
Friday 24 November 2017

Anemia Homeopathic treatment

                            Anemia Homeopathic treatment 

 Anemia describes the condition in which the number of red blood cells in the blood flow, for this reason, doctors sometimes describe someone with anemia as having a low blood count. A person who has anemia is called anemic. Commonest blood related disorder/ ailment/ condition is anaemia. It is not a disease in itself but arises as an effect of disease or failure of function in the body. The first and foremost clinical examination done for every patient will be for this complaint only since anemia will be an invitation for any disease with weakened body stamina or immune function. One can feel a sinking stamina with anemia. 

 Blood is comprised of two parts, a liquid part called the plasma and a cellular part. The cellular part contains several different cell types. One of the most important and most numerous cell types is the red blood cell. The other cell types are the white blood cell and platelets. Only red blood cells are discussed on this blog. The purpose of the red blood cell is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.  

  Red blood cell is produced through a series of complex and specific steps. They are made in the bone marrow (inner part some bones that make most of the cells in the blood), and when all the proper steps in their maturation are complete, they are released into the bloodstream. The hemoglobin molecule is the functional unit of the red blood cells and is the structure that is inside the red blood cells. 

 Even though the red blood cells (or RBC) are made within the bone marrow, many other factors are involved in their production. For example, iron is a very important component of the hemoglobin molecule, erythropoietin, a molecule secreted by the kidneys, promotes the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. 

Incidences of Anemia: 

Commonly vulnerable persons are

  Women- usually have more incidences than males. They suffer commonly during the period of puberrty/menstruation/ pregnancy/breastfeeding. 

  Elderly people- commonly suffer more with symptoms than with young due to lack of tolerance, resources, reduced oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin and reduced restoration/ re-establishment of blood cells. 

 Babies suffer especially when they are born premature and take less food persons who are devoid of or avoid good nutritious food, the person who suffers from chronic diseases/ ailments, especially stomach ulcers, cancer, septic conditions, infections. 

 Persons who are in prolonged treatment with antibiotics, anticoagulants, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. 

Some key points summarizing anemia and red blood cells

 Preventing anemia and having the correct number of red blood cells requires cooperation among the kidneys, the bone marrow and nutrients within the body if the kidneys or bone marrow are not functioning, or the body is poorly nourished, then normal red blood cell count and function may be difficult to maintain. 

 Anemia is actually a sign of a disease process rather than a disease itself. It is usually classified as either chronic or acute. Chronic anemia occurs over a long period of time. Acute anemia occurs quickly. Determining whether anemia has been present for a long time or whether it is something new, assists doctors in finding the cause. This also helps predict how severe the symptoms of anemia may be. 

 Red blood cells live about 100 days, so the is constantly trying to replace them. In adults, red blood cell production occurs in the bone marrow. Doctors try to determine if a low red blood cell count is caused by increased blood loss or from decreased production in the bone marrow. Knowing whether the number of white blood cells has changed also helps determine the cause. 

 In the united states, 2%-10% of people have anemia. Other countries have even higher rates of anemia. Young women are twice as likely to have anemia than young men because of regular menstrual bleeding. Anemia occurs in both young people and in old people, but anemia in older people is more likely to cause symptoms because they typically have additional medical problems. 

In general, there are three major types of anemia, classified according to the size of the red blood cells: 

 1.If the red blood cells are smaller than normal, this is called microcytic anemia. The major causes of this type are iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia(inherited disorders of hemoglobin). 

2. If the red blood cells size are normal in size (but low in number)
this is called normocytic anemia, such as anemia that accompanies chronic disease or anemia related to kidney disease. 

3. If red blood cells are larger than normal then it is called macrocytic anemia. Major causes of this type are pernicious anemia and anemia related to alcoholism. 

Causes of anemia

Many medical conditions cause anemia. Common causes of anemia include the following:

Anemia from active bleeding, loss of blood through heavy menstrual bleeding or, wounds can cause anemia. Gastrointestinal ulcers or cancer of the colon may slowly ooze blood and can also cause anemia. 

Iron deficiency anemia

  The bone marrow needs iron to make red blood cells. Iron plays an important role in the proper structure of the hemoglobin molecule. If iron intake is limited or inadequate due to poor dietary intake, anemia may occur as a result. This is called iron deficiency anemia. 

Anemia of chronic disease: 

 Any long-term medical condition can lead to anemia. The exact mechanism of this process is unknown, but any long-standing and on a going medical condition such as an infection or cancer may cause this type of anemia.   

Anemia related to kidney disease

 The kidneys release a hormone called the erythropoietin that helps the bone marrow make red blood cells. In people with chronic kidney disease, the production of this hormone is diminished, and this, in turn, diminishes the production of red blood cells, causing anemia. This is called anemia related to chronic kidney disease. 

Anemia related to pregnancy:

 Water weight gain during pregnancy dilutes the blood, which may be reflected as anemia. 

Anemia related to poor nutrition

 Vitamins and minerals are required to make red blood cells. In addition to iron, vitamin B12 and folate are required for the proper production of hemoglobin. Deficiency in any of these may cause anemia because if inadequate production of red blood cells. Poor dietary intake is an important cause of low folate and low vitamin B12 levels. Strict vegetarians who do not take sufficient vitamins are at risk to develop vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Pernicious anemia

  There also may be a problem in the stomach or the intestines leading to poor absorption of vitaminB12. This may lead to anemia because of vitamin B12 deficiency known as pernicious anemia. 

Sickle cell anemia

 In some individuals, the problems may be related to the production of abnormal hemoglobin problem is qualitative, of functional. Abnormal hemoglobin molecules may cause a problem in the integrity of the red blood cell structure and they may become crescent-shaped(sickle cells). There are different types of sickle cell anemia with different severity levels. This is typically hereditary and is more common in those of African, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean ancestry. 


 This is another group of hemoglobin-related causes of anemia. There are many types of thalassemia, which vary in severity. These are also hereditary, but they cause quantitative hemoglobin abnormalities, meaning an insufficient number of hemoglobin molecules is made. 


 Poor nutrition and deficiencies if vitamins and minerals are associated with alcoholism. Alcohol itself may also be toxic to the bone marrow and may slow down the red blood cell production. The combination of these factors may lead to anemia in alcohol. 

Bone marrow-related anemia

 Anemia may be related to diseases involving the bone marrow. Some blood cancers such as leukemia or lymphomas can alter the production of red blood cells and result in anemia. Other processes may be related to cancer from another organ spreading to the bone marrow. 

Aplastic anemia

 Occasionally some viral infections may severely affect the bone marrow and diminish production of all blood cells. Chemotherapy and some other medication may pose the same problems. 

Hemolytic anemia:

  The normal red blood cell shape is important for its function. Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia in which the red blood cells rupture (known as hemolysis) and become dysfunctional. This could happen due to a variety of reasons. Some forms of hemolytic anemia can be hereditary with constant destruction and rapid reproduction of red blood cells. This destruction may also happen to normal red blood cells in a certain condition, for example, with abnormal heart valves damaging blood cells. 

 Other less common causes of anemia include medication side effects, thyroid problems, cancers, liver disease, other genetic disorders, lead poisoning, AIDS, and bleeding disorders. It is noteworthy that there are many other potential causes that are not included in this list and these are only some of the more common and important ones. 

Symptoms of anemia

Because a low red blood cell count decreases oxygen delivery to every tissue in the body, anemia may cause many signs and symptoms. It can also make almost any other underlying medical condition worse. If anemia is mild, it may not cause any symptoms. If anemia is slowly ongoing (chronic), the body may adapt and compensate for the change, in this case, there may not be any symptoms until the anemia becomes more severe. 

-Shortness of breath
- Lightheadedness
- Palpitations(feeling of the heart racing or beating irregularly)
- Looking pale

Symptoms of severe anemia may include

 -Chest pain, angina, or heart attack.
 -Fainting or passing out.
 - Rapid heart rate.

Some of the signs that may indicate anemia in an individual may include

 Change in stool color, including black and tarry stools(sticky and foul smelling), maroon-colored, or visibly bloody stools if the anemia is due to blood loss through the gastrointestinal tract. 
-Rapid heart rate
-low blood pressure
-Rapid breathing 
-Pale or cold skin
-Yellow skin called jaundice if anemia is due to red blood cell -Breakdown 
-Heart murmur
-Enlargement of the spleen with certain causes of anemia. 

Diagnosis of anemia

 Other than the history of complaints and physical examination of the patient with a pulse, blood pressure, color of the mucous membrane of mouth (especially under the tongue), the color of the conjunctiva of the eye(especially in the lower part) and color of the nails, analyzing the blood count remains fundamental. It can provide lots and lots of information regarding complaints/ disease and plan of treatment. Advanced automatic blood counting machines give accurate, readily readable value for quick diagnosis. 
The essential tests to diagnose anemia and to rule out other differential diagnosis are: 

Blood - Tc, Dc, ESR, Hb%, RBC's WBC's, PCV(packed cell volume), MCH(mean corpuscular hemoglobin), MCHC(mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration), MCV (mean corpuscular concentration), Reticulocytes, platelets, Serum ferritin, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Etc. 

-Urine - sugar, albumin, deposits, bile salts and bile pigments
- Stool- ova, cysts and for occult blood
- Barium meal x-rays- to rule out stomach and intestine disorders
- Gastroscopy/ colonoscopy-  to rule out stomach and intestine disorders. 
- Biopsy- in extreme condition, bone marrow biopsy can be done to diagnosis/ rule out aplastic anemia and other bone marrow disorders. 
- Whole body CT or MRI to rule out any pathology. 
- Rule out bleeding gums, piles, peptic ulcer, unnecessary drug intake, etc. 

Self-care for anemia

 Anemia is not a disease, it's a good news. However, anemia can be an indication of some serious illness and that's very bad news. So you need to check first with your doctor and ensure that you don't have hemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia or sideroblastic anemia. These types of anemia occur due to malfunctioning of your body which can be treated through proper medical intervention only. If everything is all right but you are still diagnosed with anemia, it is due to nutritional deficiency. You suffer from a deficiency of iron, vitamin B 12 or folic acid. 

 You should understand that your red blood cells count has gone really low and they can't now carry enough oxygen to your various body parts, may also have reduced to such levels that may pose risk to your health. Therefore, you need to supply essential nutrients to your body so as to treat this nutritional deficiency anemia. Here are some home remedies of such type. A balanced and nutritious diet can go a long way in reversing anemia. 

Red meats, egg yolks, clams & liver are some of the richest sources of iron.
However, there is hope for vegetarians too. Dietary iron is obtained from. 

Spinach and other dark leafy vegetables, dried beans. 
Parsley(herb) os one of the richest source of iron among plants
Fortified cereals
Fortified soy products
Brewer's yeast
cooking in iron post and pans can also increase the amounts of iron consumed. 
Vitamin C can enhance iron absorption in the body, so a diet rich in vitamin C consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables(amla, guavas, limes, oranges, tomatoes, cabbages, etc) should be maintained as well. 
Exercise in moderation can improve blood circulation. However, an excess is additional stress which can be harmful to severe anemia, So, discuss with your physician before starting any regimen. 

Homemade wheatgerm Iron Tonic for Anemia

 Till now you have known that you have to give full attention to your diet to fight off anemia resulting from a deficiency of iron, folic acid, B vitamins and some other nutrients. Along with a balanced diet, you can use herbs and other plant portions to treat your anemia. Wheatgerm is one of them. It is a portion of wheat kernel which is removed while processing refined flour. Wheatgerm is a powerhouse of nutrients, main being iron and zinc. 

Beetroot-Apple Juice for Anemia: 

 Apple is rich in iron along with many other health friendly components. On the other hand, beet is high on folic acid as well as fiber and potassium. Its most nutrients rich part are just under its peel. So, if your plan to have beets, you may cook it in a microwave oven or just roast it on a gas stove with its peel still on it. After it gets cooked, peel the beet and have it. While you can always have an apple or two in a day, when you mix with beet with apple, your chances of fighting off anemia double up. 

Spinach for Anemia

  Just half cup of spinach daily is what you need to cure your anemia. This dark green leafy vegetable is high in Vitamins A, B9, E and C, iron, fiber, calcium, and beta-carotene. Just half a cup of boiled spinach has 3.2 mg of iron which is about 20% of the daily iron requirement for women. So include spinach in your daily diet. However, nerve forgot to boil spinach even if a minute because spinach also has oxalic acid in it which interferes with absorption of iron by the body. Boiling the leaves can reduce its oxalic acid levels. 

Tomatoes to cure Anemia

 Just having more iron is not sufficient. You should be able to absorb that iron too. For this, among other foods, you can have tomatoes for the best result. Tomatoes are rich sources of Vitamin C and lycopene. Vitamin C is needed by your body to absorb iron. 

Parsley for Anemia

 Parsley, also known as rock celery, is perhaps the most popular culinary herb used worldwide. Apart from various other beneficial components, parsley is very high in iron and folic acid. A 100g of parsley contains 5.5 mg of iron which means half a cup fresh parsley or 1 tablespoon of this dried herb can meet 10% of your body's daily requirement of iron not only this, its vitamin C helps your body to absorb iron well. 

Eating Liver for Anemia

  The iron that we get from aminals is called heme iron. Our body absorbs this dietary iron better than the non- heme iron which we get from plant-based foods. It can absorb anywhere between 15-35% of the heme iron and that is a good number. Organ meat like liver is a powerhouse of iron which is the most important that your body needs when suffering from anemia. Organ meats are much higher in nutrients than the muscle meats. The liver can provide you anywhere between 16 to 85 percent of your daily iron requirement depending upon what liver you are eating - calf, chicken. Liver of chicken is one of the best sources of iron. The raw chicken liver has 9 mg iron while beef liver contains about 5mg of iron. The liver is also a very good source of B vitamins, especially B12 as well as copper, phosphorus, and zinc. However, it is also important to eat organ meats of those animals which are raised on fresh pastures and are not treated with hormones, antibiotics, and commercial feed. So, if you eat non-vegetarian foods, you should include eating liver to increase iron content in your blood and to get rid of anemia. However, if you survive on vegetarian foods only, there are many more options like legumes. 

Whole grains, Legumes, Nuts for Anemia

 As you know, your body can get two types of dietary iron- heme and nonheme- from two sources namely animals and plant-based foods. Heme iron is found in animals, particularly red meat, fish, and poultry. Nonheme iron can be found in both animals as well as plant-based foods. Vegetarian sources nonheme iron are vegetables, grains lentils, and beans. Whole grains, legumes as well as nuts are good vegetarian sources of iron and folic acid. However, you need to have balanced vegetarian diet if you intend to sources of iron from plant-based foods because heme iron which you get from animals can be absorbed well by your body without depending upon other dietary factors.  

Homeopathic Treatment: 

 Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat anemia but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. 

 Caring for blood count is essential for life since whole life/ health relies on it. With clear-cut causes like accidental bleeding, heavy menstruation, pregnancy, poor nutrition, the person can be treated accordingly with the prescribed essential supplements in the form of foods/ tablets/ tonics/ injections and in case of critical condition blood transfusion may be a must. No one can deny this regular nutritious food to maintain blood counts/ hemoglobin is not acceptable. In general, 50 percent of anemic patients can be cured with diet alone, 30 Percent may need supplements and medicines and 20 percent may need blood transfusion and medicines.  

 Even though well substituted, if the cell activity is not capable of absorbing the same, the substitute will go waste and the cell will continue to be less active or diseased. Actually, everyone needs stimulation for good activity. Homeopathic medicines can tackle the complaints or disease without persistent usage by treating the root cause. Anemia is an ongoing process of chronic fatigue. Complaints will creep up with time when not attended properly. So it is better to analyze the cause and treat the condition right to the requirement. To distinguish from other ways, Homeopathy can end the endless episode of anemia by treating reality. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Anemia

Aletris Farinose

 Chlorosis. the china of the uterine organs, a great tonic for women not only increase blood but also a weakness, tried dull, heavy, confused feeling., Debility of females from protracted illness, no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.  

Calcarea Carbonica

 Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anemic and debilitated conditions and especially are the Calcareas useful. Thus we have Calcarea Phosphorica as the remedy for the green sickness, chlorosis of young girls, with a complexion like wax, alabaster lips and ears, a bright eye, and when they smile or laugh it is sickly one. The face sometimes has a true greenish hue or a sallow one. In such cases, the menses are apt to be too early and than Calcarea Phosphorica is well indicated for this condition. Calcarea Carbonica is indicated by the psoric, scrofulous or tubercular diathesis and the general symptoms of the drug, by disgust for meat, craving for sour and indigestible things, swelling od abdomen, vertigo, and palpitation, ongoing upstairs. The patient is in a state of worry. 

Ferrum Metallicum

 It is a great homeopathy remedy like allopath homeopath also uses an iron but in nontoxic nonmaterialistic doses, but it will not cure every case of anemia proper careful individualization us necessary. When the patient has an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by paleness or earthiness of the face and puffiness of the extremities, then Ferrum will benefit. When Ferrum has indicated the mucous membranes are pale, more so than with Cinchona, and there is apt to be an anemia murmur in the veins of the neck. The patient is easily exhausted. Vomiting of food after eating may occur. The patient is constantly chilly and perhaps has an afternoon or evening fever simulating hectic fever. In very stubborn cases sometimes Ferrum Phosphoricum may serve better than Ferrum Metallicum. Schuessler recommends first Calcarea Phosphorica then Ferrim Phosporicum. 


 An excellent remedy for anemia and chlorosis. It suits especially anemia from prolonged hemorrhage in women enervated by indolence and luxury, or such as are worn out with hard work, they are too tired to sleep and the strained muscles burn and ache. The patient is better when the attention is engaged, hence better when the doctor comes.This anemia is associated with a disturbance in the urinary and sexual organs. Trued anemic, backache females need Helonias. 

Natrum Muriaticum

 This is one of our best remedies in anemic conditions. There is paleness and, in spite of the fact the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnea, especially on going upstairs, constipation and depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms, there are many palpitations, the fluttering and intermittent action of the heart. The hypochondriasis in these cases is marked. Scanty menstruation is frequently an indicating symptom. Kali- Carbonicum is one of the most important remedies for anemia, weak heart, sweats a backache, especially with female complaints. 


 Pulsatilla is the great antidote to iron and hence is indicated in the anemic condition produced by large or continued doses of it. The system is relaxed and worn out, the patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements. Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The cause of the anemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from allopathic hands it is safe to infer that much iron has been given and Pulsatilla will surely be the remedy. The Pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this blog. in my opinion, everything was perfectly written there as well as few small tips are also can be taken as healthy suggestion. Descriptive informative content written in this blog is very useful.เสริมจมูก

  2. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder. in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin.
    Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
    The disorder results in excessive
    destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.
