the technician to check for blockage. 
. Hysteroscopy uses a tiny telescope with a fiber light to look for uterine abnormalities. 
. Ultrasound to look at the uterus and ovaries. Maybe done vaginally or abdominally.
. Sonohystogram combines an ultrasound and saline injected into the uterus to look for abnormalities or problems.  

Homeopathic view

    Homeopathic treatment of infertility is mainly achieved through the administration of constitutional homeopathic medicines found most suitable for a detailed case analysis. A detailed case analysis includes the general physical and mental constitutional make-up of the patient plus the symptoms in the sexual sphere and the underlying cause that is hindering the fertility process and needs to be corrected. Homeopathic medicines for infertility are natural medicines that help by raising the patient's immunity to remove the obstruction that is hindering the process of fertility in a couple. Homeopathic medicines for infertility are non-toxic and carry no risk of side-effects. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females with decreased sexual desire

   Agnus castus and sepia are prominently homeopathic medicines for infertility in females with decreased sexual desire. Among these homeopathic medicines for infertility in females, agnus castus is used when an aversion to sex is there. Excessive masturbation may be a cause behind this. The genitals are also relaxed with transport vaginal discharges. Sepia is also used for infertility in females having a sex drive. The vagina may be excessively dry with pain while intercourse. Bearing down sensation is also a marked feature that may appear. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females due to acid vaginal discharges

  Borax and natrum phos are top grades homeopathic medicines in females due to acid vaginal discharges. These homeopathic medicines for infertility in females are used where the vaginal discharges are acrid, destructive and kill the sperms. Borax is a homeopathic medicine for infertility in females when the vaginal discharge is like the white of an egg, acrid, copious and warm. In such cases, borax favors easy conception, next homeopathic medicine natrum phos is indicated for infertility in women have acrid, irritating, creamy, honey-colored vaginal discharges. The discharge also smells sour. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females due to too profuse or too prolonged periods(menorrhagia):

   Two excellent homeopathic medicines for females from profuse or prolonged periods are Calcarea carb and Aletris farinosa. Calcarea carb is mainly used when a female with infertility has too profuse and too long lasting periods. The periods also appear before time. To prescribe an Aletris farinosa the main symptoms are early and copious mense with infertility. Leucorrhea, anemia, weakness, tiredness, and fatigue may also persist with menorrhagia. Among this homeopathic medicine for infertility in females, Aletris farinosa is also prescribed where a tendency for frequent abortions is present. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females with short, scanty periods

 Pulsatilla and sepia are suitable homeopathic medicines for infertility in females resulting from short, scanty periods. Pulsatilla is a natural homeopathic medicine for infertility in women who have faced menstrual irregularities since their menarche. The menses always get delayed and never appear on the expected date. The menstrual discharge is also scanty and remains for a very short time. Pulsatilla also tops the list of homeopathic medicine for infertility in females suffering from PCOD. Next medicine sepia is prescribed for infertility in females where the menses are short, scanty and suppressed. Along with this, a prominent symptom of breaking down sensation in the uterus may be present. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in females due to non-retention of sperms

 Among the various homeopathic medicines for infertility in females from non-rotation of sperms, Natrum carb occupies the highest rank. Natrum carb is very effective for women who have sterility from non-retention of sperms. Offensive and irritating vaginal discharges may also be present. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in males

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with low sperm count

   X-ray tops the list of homeopathic medicines for infertility in males from a low sperm count. It helps to increase sperm count. it helps in both improving the quality of sperms. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with orchitis

 Conium is the top grade medicine among the chart of homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with orchitis. It is used when the testicles are swollen, hard and enlarged. It is effective when a history of suppressed sexual desire is present. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with wasting testes

  Sabal serrulata is one of the best homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with wasting(atrophy) of testes. It is also the perfect medicines for infertility in males with prostate enlargement or prostatitis. 

Homeopathic medicines for infertility in males with erectile dysfunction

  There are some top-notch homeopathic for medicines in males from erectile dysfunction. Homeopathic medicines agnus castus is best picked up when both sexual desire and physical ability are lacking. Genitals are relaxed, flaccid and cold. Another homeopathic medicine. caladium is the best choice for impotency with mental depression. Sexual desire is present but the genitals are relaxed with weak erections. Homeopathic medicines selenium is also best among the various homeopathic medicines for infertility in males from erectile dysfunction. Selenium is helpful for slow, weak erections with rapid emissions. Involuntary semen discharges may also be present.    


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