
Thursday 12 October 2017

Pica and Homeopathic management

                Pica and Homeopathic management

Pica: A craving for something that is not normally regarded as nutritive, such as dirt, clay, paper, or chalk. Pica is a classic due to iron deficiency in children, and it may also occur with zinc deficiency. Pica is also seen as symptoms in several neurobiological disorders including autism and Tourette's syndrome, and it is sometimes seen during Pregnancy. 

   Pica is characterized by an appetite for substance that is largely non-nutritive, such as ice (pagophagia); hair(trichophagia); paper (xylophagia); of feces(coprophagia); and chalk. According to DSM-IV for these actions to be considered pica, they must persist for more than one month at an age where eating such objects is considered developmentally inappropriate, not part of culturally sanctioned practice and sufficiently severe to warrant clinical attention. It can result in an impairment it can also lead to surgical emergencies due to an intestinal obstruction as well as more subtle symptoms such as nutritional deficiencies and parasitosis. 

   The handbook of clinical child psychology currently estimates that prevalence rates of pica range from 4% - 26% among the institutionalized population. Research among non- institutionalized population takes the form of individual case studies, making prevalence rates difficult to estimate. 

How is Pica diagnosed???

  If pica is suspected, a medical evaluation is important to assess for possible anemia, intestinal blockages, or potential toxicity from ingested substances. If symptoms are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by performing a complete medical history and physical exam. The doctor may use certain tests such as X-rays and blood tests to check for anemia and look for toxins and other substances in the blood and to check for blockages in the intestinal tract. The doctor also may test for possible infection caused by eating items contaminated with bacteria or other organisms. A review of the person's eating habits also may be conducted. Before making a diagnosis of pica, the doctor will evaluate the presence of other disorders such as mental retardation, developmental disabilities, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, as the cause of the odd eating behavior. This pattern of behavior must last at least one month for a diagnosis of pica to be made. 


 Mineral deficiency especially iron deficiency
Traumatic events/stress
Maternal deprivation
Parental separation/neglect
Child abuse
Disorganized family structure 
Poor parent-child interaction
Low socioeconomic status

Clinical Features
   The child with the habit of eating substance like clay, dirt, stones, pebbles, hair, feces, lead, plastic pencil, erasers, fingernails, paper, paint, coal, chalk, wood, plaster, light bubbles, needles, string, cigarettes, wire and burnt matches etc. 

A case with the history of PICA may present with symptoms of:
 . Constipation 
 . Chronic or acute, diffuse of focused abdominal pain 
 . Nausea/vomiting
 . Loss of appetite
On examination findings like
.  Abdominal distension
 . Pallor 
. Iron deficiency anamia which could be cause of PICA

Clinical presentation of Pica is variable and is associated with the specific nature of the resulting, medical condition and the indigestion substances. 
Parasitic infestations are usually associated with PICA, Ascariasis is commonly seen in children with pica. 

Signs and symptoms

Chalky stone composed of kaolinite traces of quartz ingested by a person with pica, pica is the consumption of substance with no significant nutritional value such as soil, soap or ice subtypes are characterized by the substance eaten. 


Acuphagia (sharp objects)
Amylophagia (starch)
Cautopyreiopagia (burnt matches)
Geomelophagia(raw potatoes)
Geophgia (dirt, soil, clay)
Lithophagia (stones)
Trichophagia(Hair, wool, and other fibers)
Hematophagia (Vampirism)(blood)
Xylophagia(wood, or derivates of wood such as paper)

Side effects of pica in children

. Accumulation of non-food items in your child's body can lead to a variety of issues like:
  .Deterioration of dental health. Chipped and cracked teeth and even jaw bones are prevalent in cases of pica. 
.Parasitic infections which can cause digestive issues and lead to dangerous weight loss in your child. 
.Children with pica, he will be nutritionally deficient. Eating dirt and sand lead with animal feces can be lethal. 
. Leads to an imbalance in a child's body and even intoxication due to consumption of lead and iron. 

Homeopathic Management: 

Antimonium crudum

  Craving for raw food and vegetables, loss of appetite, bloating of the abdomen after eating, inability to bear the heat of the sun, verse from overexertion in the sun and form over-heating. Aversion to cold bathing and aggravation therefrom. The tendency to grow fat, thick milky white-coated tongue. Thirstlessness, craving, and intolerance for acids and bread, peevish, irritable, cannot bear to be touched or looked at. 


  Craving for starch, chalk, charcoal, cloves, coffee or tea grounds, raw rice, acids. Alumina is one of the chief antidotes for lead poisoning, thin delicate children, dryness of mucous membranes and skin, constipation, no desire for stools for a number of days and soft stool requires great straining, exhausted physically and mentally. Aversion to potatoes, mild cheerful disposition.

Calcarea Carbonica: 

  Craving for chalk, charcoal, coal, and pencils, chilly patient, takes cold easily, fat, weak, easily tired. Pale, weak, easily tried. Head sweats profusely while sleeping, the tendency for lymphatic glandular enlargement, desire for eggs, aversion to meat and milk. Sour smelling discharges, fearful, shy, timid, slow and sluggish. Longing for fresh air. 

 Calcarea Phosphorica

  Desires lime, slate, pencils, earth, chalk, clay etc. Colicky pain in the abdomen while eating, distended abdomen, feeble digestion. Chilly patient, thin, emaciated, unable to sand, rickety, easy perspiration. Slow in learning to walk, aggravation from damp, cold weather, change of weather mental exertion. Desires raw salt and smoked things, restless, dissatisfied, desire to wander.  

Cicuta Virosa: 

 Abdominal appetite for chalk, charcoal, cabbage, which are relished, grinding of teeth, chilly patient, convulsive with a tendency to bend backward. History of suppressed skin eruptions, stupid, singing, dancing, crazy, makes strange gestures. 

Natrum Muriaticuam: 

  Craving for salt takes a long time for food to digest, worse from eating. Hot patient, poorly nourished. Great emaciation, losing flesh while eating well, oily, greasy face. Aversion to bread and fatty things. 

Nitricum Acidum

 Craving for lime, slate, pencils, papers, and charcoal, cracks in mucocutaneous junction especially fissure in rectum and corners of the mouth, the chilly patient takes cold easily. Desires fat and salt, Disposed to diarrhea, strong smelling urine. Headstrong, irritable, fearful, vindictive, sensitive to noise and light. 


  Craving for charcoal, pepper, chalk, chilly patient, thin, craves fats, spicy food. Tongue coated yellowish in the posterior part. Oversensitive to noise, odors, light or music. Nervous disposition, quick, active, zealous and irritable. Impatient, spiteful with violent action. 


 Craving for lime, sand, raw foods, extremely chilly patient, all symptoms worse by cold except stomach complaints which are better by cold. Profuse, offensive discharges, sweats profusely on feet, easy suppuration, glandular affinity. Large head and distended abdomen. Weak ankles, slow in learning to walk, obstinate, headstrong, cry when spoken kindly to. Nervous, apprehensive, oversensitive, irritable, fearful. 

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Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
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Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
Phone no: 022-25350699

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