
Saturday 18 November 2017

Common causes of headaches treatment form Homeopathy

        Common causes of headaches treatment form Homeopathy

  A headache is the symptoms of pain anywhere in the region of the head and neck. It occurs in migraines, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Frequent headaches can affect relationship and employment. There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe headaches. 

  The term headaches need no introduction. Rarely one comes across a patient who claims that he never had headaches. It is one of the most common complaints and according to some studies ranks ninth among the causes of a patient visiting a physician. 

 Pain is body's most common way of expressing that something is wrong with the health. A wide variety of factors ranging from simple ones like hunger or tension to very complicated ones like brain tumors can cause headaches. Headaches can be such severe intensity that they may incapacitate the patient yet may not be life threating like a migraine but on the other hand, very mild headaches may be from life-threatening causes like a brain tumor. Therefore every a headache should be carefully looked into and proper medical advice is sought. Proper medical advice sought on headache. 

Classification of headaches

  In 2013, the international headaches society released its latest classification system for a headache, because so many people suffer from headaches, and because treatment is difficult sometimes, it was hoped that the new classification system would help health-care professionals make a more specific diagnosis as to the type of headaches a patient has, and allow better and ,more effective options for treatment. The diagnosis is extensive and the headaches society recommends that healthcare professionals consult the guidelines frequently to make certain of the diagnosis. there are three major categories of a headache based on the source of the pain. 

1. Primary headaches

2. Secondary headaches

3. Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches. 

The guidelines also note that a patient may have symptoms that are consistent with more than one type of a headache and that more than one type of a headache may be present at the same time. 

1. Primary headaches

  Primary headaches include a migraine, tension, and cluster headaches, as well as a variety of other less common types of a headache. 

Tension headaches are the most common type of a primary headache, tension headaches occur more commonly among women than men. According to the world health organization, 1 in 20 people in the developed world suffers from a daily tension headache. 

  Migraine headaches are the second most common type of a primary headache. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more women than men are affected. 

  Cluster headaches are a rare type primary headache. It more commonly affects men in their late 20s though women and children can also suffer from this type of a headache. Primary headaches can affect the quality of life. Some people have occasional headaches that resolve quickly while others are debilitating. While these headaches are not life-threatening, may be associated with symptoms that can mimic strokes.

2. Secondary headaches

 Secondary headaches are those that are due to an underlying structural or infectious problem in the head or neck. This is a very broad group of medical conditions ranging from dental pain from infected teeth or pain from an infected sinus to life-threatening conditions like bleeding in the brain or infections like encephalitis or Meningitis. 

 Traumatic headaches fall into this category including post-concussion headaches. This group of headaches also include those headaches associated with substance abuse and excessive use of medications used to treat headaches (medication overuse headaches). Hangover headaches fall into this category as well. People who drink too much alcohol may waken with a well- established headache due to the effects of alcohol and dehydration. 

3. Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches

  Neuralgia means nerve pain. Cranial neuralgia describes inflammation of one of the 12 cranial nerves coming from the brain that control the muscles and carry sensory singles to and from the head and neck. Perhaps the most commonly recognized example is trigeminal neuralgia, which affects cranial nerve V(the trigeminal nerve), the sensory nerve that supplies the face and can cause intense facial pain when irritated or inflamed. 

Types of Headaches

 There is 17 type of headaches depend upon the class to which they belong, some common types include: 

1. Primary tension headaches that are episodic.

2. Primary tension headaches that are chronic.

3. Primary muscle contraction headaches.

4. Primary migraine headaches with aura.

5. Primary migraine headaches without aura.

6. Primary cluster headache. 

7. Primary paroxysmal hemicrania(a type of a cluster headache).

8. A primary cough headache.

9. Primary stabbing headache. 

10. A primary headache associated with sexual intercourse. 

11. Primary thunderclap headache.

12. A hypnic headache(headaches that awaken a person from sleep).

13. Hemicrania continua(headaches that are persistently on one side only right or left).

14. New daily- persistent headache (NDPH)(a type of a chronic headache).

15. A headache from exertion.

16. Trigeminal neuralgia and other cranial nerve inflammation. 

17. Secondary headaches due to: 

. Trauma
. Disorders
. Infection
. Structural problems with the bones of the face, teeth, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses or other or withdrawal.
. Substance abuse or withdrawal. 

Causes of headaches

A migraine headache is caused by inflammation or irritation of structures that surround the brain or affect its function. While the brain itself has no pain nerve fibers, everything else above the shoulders, from the neck, skull, and face, can cause a person to have of head pain, systemic illness including infection or dehydration can have an associated headache. These are known as a toxic headache. Changes in circulation and blood flow or trauma can also cause a headache. Changes in brain chemistry may also be associated with a headache, medication reactions, drug abuse and drug withdrawal can all cause pain. Every person is different so the history of a headache is important. Recognizing patterns or precipitating (foods are eaten, stress etc) factors, in combination with the physical examination and associated symptoms, can help identify the cause of each individual's specific headache. 

Causes of tension headaches

  While tension headaches are the most frequently occurring type of a headache, their cause is not known. The most likely cause is a contraction of the muscles that cover the skull. When the muscles covering the skull are stressed, they may become inflamed, go into spasm, and cause pain. Common sites include the base of the skull where the trapezius muscles of the neck insert, the temples where muscles that move the jaw are located and the forehead. 

  There is little research to confirm the exact cause of tension headaches. It is believed that tension headaches occur because of physical stress on the muscles of the head, for example, these stressors can cause the muscles surrounding the skull to clench the teeth and go into spasm. Physical stressors include difficult and prolonged manual labor, or sitting at the desk or computer concentrating for long periods. Emotional stress also might cause tension headaches by causing the muscles surrounding the skull to contract. 

Diagnosed tension headaches

 The key to making a diagnosis of any a headache is the history given by the patient. The health care professional will ask questions about a headache to try to help make the diagnosis. Those questions will try to define the quality, quantity, and duration of the pain, as well as any associated symptoms. The person with a tension headache will usually complain of mild-to-moderate pain that is located n both sides of the head. People with tension headaches describe the pain as a non-throbbing tightness, that is not made worse by activity. There usually are no associated symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or light sensitivity. 

 The physical examination, particularly the neurologic portion of the examination, is important in tension headaches because to make the diagnosis, it should be normal. However, there may be some tenderness of the scalp or neck muscles. if the health care professional finds an abnormality on neurological exam., then the diagnosis of a tension headache should be put on hold until the potential for other causes of headaches has been investigated. 

Homeopathic medicine for a headache with their indication is


 A headache which comes suddenly after exposure to cold dry winds. There are anxiety and restlessness. Burning headache, as if the brain is moved by boiling water. Violent stupefying headache with the sensation of fullness. Better in the poen air. 

Antimonium Crudum

 Headaches due to overeating, disordered stomach, eating candy, drinking acid wines. Aching worse in vertex, heaviness in the forehead. Worse from bating, especially river bathing. 


 Belladonna is the first remedy that comes to mind with a headache. Symptoms are clear and sharply defined. Throbbing is the great keynote, but violent shooting pains in the head, driving the patient almost wild, are scarcely less characteristic. The patient cannot lie down, must sit up, nor can he bear the light, a draft of air, noise or jarring, this last is most characteristic. The location of the ache is mostly in the frontal region or right side, flushed face, dilated pupils accompany. 


 This is another remedy for the neuralgic form of a headache, and it has some valuable symptoms.It corresponds to the headache of student and those exhausted by fatigue. There is first a sensation as if the top of the head would fly off. There are sharp, lancinating pains in and over the eyes, shotting to the top of the head. The brain seems to move in waves, and there may be the symptoms of a sharp pain extending from the occiput to the frontal region as if a bolt were driven through the head. 


 Is another remedy which has a headache commencing with blindness, and especially is it a remedy for headaches due to eye strain. Onsomodium is another, here we have dull aching extending down the back of neck or over on one side, generally the left, there is a strained stiff sensation in the corresponding eye.

Iris versicolor: 

 The iris Versicolor headache characteristically commences with a partial blindness or blurring of vision being similar here to gelsemium and Kali- bich and it is especially a remedy for gastric or bilious headaches. This blurring of the sight may be preceded by drowsiness and the head begins to ache a soon as the blurring disappears. It is a useful remedy for Sunday a headache, not, however, in that form which sometimes occurs as a convenient excuse for non-church attendance but that from which occurs in teachers, scholars, professors, etc, in whom a relief of the strain of the preceding six days produces a headache. 


 It is quite safe to assert that nux-vomica is more often indicated in a headache than any other remedy, this is presumably due in the main to the cause of a headache calling for Nux-vomica, thus we have a headache from the excessive use of alcohol, the morning"big head", tobacco, coffee, headache from digestive troubles, constipation, and specially autointoxication and hepatic insufficiency. These are all common causes of the Nux-vomica a headache. 


 Genuine sick headache calls for this drug, and the symptoms, in brief, are these, the pain begins in the morning and in the occiput, It comes up over the head and settles in the right eye. The pain increases in severity until there is vomiting of food and bile, then oftentimes the ache is relieved will be so intense at times that the patient will frantically bore her headache into the pillow for relief. 


 This remedy holds the same relation to the left side of the head that Sanguinaria does to the right side. The pains are neuralgic in character, style over the left eye and they are apt to follow the course of the sun, beginning in the morning, reaching the acme at noon and subsiding at sunset. There is often a sensation as if the head were open along the vertex. 

Zincum Metallicum

  Occipital pain with weight on vertex, forehead cool with a base of brain hot. Automatic motion of head and hands. A headache from smallest quantity of wine. 

   Homeopathic treatment requires strict individualization, please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/ Homeopath. 

1 comment:

  1. migraines.
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