
Sunday, 5 February 2017

Autism spectrum disorders


                         Autism spectrum disorders

                         Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) belongs to the group of developmental disabilities that include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, learning disability. A complex neurodevelopmental illness of infants and young children that lead to behavioral, communication and social skills abnormalities. It generally appears during the first 2 years of life and alters the normal physiological condition of an individual.


                          These disorders are normally grouped under the umbrella of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and include: 

             .Autistic disorder (also known as infantile or childhood autism). 
               .Aspergers syndrome,

               .Retts syndrome,

               . Childhood disintegrative,

               . Pervasive developmental disorders.

Asperger's syndrome: 

                        A developmental disorder affecting ability to effectively socialize and communicate along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.
   Asperger's syndrome is a condition on the Autism spectrum, with generally functioning.  people with this condition may be socially awkward have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. Communication training and behavioral therapy can help people with the syndrome learn to socialize more successfully. 

Retts syndrome

                        Originally termed cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia is a rare genetic postnatal neurological disorder of the gray matter of the brain. Exclusively affects females but has also been found in male patients. the clinical features include small hands and feet and a deceleration of the rate if head growth. Repetitive stereotyped hand movements such as wringing and repeatedly putting hands into the mouth are also noted.  

 Childhood disintegrative:

                      The childhood disintegrative disorder and also known as Heller's Syndrome and disintegrative psychosis. Is a rare condition characterized by late onset developmental delays. stunning reversals in language, social function, and motor skills. researchers have been successful in finding a cause for the disorder. CDD has some similarity to Autism and is sometimes considered a low-functioning form of it.


                     Many causes of Autism have been proposed, but understanding of the causation of Autism and the other Autism spectrum disorders(ASD) incomplete. Research indicates that genetic factors predominate.
    Autism has many defined biological causes. some parental factors include intrauterine rubella, tuberous sclerosis, chromosomal abnormalities such as fragile X syndrome, as well as brain abnormalities such as hydrocephalus, postnatal condition with autism include phenylketonuria, infantile spasms, and herpes simplex encephalitis.
    Genetic predisposal in families has been noted with susceptibility locus on the arm of chromosome 13 and 7. these disorders are not caused by psychological factors. The occurrence of Autism is approximately four times more common in boys than in girls.

Sign and Symptoms:

- Lack of eye contact

- Flat of high-pitched speech

- Repetition of words and phrases(Echolalia)

- Difficulty in recognizing and understanding another's persons feelings or perspective.

- Hyperactivity or some children is dull or sluggish.

- Reluctance to initiate or continue conversation.

- Difficulty in comprehension.

- Hyper or hyposensitivity to pain, crowds and other external stimuli.

- Repetitive behaviors and ritualized activities.

- Inflexible behavior and difficulty in coping with change.

- Awkwardness. 

 Because of these impairments, people with ASD often find the demands of everyday life overwhelming. they frequently experience anxiety, confusion, and frustration.


      As of 2010 the rate of autism is estimated at about 1-2 per 1,000 people worldwide, and it occurs four to five times more often in boys than girls, about 1.5% of children in united states (one in 68) are diagnosed with ASD as if 2014, a 30% increase from one in 88 in 2012. The rate of Autism among adults aged 18 years and over in the united kingdom is 1.1%. The number of people diagnosed has been increasing dramatically since the 1980's, partly due to diagnostic practice and government-subsidized incentives for named diagnoses, the question of whether actual rates have increased is unresolved.

      There is an alarming increase of ASD in India it is estimated that more than 60 lakh(six million) children/people in India are affected by this abnormal condition of the brain. one out of 500 Indian infants have some symptoms of Autism and almost 20,000 new cases of ASD are getting registered every year.  


     Early accurate diagnosis is of extreme importance as early intervention is crucial to the child's progress. No drug or treatment cures Autism. The most important intervention is early and intensive remedial education that addresses both behavioral and communication disorders. Alternative therapies and intervention are available. 

     The homeopathic system in the treatment of Autism treats morbid symptoms and manifestation of this disease. Several studies showed that homeopathic medicine can provide relief in brain related abnormalities(Autism). The magnitude and seriousness of ASD in children especially its long term related developmental disabilities in the Indian sub-continent provides us an excellent opportunity for the simple and economical management of ASD in children. 

    When we study symptomatology of Autism spectrum disorders we see various patterns. some children present with predominant features pertaining to behaviors like extreme restlessness, impulsiveness, while some children present sensory disturbances, like oversensitivity to noise, touch etc. Some children also demonstrate a marked degree of regressive features like involuntary urine, stool, eating filth, low cognition etc. Accordingly, we could see distinct reportorial totality. 

    In homeopathy is so many remedies which help us to in case of Autistic disorders. 

homeopathic therapeutics

  Aconitum Napellus: 
              Suddenness is the mark in this remedy. it is a great storm and soon over. Great nervous, irritation and excitement. He has lost all affection for his friends. he does not care what becomes of them, he has not the slightest interest in them. It sometimes may be a state of indifference. Wherever there are complaints they are intense, violent and the patient is always in a state of anxiety and irritability. 

Arnica Montana: 

            he wants to be left alone, dose not wants to be bothered, and does not want to be talked to. Forgetful, absent minded, thoughts wander from their objects and dwell on images and fancies. Dose does not speak a word. sightful and intemted. Indifferent and hopeless. Great heat in the head, body cool. Awakens from heat and fears to sleep again. 

Baryta Carb:

            Mental and physical Debility. Timidity if dwarfish children with an undeveloped brain who learn with difficulty. Forgetful in midst of the speech, the most familiar words fail him. 
loss of memory for recent events, a peculiar dread of men. Imagines he is laughed at. Aversion to strangers. Fear of the presence of others. 


            The pain come suddenly, they remain longer or shorter, and they go suddenly. Excitement runs all through. Violence runs all through the mental symptoms. It is a wild state. He si wild, striking, biting, tearing things. Doing unusual things, doing strange things, doing unexpected things. He is in a state of excitability. Full of imagination. Sees ghosts, spirits. Apparently in a dream and he screams out. Dreams horrible things.

Calcarea Phos

              Dementia in young persons or in masturbators. Total loss of memory. Writes wrong words. Wishes to be at home and when there to go out from place to place. Dose not want to what he has to do. Easily frightened and depressed. 


           Anxious thoughts as if about to die. Want of self-confidence, indecision, timidity resignation. Loss of confidence in himself and in everything. Misanthropic, flies even from his own children. Distrustful, suspicious and fault finding. 


           Fantastical insanity with frightful visions, congregating around his bed and tormenting him. Talks in a confused manner. Commits indecent actions, cheerfulness and feeling of great strength with buffoonery and subsequent angry savageness or tearful sorrowfulness. Complete dementia, Excessive debility, frequent sweats and eruptions on skin. Diminished secretion of urine. 


            Scrofulous and helminthasis, with profuse salivation, frequent pulling at the gums, nocturnal fever with heat, abdomen hot, swollen, difficult stools, faces receding before the child can affect its passage, feet smell badly, notwithstanding every effort to prevent it, perspiration makes feet sore, profuse sour smelling perspiration upon the head in the evening, large head and large fontanels protruding gums, sensitive and seems blistered. 


Some rubric from Kent repertory:

MIND- indifference- Apathy- 3 Apis, 3 Carb-v, 3 Chin, 3 Hell, 3 Lit-t, 3 Nat-c, 3 Nat-m, 3Op,                                                              3Phos, 3Plat, 3Puls

                                                2 Lyco
MIND- Mood- Alternating:   3 Alum, 3 Bell, 3 Bov, 3 Ign, 3 Iod, 3Lyc, 3 Plat, 3 Sars, 
MIND-Restlessness- Nervousness- 3 Acon, 3Anac, 3 Arg-n, 3 Ars, 3Ars-i, 3 Bept, 3Bell, 3 Calc,                                                                 3Calc-ph, 3 Cupr, 3 Ferr, 3 Lyc, 3 Merc, 3 Puls, 3 Rhus-t, 3Sep, 3                                                           Sil, 3Tarent, 3 Zinc.

MIND-Speech-Babbling: 2 hyos, 1 plb

MIND-SENSITIVE- Noose, to: 3Acon, 3Asar, 3Bell, 3Bor, 3Chin, 3 Kali-c, 3 Nit-ac, 3Nux-v, 3Op

MIND-FIDGETY(see restlessness)

MIND-SENSITIVE-music: 2graph, 2lyc, 3Nat-c, 3Nux-v, 3Sep

MIND-INSANITY, madness: 3Ars, 3 Bell, 2 calc, 2 caust, 3Hyos, 3 Lyc, 3Merc, 3 Nux-v, 3Stram,                                                      3Tarent, 3Verat.

MIND-Speech-confused: 1bell, 2 cann-s, 2 crot-c, 2 gels, 2 lach, 1 lyc.

HEAD-Motions of head-Backward & forward: 2cham, 2 cina, 2 lyc, 2nux-v, 2 phos-ac, 2 verat-v.

MOUTH-Speech-Difficult: 3Bell, 3crot-c, 3Gels, 3lach, 3 nat-m, 3 op, 3 stann, 3 stram, 2 lyc, 2 nat-                                               c, 2phos.

MOUTH-Speech-Broken: 1 camph.

Some rubric from BBCR:

MIND-Awkwardness: 4agar, 3 anac, 5AP, 3 asaf, 4Bov, 4 caps, 4ign, 2 lyc, 4nat-m

MIND-Bite-Impuls to: 3 bell, 2 buf, 4Canth, 3hyo, 2 lys, 4Stra

MIND-Company-Averse to: 5 BAR-C, 3con, 4Dig, 4Gel, 3lyc, 3nat-m, 3sep, 5STAP.

MIND-Confused-Befuddled,muddled: 4Aco, 4Agar, 3arn, 4Ars, 3bar-c, 5BELL, 5BRY, 5CALC-C,                                                                   2calc-p, 5LYC, 5MERC, 5NAT-M, 5OP, 5SEP, 5SIL.

MIND-Insanity,irrational: 4Anac, 4Ars, 4Aur, 5BELL, 3calc-c, 3cimi, 5HYO, 4Ign, 4Lach, 4Lyc,                                                 4Op, 5PLAT, 5VER-A.

MIND-Laughter-Causeless: 2bar-c, 2buf

MIND-Overactive: 2 hyo, 2op, 2spi, 3spo, 2ver-a, 2verb.

MIND-Repeats same thing: 2lach, 2plat.

Dr. Farooq Khan's Elite Clinic
Shop No. 6, Darul falah colony,
Kausa-mumbra. Thane 400612

Phone no: 022-25350699
WhatsApp: 8097166756
Facebook page: Dr. Farooq khan's Elite clinic

Skype for online consultation: Khan.farooq0

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