
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Why do we need magnesium?


 Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's function. Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.
 The human body contains around 25 gram (g) of magnesium, 50 to 60 percent of which is stored in the skeletal system. The rest is present in muscle, soft tissues, and bodily fluids.
  Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body, including the metabolism of food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, and the transmission of nerve impulses.

   It looks at the recommended intake of magnesium, its effects on health, dietary sources, and possible health risks.

  Magnesium is one of seven essential macrominerals. These are minerals that need to be consumed in relatively large amounts, at least 100 milligrams (mg) per day.
   An adequate intake can help prevent problems with bones, the cardiovascular system, diabetes,  and other functions.
   The following health benefits have been associated with magnesium.
. Bone health:
   Magnesium is important for bone formation. It helps assimilate Calcium into the bone and plays a role in activating Vitamin D  in the kidneys. Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones.
  Optimal magnesium intake is associated with greater bone density, improved bone crystal formation, and a lower risk of Osteoporosis in women after Menopause. 
  Calcium and magnesium are important for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.
  Without magnesium, a high intake of calcium can increase the risk of arterial calcification and cardiovascular disease, as well as Kidney stones.
   Anyone who is taking calcium supplements should also take magnesium to ensure their calcium intake is properly metabolized.

Calcium absorption:
  Calcium and magnesium are important for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.
  Without magnesium, a high intake of calcium can increase the risk of arterial calcification and cardiovascular disease, as well as Kidney stones.

  Anyone who is taking calcium supplements should also take magnesium to ensure their calcium intake is properly metabolized.
  Magnesium plays an important role in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism, so magnesium status can also impact the risk of diabetes.
   Several studies have associated a higher intake of magnesium with a lower risk of diabetes.
   For every 100 mg per day increase in magnesium intake, up to a point, the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes decreases by approximately 15 percent. Low magnesium levels were linked to impaired Insulin secretion and lower insulin sensitivity.
    In most of these studies, the magnesium intake was from dietary sources. However, other studies have shown improvement in insulin sensitivity with a magnesium supplement intake of between 300 & 365 mg per day.
     According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Diabetes Association noted that further evidence is needed before magnesium can be routinely used for glycemic control in patients with diabetes.
Heart health:
   Magnesium is necessary to maintain the health of muscles, including the heart, and for the transmission of electrical signals in the body.
   Adequate magnesium intake has been associated with a lower risk of 
  · Atherosclerosis, a fatty buildup on the walls of arteries
  ·  Hypertension, or high blood pressure

    In the Framingham Heart Study, people with the highest intake of magnesium were found to have a 58 % lower chance of coronary artery calcification and a 34 percent lower chance of abdominal artery calcification.
    Patients who receive magnesium soon after a Heart attack have a lower risk of mortality. Magnesium is sometimes used as part of the treatment for congestive Heart failure (CHF) to reduce the risk of arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm.
   A daily intake of 365 mg of magnesium a day has been shown to improve lipid profiles.
   The NIH cite findings "significantly" associating higher magnesium levels in the blood with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and of ischemic heart disease resulting from a low blood supply to the heart. They also note that higher magnesium levels may lower the risk of stroke.
   However, they point out that taking magnesium supplements lowers blood pressure "to only a small extent."
   The NIH calls for a large, well-designed investigation to understand how magnesium from the diet or from supplements might help protect the heart.
Migraine headaches:
   Small studies have suggested that magnesium therapy may help prevent or relieve headaches, but the amount likely to be needed to make a difference is high. It should only be administered by a health professional.
Premenstrual syndrome:
   Ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium, especially combined with vitamin B6, may help relives symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as bloating, Insomnia, leg swelling, weight gain, and breast tenderness.
Relieving anxiety:
   Reductions in magnesium levels, or changes in the way that it is processed, have been linked to increased levels of anxiety.
   This appears to related activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a set of three glands that control a person's reaction to stress.
   Research has shown that a low-magnesium diet may alter the types of bacteria present in the gut, and this may impact anxiety-based behavior.
Recommended intake:
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium depends on age and gender.
The National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) recommends the following intake of magnesium:
       -  From 1 to 3 years of age: 80 mg a day
       -   From 4 to 8 years: 130 mg a day
       -  from 9 to 13 years: 240 mg a day
       For 14 years, the requirements are different for men and women.
      -   Males aged 14 to 18 years: 410 mg a day
     -    Males aged 19 years and over: 400 to 420 mg a day
      -   Females aged 14 to 18 years: 360 mg a day
    -     Females aged 19 years and over: 310 to 320 mg a day
     -    During pregnancy: 350 to 400 mg a day
     -    During breastfeeding: 310 to 360 mg a day
   Magnesium deficiency is rare, but it may affect older people. It can result from excess consumption of alcohol, some health conditions, such as a gastrointestinal disorder, and the use of some medications.
Symptoms include:
    -     loss of appetite
    -     nausea and vomiting
      -    Fatigue and weakness

More advanced symptoms include:
     -   numbness and tingling
    -    muscle cramps
     -   seizures
    -    personality changes
     -   heart rhythm changes and spasms
    Deficiency is linked to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome,  Coronary Heart disease, and osteoporosis. It can lead to low calcium or low potassium levels in the blood.

The best sources of magnesium are nuts and seeds, dark green vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Magnesium is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods.
Here are some good sources of magnesium:
       -  Sunflower seeds, dry roasted, 1 cup: 512 mg
     -    Almonds, dry-roasted, 1 cup: 420 mg
      -   Sesame seeds, roasted whole, 1 ounce: 101 mg
        - Spinach, boiled, 1 cup: 78 mg
       -  Cashews, dry roasted, 1 ounce: 74 mg
      -   Shredded wheat cereal, two large biscuits: 61 mg
     -    Soymilk, plain, 1 cup: 61 mg
     -    Black beans, cooked, 1 cup: 120 mg
     -    Oatmeal, cooked, 1 cup: 58 mg
      -   Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup: 51 mg
      -   Edamame,shelled, cooked, 1 cup: 100 mg
     -    Peanut butter, smooth, 2 tablespoons: 49 mg
      -   Shrimp, raw, 4 ounces: 48 mg
      -   Black-eyed peas, cooked, 1 cup: 92 mg
    -     Brown rice, cooked, 1 cup: 84 mg
     -    Kidney beans, canned, 1 cup: 70 mg
       -  Cow's milk, whole, 1 cup: 33 mg
      -  Bananaone medium: 33 mg
         Bread, whole-wheat, one slice: 23 mg

     Magnesium is lost as wheat is refined, so it is best to choose cereals and bread products made with whole grains. Most common fruits, meat, and fish are low in magnesium.

Dietary Supplements: 

  Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms including magnesium oxide, citrate, and chloride. The supplement facts panel on a dietary supplement label declares the amount of elemental magnesium in the product not the weight of the entire magnesium-containing compound. 
 Absorption of magnesium from different kinds of magnesium supplements varies. Forms of magnesium that dissolve well in the liquid are more completely absorbed in the gut than less soluble forms. Small studies have found that magnesium in the aspartate citrate, lactate, and chloride forms is absorbed more completely and is more bioavailable than magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate. One study found that very high doses of zinc from supplements can interfere with magnesium absorption and disrupt the magnesium balance in the body. 
   An overdose of magnesium through dietary sources is unlikely because any excess magnesium that is consumed in food will be eliminated in the urine.
    However, a high intake of magnesium from supplements can lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea,  nausea, and cramping.
   Very large doses can cause kidney problems, low blood pressure, urine retention, nausea and vomiting, depression and lethargy, a loss of central nervous system(CNS) control, cardiac arrest, and possibly death.
   Anyone with a kidney disorder should not take magnesium supplements unless their doctor advises it.

The Homeopathic Profile Uses and Health Benefits of Magnesium Phosphoricum:

  In homeopathy, the remedy profile is significant for determining whether Magnesium phosphoricum is the right fit for your emotional, mental, and physical symptoms. The remedy is considered most suitable for outgoing individuals that are prone to restlessness and impulsiveness. They are also often sensitive, intellectual, and artistic; however, at times they may forget and be unable to concentrate. They are also prone to moodiness, exhaustion, nervousness, and irritability.
   Magnesium phosphoricum is also common for people that fear confrontation, thunderstorms, or the dark. They also worry about health on a regular basis and can be described as a hypochondriac. The person generally feels better from warmth; however, cold will lead to worsened symptoms. They may also crave sugar and dislike coffee. People often have the best results with the remedy when they take it with warm water.
  What are other uses and health benefits of this remedy? It could also treat spasms, twitches, sore throats, vertigo, asthma, whooping cough, angina, fevers, and seizures.

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