Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep. The levels of sleep deprivation can vary, being either acute or chronic. Sleep deprivation, whether it occurs over the short or long term, can lead to some characteristic symptoms. These resulting symptoms may range from the relatively expected and commonplace, such as sleepiness, to somewhat more serious complaints of hallucinations, memory problems, and pain complaints. It may also result in decreased alertness, excessive daytime sleepiness, compromised daytime abilities and major long-term health consequences such as obesity.

The degree of severity for all of these symptoms will depend on two factors. First, you will obviously suffer more from symptoms of sleep deprivation the more time you spend awake. As an example, staying up an extra hour to watch your favorite television show is far different from getting only four hours of sleep. This may be especially true if the sleep deprivation occurs night after night or if it becomes extreme (such as "pulling an all-nighter").
Secondly, the intensity of your symptoms will vary depending on your circadian clock. Therefore, the symptoms of sleep deprivation will seem much more pronounced during times when you should naturally be asleep (like overnight). It may also be more notable when the circadian signal dips, such as in the early to mid-afternoon.
The threshold for sleep deprivation may be different depending on an individual's personal sleep needs, but obtaining less sleep than you need will inevitably lead to sleep deprivation.
No matter what you call it, the most common symptom of not getting enough sleep is what you probably expect: feeling sleepy. This might lead to a feeling of drowsiness or sleepiness, in which you have a strong desire to fall asleep. It might also lead to an associated symptom —a more deep-rooted sense of feeling run down, called fatigue. Many people use the word fatigue to describe the sense of muscle weariness in which a mild discomfort may occur.
As part of this, you will actually be able to fall asleep quicker. People who fall asleep quickly are said to have a short sleep latency. This can be objectively measured with a sleep study called the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT). Aside from being a sign of sleep deprivation, short sleep latencies may also be a marker of excessive daytime sleepiness in sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, or untreated sleep apnea.
Conversely, sleep restriction and the resulting sleepiness can also be therapeutic. In certain settings, such as in those who suffer from insomnia, this added sleepiness may be desired. By limiting the amount of time you are allowed to sleep through sleep restriction, the resulting drive for sleep may improve difficulties falling or staying asleep, characteristics of insomnia.
Mood Changes:
If you have ever found yourself short-tempered when you are not getting enough sleep, you certainly recognize the effects that sleep deprivation may have on mood. When we do not sleep enough, we are more likely to have symptoms of irritability. On the other hand, a good night’s sleep may put us in a great mood as we start our day.
These mood changes may extend beyond a transient positive or negative attitude into more serious problems, such as anxiety, and depression. The interplay between psychiatric conditions and sleep is rich, as sleep seems to impact the frontal lobe of the brain, an area linked to these mood disorders. Many symptoms of depression overlap with those associated with sleep disorders. Problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may lead to nightmares and sleep loss. People with chronic insomnia often have anxiety and an increased risk of suicide.
Sleep is a vital part of our health, and this clearly includes our mental health.
Difficulty Concentrating and Impaired Performance:
Your ability to be attentive to your surroundings requires a well-rested brain. When we are sleep deprived, we inevitably develop a subtle impairment in our ability to concentrate. This can be rather insidious, to the point that people who are chronically sleep-deprived begin to fail to recognize their level of impairment. Decreased alertness may lead to errors, accidents, and compromised performance.
Memory and Thinking Problems:
Sleep has important effects on our ability to think and process memories. Therefore, when we do not sleep enough, these cognitive abilities can become impaired. Sleep deprivation may lead to further problems with higher-level functions, such as planning, organization, and judgment.The most common symptom of sleep deprivation relates to problems with concentration and paying attention. Following close in step, however, is impairment in our short-term memory. This may be a consequence of decreased attentiveness (we don’t remember what we fail to register in our brain), but the difficulty may extend beyond that.
Somatic and Pain Complaints:
Sleep deprivation may lead to other physical signs and non-specific somatic (soma is Latin for body) complaints. Aside from the sense of fatigue described above, you may have other generalized symptoms of discomfort. You may have a feeling of malaise, which might manifest as feeling run-down or simply "not well."
Disruption of Sleep Cycle:
Finally, sleep deprivation disrupts the natural flow of the sleep cycle. Sleep occurs in two basic stages throughout the night. The two stages of sleep are rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM). Arousal can be a shift from REM sleep to NREM sleep, or from NREM sleep to a state of being awake.
A Word From Very well:
Sleep deprivation can have important consequences for your health and in extreme situations may even lead to your death.
Moreover, it often leads to varying symptoms that can disrupt your life and your general sense of well-being. You may experience excessive daytime sleepiness or have problems with your mood such as irritability, anxiety, and depression. It can undermine your ability to be attentive and concentrate, with important effects on your performance.
Sleep deprivation may impair your short-term memory, as well as higher-level cognitive functions, such as planning and judgment. It might lead to psychiatric symptoms, such as disorientation, visual hallucinations, and paranoia. Finally, sleep deprivation may contribute to other physical complaints, such as fatigue or pain.
These symptoms may have significant impacts on your life, and they attest to the importance of obtaining the quality and quantity of sleep that you need. If you struggle to get sufficient sleep, consider an evaluation by a board-certified sleep medicine physician who can arrange testing and further treatment to optimize your rest.
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