This is the commonest form of psychoneurosis characterized by the lack of concentration, loss of interest and unforeseen fears due to adaptation to environmental stress.
. Anxiety is not the same as fear, which is a reaction to a real or perceived instant threat; whereas anxiety is the anticipation of future risk.Anxiety is nothing but a feeling of fear, uneasiness, and worry, usually comprehensive and nonspecific as an overreaction to a situation that is only automatically seen as threatening.
Anxiety most of the times is accompanied by muscle tension, restlessness, weakness and unable to concentration. Anxiety can be a protective mechanism in some situations, but when if it is regular the person may suffer from an anxiety disorder.
Family history in 15% cases is present.
Learning theory:
It is thought to be a fear response which by conditioning is attached to another stimulus.
Psychodynamic theory:
There may be several stress types, e.g., familial, personal or of sexual nature which may play in the background.
1. Emotional instability.
2. Constitutional, environmental and hereditary factors.
3. Sexual background.
Clinical Features:
Symptoms of anxiety always dominate. There may be fear of body and mind. Fear of bodily function (hypochondriasis)or of disease (Cynophobia) may be present. The patient may think that he may die or may commit suicide. He is afraid to walk in the street, in a vehicle, and may remain in the house day and night. There is insomnia and if there is sleep, it is often disturbed by nightmares.
There may be autonomic imbalance and due to this various visceral symptoms and signs may develop as given below:
Nausea, vomiting, hiccup, diarrhea, flatulence, water brash, epigastric pain, dysphagia, dryness of mouth and throat.
Twitching, tremor, blurring of vision, giddiness, tinnitus, headache, insomnia.
Frequency of micturition, seminal emission. Erectile impotence, loss of libido.
Palpitation, dyspnoea, precordial pain, fall of BP, etc, Sometimes these are seen in young soldiers and this is called Effort syndrome or Neurocirculatory asthenia(Da costa's syndrome)
Constriction of the chest, breathlessness, over breathing, hyperventilation syndrome, pain chest.
Pale cold skin, sweating of hand and feet and axillae.
Headache, fear of open spaces. irritability, restlessness, lack of concentration.
Psychological Symptoms
A. Cognitive Symptoms: Poor concentration; Distractibility;
Hyperarousal; Vigilance or scanning; Negative automatic thoughts
B. Perceptual Symptoms: Derealisation; Depersonalisation
C. Affective Symptoms: Diffuse, unpleasant, and a vague sense of apprehension; Fearfulness; Inability to relax; Irritability; Feeling of impending doom (when severe)
D. Other Symptoms: Insomnia (initial); Increased
sensitivity to noise; Exaggerated startle response
when symptoms are of Sudden onset of fever, with chilliness, throbbing pulses, and great restlessness-from anxiety. A remedy of cold, dry weather, bitter winds (opp. to Gels).
White tongue: thirst for much cold fluid. ( Phos) From every movement, every noise, attacked with dry heat (rev. of Nux, Gels., etc.) Wants two lies quite still, and be let alone. Especially with pleurisy, or pleuro-pneumonia. Headaches and pain all better for pressure, and worse for movement. ( Eup. per.)_ The anxiety, dreams, and delirium of Bry. are of business; in delirium, he "wants to go home," Pains in the head from coughing. Irritable.
This is the commonest form of psychoneurosis characterized by the lack of concentration, loss of interest and unforeseen fears due to adaptation to environmental stress.
. Anxiety is not the same as fear, which is a reaction to a real or perceived instant threat; whereas anxiety is the anticipation of future risk.Anxiety is nothing but a feeling of fear, uneasiness, and worry, usually comprehensive and nonspecific as an overreaction to a situation that is only automatically seen as threatening.
Anxiety most of the times is accompanied by muscle tension, restlessness, weakness and unable to concentration. Anxiety can be a protective mechanism in some situations, but when if it is regular the person may suffer from an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety is the commonest psychiatric symptom in clinical practice and anxiety disorders are one of the commonest psychiatric disorders in general population. Anxiety is a ‘normal’ phenomenon, which is characterized by a state of apprehension or unease arising out of anticipation of danger. Anxiety is often differentiated from fear, as fear is an apprehension in response to an external danger while in anxiety the danger is largely unknown (or internal).
Normal anxiety becomes pathological when it causes significant subjective distress and/or impairment in the functioning of an individual.
Family history in 15% cases is present.
Learning theory:
It is thought to be a fear response which by conditioning is attached to another stimulus.
Psychodynamic theory:
There may be several stress types, e.g., familial, personal or of sexual nature which may play in the background.
1. Emotional instability.
2. Constitutional, environmental and hereditary factors.
3. Sexual background.
Clinical Features:
Symptoms of anxiety always dominate. There may be fear of body and mind. Fear of bodily function (hypochondriasis)or of disease (Cynophobia) may be present. The patient may think that he may die or may commit suicide. He is afraid to walk in the street, in a vehicle, and may remain in the house day and night. There is insomnia and if there is sleep, it is often disturbed by nightmares.
There may be autonomic imbalance and due to this various visceral symptoms and signs may develop as given below:
Nausea, vomiting, hiccup, diarrhea, flatulence, water brash, epigastric pain, dysphagia, dryness of mouth and throat.
Twitching, tremor, blurring of vision, giddiness, tinnitus, headache, insomnia.
Frequency of micturition, seminal emission. Erectile impotence, loss of libido.
Palpitation, dyspnoea, precordial pain, fall of BP, etc, Sometimes these are seen in young soldiers and this is called Effort syndrome or Neurocirculatory asthenia(Da costa's syndrome)
Constriction of the chest, breathlessness, over breathing, hyperventilation syndrome, pain chest.
Pale cold skin, sweating of hand and feet and axillae.
Headache, fear of open spaces. irritability, restlessness, lack of concentration.
Psychological Symptoms
A. Cognitive Symptoms: Poor concentration; Distractibility;
Hyperarousal; Vigilance or scanning; Negative automatic thoughts
B. Perceptual Symptoms: Derealisation; Depersonalisation
C. Affective Symptoms: Diffuse, unpleasant, and a vague sense of apprehension; Fearfulness; Inability to relax; Irritability; Feeling of impending doom (when severe)
D. Other Symptoms: Insomnia (initial); Increased
sensitivity to noise; Exaggerated startle response
Argentum Nitricum:
This is one of the most important medicines for anxiety related disorders. This drug that is prepared from the nitrate of silver. It specifically affects the mind causing neurotic effects. It also has curative effects on the affectations of the nervous system, digestive system, reproductive system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, etc.
The patient is very nervous and impulsive by nature; extremely hurried in whatever he does. He dreads situations that may cause him anxiety and tries to avoid getting into such situations. Multiple phobias such as fear of darkness, evil, fear of heights, tall buildings, of passing certain places, etc. anticipatory anxiety which causes diarrhea before any important event or function. Intense apprehension and worry about trifling matters. Aconite:
when symptoms are of Sudden onset of fever, with chilliness, throbbing pulses, and great restlessness-from anxiety. A remedy of cold, dry weather, bitter winds (opp. to Gels).
White tongue: thirst for much cold fluid. ( Phos) From every movement, every noise, attacked with dry heat (rev. of Nux, Gels., etc.) Wants two lies quite still, and be let alone. Especially with pleurisy, or pleuro-pneumonia. Headaches and pain all better for pressure, and worse for movement. ( Eup. per.)_ The anxiety, dreams, and delirium of Bry. are of business; in delirium, he "wants to go home," Pains in the head from coughing. Irritable.
Best anxiety homeopathic remedy for children.
There is a queer contradiction in the GRAPHITES children. With the uncertainty and hesitation, laziness and general physical sluggishness, there is always an element of anxiety in the children. Graphites Homeopathic constitution they always tend to look on the hopeless side of things; if they are going to a new school, they dread it.
Lycopodium clavatum:
Lycopodium is prepared from the spores of a fungus called as club moss. It is an inert substance until it undergoes the process of potentization to reveal its latent curative powers. Lycopodium is a deep acting, constitutional remedy having a very wide sphere of action. It positively affects the mental sphere, general nutrition, urinary system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive system, lungs, skin, etc.
Natrum Muriaticum:
This in a wonderful example of a drug prepared from an inert substance like common salt. After undergoing the process of Potentization, the inner healing powers of common salt are brought to the surface and thus is borne a deep-acting constitutional remedy. Natrum muriaticum is one of the most commonly used medicines in homeopathy It can be used for a wide range of disease processes and has a very broad spectrum of action.Natrum muriaticum is an excellent remedy for diseases affecting the general nutrition of the body and for anemia, fevers, thyroid affections, etc. Not only the physical ailments but also the psychic affections come under the domain of this wonderful drug.
Silicea (Silica):
It is one of the splendid acts of homeopathy that substances labeled as inert can also be used efficiently to treat a large variety of disorders. Silica is the example of one such substance, which is chemically inert in its natural form, but after undergoing the process of potentization it gets transformed into a wonderful, deep acting remedy. Silica is in a true sense called as polychrest remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. In fact, this remedy has helped Homeopaths world over to treat so-called surgical conditions gently without requiring the knife.
This is a drug that is prepared from the syphilitic virus by the process of potentization. It belongs to a group of homeopathic drugs called as Nosodes which are prepared from disease products or diseased tissues. The remedy prescribed does not contain the original drug substance in the material form but it contains only the dynamic powers of that substance. This is achieved through the process of potentization in homeopathy
Syphillinum is a deep acting, polychrest remedy affecting multiple systems of the body.
It positively influences the mind, sensorium, skin, gastrointestinal tract, genito-urinary system, nerves, bones, etc. It is a very helpful remedy to combat hereditary syphilitic tendencies in patients.
Repertorial approach:
Complete repertory:
Mentals, ALIMENTS from anxiety: 3Sil, 1 Aur, 1Calc, calc-p, carc, cimic, hyos, kali-p, lyc, nit-ac, ph-ac, pic-ac, samb, staph
Mentals, ALIMENTS from anxiety prolonged: 1Carc, 1pic-ac.
Mentals, ANXIETY: 3Acon, 3Arg-n, 3Ars, 3Ars-i, 3Ars-s-f,3Aur,3Aur-s, 3Bell, 3Bism,3Bry, 3Cact,3Calc, 3 Calc-ar, 3Calc-p, 3Calc-s, 3Camph, 3Cann-i, 3Carb-v, 3Carbn-s, 3Carc, 3Caust, 3Chin,3Con, 3Dig, 3Iod, 3Kali-ar, 3Kali-c, 3Kali-p, 3Kali-s, 3Lyc, 3Merc-c, 3Mez, 3Nat-ar, 3Nat-c, 3Nit-ac, 3Phos, 3Psor, 3Puls, 3Rhus-t, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Verat
Mentals, ANXIETY future, about: 3Bry, 3Calc, 3Chin-s, 3Cic, 3Phos, 3Spong,
Mentals, ANXIETY health, about: 3Kali-ar, 3Nit-ac, 3Phel, 2Arg, 2Calad, 2calc, 2calc-p, 2chin-ar, 2lyc, 2ph-ac, 2phos,2puls, 2Sep
Mentals, ANXIETY family, about: 3Rhus-t, 2Ars, 2Caust, 2Spig
Mentals, ANXIETY alone, when: 3Ars, 3Phos, 2Dros, 2Kali-br, 2Mez, 2Rhus-t
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep before: 2Mag-c. 2Rhus-t, 2Sulph
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep falling asleep, on: 2calc, 2caust,2lach, 2lyc, 2puls.
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep during: 3Ars, 2Bell,2cocc, 2graph, 2kali-c, 2kali-i, 2lyc, 2merc-c, 2nat-c, 2nat-m, 2nit-ac, 2phos, 2spong.
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep disturbed, with: 2acon,2ars,2bell, 2carb-v, 2cast, 2caust, 2chin, 2cocc, 2 ferr, 2graph, 2hep, 2hyos, 2ign, 2kali-c,2mag-c
Mentals, ANXIETYsleep preventing: 3Ars, 3Chin, 3Rhus-t, 3Sep
Mentals, ANXIETY sleeplesness, with: 2Acon, 3Ars, 3Cocc, 3Verat
Kent repertory:
MIND, ANXIETY: 3 Aco, 3Arg-n, 3Ars, 3Ars-i, 3Aur, 3Bell, 3Bism,3Bry, 3Cact, 3Calc, 3Calc-p, 3Calc-s, 3Camph, 3Cann-i, 3Carb-s, 3Carb-v, 3Caust, 3Chin, 3Con, 3Dig, 3Iod, 3Kali, 3Lyc, 3Mez, 3Nat-c, 3Nit-ac, 3Phos, 3Psor, 3Puls, 3Rhus-t, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Verat
MIND, ANXIETY, conscience, of (as if guilty of a crime): 3Alum, 3Ars, 3Aur, 3Chel, 3Dig, 3Psor. 2 am-c,2carb-c, 2cocc, 2con, 2ferr, 2graph, 2hyos, 2ign, 2med, 2merc, 2nat-m, nux-v, 2rhus-t, 2sil, 2sulph, 2thuj, 2verat, 2zinc.
MIND, ANXIETY, crowd, in a: 2acon, 2ambr, 2petr, 1bell, 1lyc, 1plat, 1stram.
MIND, ANXIETY, expected of him, when anything is: 2ars
Complete repertory:
Mentals, ALIMENTS from anxiety: 3Sil, 1 Aur, 1Calc, calc-p, carc, cimic, hyos, kali-p, lyc, nit-ac, ph-ac, pic-ac, samb, staph
Mentals, ALIMENTS from anxiety prolonged: 1Carc, 1pic-ac.
Mentals, ANXIETY: 3Acon, 3Arg-n, 3Ars, 3Ars-i, 3Ars-s-f,3Aur,3Aur-s, 3Bell, 3Bism,3Bry, 3Cact,3Calc, 3 Calc-ar, 3Calc-p, 3Calc-s, 3Camph, 3Cann-i, 3Carb-v, 3Carbn-s, 3Carc, 3Caust, 3Chin,3Con, 3Dig, 3Iod, 3Kali-ar, 3Kali-c, 3Kali-p, 3Kali-s, 3Lyc, 3Merc-c, 3Mez, 3Nat-ar, 3Nat-c, 3Nit-ac, 3Phos, 3Psor, 3Puls, 3Rhus-t, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Verat
Mentals, ANXIETY future, about: 3Bry, 3Calc, 3Chin-s, 3Cic, 3Phos, 3Spong,
Mentals, ANXIETY health, about: 3Kali-ar, 3Nit-ac, 3Phel, 2Arg, 2Calad, 2calc, 2calc-p, 2chin-ar, 2lyc, 2ph-ac, 2phos,2puls, 2Sep
Mentals, ANXIETY family, about: 3Rhus-t, 2Ars, 2Caust, 2Spig
Mentals, ANXIETY alone, when: 3Ars, 3Phos, 2Dros, 2Kali-br, 2Mez, 2Rhus-t
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep before: 2Mag-c. 2Rhus-t, 2Sulph
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep falling asleep, on: 2calc, 2caust,2lach, 2lyc, 2puls.
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep during: 3Ars, 2Bell,2cocc, 2graph, 2kali-c, 2kali-i, 2lyc, 2merc-c, 2nat-c, 2nat-m, 2nit-ac, 2phos, 2spong.
Mentals, ANXIETY sleep disturbed, with: 2acon,2ars,2bell, 2carb-v, 2cast, 2caust, 2chin, 2cocc, 2 ferr, 2graph, 2hep, 2hyos, 2ign, 2kali-c,2mag-c
Mentals, ANXIETYsleep preventing: 3Ars, 3Chin, 3Rhus-t, 3Sep
Mentals, ANXIETY sleeplesness, with: 2Acon, 3Ars, 3Cocc, 3Verat
Kent repertory:
MIND, ANXIETY: 3 Aco, 3Arg-n, 3Ars, 3Ars-i, 3Aur, 3Bell, 3Bism,3Bry, 3Cact, 3Calc, 3Calc-p, 3Calc-s, 3Camph, 3Cann-i, 3Carb-s, 3Carb-v, 3Caust, 3Chin, 3Con, 3Dig, 3Iod, 3Kali, 3Lyc, 3Mez, 3Nat-c, 3Nit-ac, 3Phos, 3Psor, 3Puls, 3Rhus-t, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Sec, 3Sulph, 3Verat
MIND, ANXIETY, conscience, of (as if guilty of a crime): 3Alum, 3Ars, 3Aur, 3Chel, 3Dig, 3Psor. 2 am-c,2carb-c, 2cocc, 2con, 2ferr, 2graph, 2hyos, 2ign, 2med, 2merc, 2nat-m, nux-v, 2rhus-t, 2sil, 2sulph, 2thuj, 2verat, 2zinc.
MIND, ANXIETY, crowd, in a: 2acon, 2ambr, 2petr, 1bell, 1lyc, 1plat, 1stram.
MIND, ANXIETY, expected of him, when anything is: 2ars
Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
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Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612
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